
    Evidence-based knowledge supports optimal clinical decisions

    With ClinicalKey, your nurses will have comprehensive and reliable information to help them navigate complex care questions. Working from the same trusted answers, your team will be able to deliver a consistent, high quality patient experience.

    Empowering nurses with trusted resources for clinical answers

    Enhance patient care with trusted resources

    As patient conditions get more complex, evidence-based information can help your nurses deliver high-quality care. ClinicalKey connects your clinical team with efficient answers to treatment questions — backed by in-depth foundational content — to support care decisions.

    CKN Benefits 3

    CKN Benefit2 right

    Drive care consistency across your organization

    Your clinicians can provide collaborative and standardized care through a single source of clinical knowledge. By offering current data to inform treatment plans hospital-wide, you can reduce cognitive burden for your clinicians and support better outcomes for your patients.

    Empower continuous, evidence-based learning

    Your nurses will build on their expertise with ongoing learning from gold-standard resources and cutting-edge research findings. With ClinicalKey to enrich their knowledge, they can advance their practice and deliver exemplary care.

    • Full text market-leading nursing books and journals

    • Clinical overviews for point-of-care answers

    • Mosby’s nursing monographs with summaries of key studies

    • Concise topic pages about disease conditions, paired with in-depth content and drug information

    • Nursing scales, drug calculators and labs

    • 550+ videos and 100,000+ images

    Enhance patient care with trusted resources - benefit 1

    Contact us to learn more

    Enhance patient care with resources you can always trust

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