How can you unite your health system through evidence-based practice to improve care and optimize clinician and patient experiences systemwide?
Explore Emory Healthcare’s success story, shared in a recorded webinar and an ebook, for insight that will help you:
Set actionable goals to address organizational challenges
Communicate effectively across the care continuum
Harness the power of technology
Overcome obstacles along the way
Measure key wins and lessons learned
Read about Emory Healthcare’s experiences in creating a culture of interprofessional collaboration and synchronizing their care teams around each patient’s story for high quality care.
Watch a 3 minute video of highlights from the panel session featuring healthcare professionals from Emory Healthcare and Elsevier.
Elsevierʼs clinical nursing portfolio provides comprehensive digital support for nursesʼ preparation, learning and development, day-to-day clinical care, and patient interactions – from the first day of their careers. When you partner with Elsevier for evidence-based content and tools, you can educate, evaluate and elevate your care team to support better engagement for them and better outcomes for your patients.
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