Discover nursing solutions that support your clinical excellence journey

    As a forward-thinking nurse leader, you understand the pivotal role education and resources play in advancing your nursing team's performance.

    With current, evidence-based education and point-of-care resources from Elsevier, you can feel confident in your nurses’ ongoing professional competence and clinical proficiency.


    Elevate professional competence: Empower your nurses with current, evidence-based education and point-of-care resources. Instill confidence and enhance clinical proficiency, driving your team towards excellence.

    Build best practice skills and knowledge: Discover professional solutions that drive nurse confidence, competence, and clinical efficiency through meticulously crafted, evidence-based learning resources and point-of-care Skills support.

    Drive consistent, patient-centered care: Strengthen standardization across the care continuum and health system. Elsevier's clinical decision support and care coordination tools empower your team to deliver consistent, high-quality, patient-centered care.

    Deliver accessible patient education: Engage your patients with personalized information that empowers them to take charge of their health and fosters a collaborative approach to healthcare.

    Clinical Nursing Solutions

    Elsevier’s nursing and interprofessional solutions provide evidence-based knowledge that elevates patient care for novice nurses on their very first day to clinicians advancing their careers, by driving competence, confidence and clinical efficiency, to deliver better experiences for both care teams and patients throughout their healthcare journeys – today and tomorrow.

    Download our brochure to learn more about Clinical Nursing Solutions

    Ready to ignite transformation?

    Fill out the form below to learn more about Elsevier’s Clinical Nursing Solutions to help your organization meet professional development and clinical excellence goals.

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