Procedimientos estandarizados para UN CUIDADO CONSISTENTE
¡Conozca más acercade Clinical Skills! Formación estandarizada en competencias y gestión de las competencias en enfermería y otros profesionales de la salud para garantizar que los conocimientos y las habilidades estén actualizados y reflejen las mejores prácticas y las últimas pautas clínicas.
Elsevier Clinical Skills covers the principles of this procedure. Follow local guidelines and procedures concerning available equipment, resources and documentation.
After completing all elements of the skill, the learner should be able to:
Standard 1: 1.1
Standard 1: 1.3, 1.4, 1.8, 1.18, 1.19
Standard 2: 2.2, 2.5
Standard 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.11, 3.12, 3.15
Standard 5: 5.1, 5.3, 5.5
Standard 6: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.11
Standard 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Standard 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.5
Standard 4: 4.1, 4.2
Standard 5: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Standard 6: 6.1, 6.2, 6.5
Standard 7: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Professional and Collaborative Practice:
Standard 3: 3.1
Domain 1 Professional Responsibility: 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Domain 2 Management of Nursing Care: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6
Domain 3 Interpersonal Relationships: 3.1, 3.3
Domain 4 Interprofessional Health Care and Quality Improvement: 4.1, 4.2
Domain 1 Professional Responsibility: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Domain 2 Management of Nursing Care: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Domain 3 Interpersonal Relationships: 3.1, 3.2
Domain 4 Interprofessional Health Care and Quality Improvement: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
The skill Communicating with an Anxious Person (AUS and NZ) refers to the use of effective communication strategies to assist a person to cope with or adapt to a situation that precipitates anxiety. This skill is performed in the healthcare context by registered nurses (RNs), registered midwives (RMs) or enrolled nurses (ENs). The healthcare setting is a particularly stressful environment for many people. As such, it is important for healthcare professionals to be able to recognise signs of anxiety and respond appropriately. In order to provide optimal care, the healthcare professional performing this skill must have a sound understanding of the principles of effective communication and excellent interpersonal skills. They must also possess theoretical knowledge of triggers and physiological responses to anxiety, the observation skills to identify an anxious person and knowledge of appropriate techniques to assist the affected person.
Anxiety is an emotional response to a situation where a person perceives their safety or wellbeing to be at risk. It is characterised by persistent worry and can interfere with a person’s ability to function effectively in situations which would otherwise not cause problems (undefined#ref10">Cooper, 2014). Peplau (1963) identified the following four levels of anxiety.
Anxiety can be caused or triggered by single or multiple factors. While the cause and degree of anxiety will vary between individuals (Lovallo, 2015), some common groupings of triggers include:
Anxiety manifests itself through behavioural, cognitive, affective and physiological responses; however, the specific symptoms experienced vary according to the degree of anxiety. An anxious person’s physiological and behavioural signs and symptoms as well as their cognitive and affective responses should be assessed to establish the level of anxiety that they are experiencing (Perry et al., 2013) (see Table 1).
The physiological responses associated with anxiety (see Table 1) are modulated by the brain through the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS regulates the body’s involuntary processes such as breathing, digestion and heart rate to maintain internal homeostasis (Price, 2017). It is made up of parasympathetic nerves which conserve body responses and sympathetic nerves which activate body responses (Buijs et al., 2013).
During an episode of anxiety, the sympathetic fight-or-flight reaction prepares the body for a perceived emergency situation ( Stuart, 2013). The cortex of the brain activates the sympathetic fight-or-flight response as a reaction to the apparent threat. The adrenal glands are activated and cortisol (a stress hormone) is produced. Adrenaline is also released from the adrenal cortex causing increases in heart rate, respiration and arterial blood pressure, as well as increased energy through faster cell metabolism (Bankenahally & Krovvidi, 2016).
After the stressful event has passed, the fight-or-flight reaction subsides back to the pre-anxiety/stress phase. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated to restore the body to normal function by decreasing the amount of cortisol produced. Some people may remain in a stressed or anxious state for prolonged periods with symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, palpitations, chest pain or breathlessness due to the released stress chemicals still circulating within their body. This can delay deactivation and restoration of normal function (Jarrett et al., 2003).
An anxious person may experience an array of responses including physical signs and symptoms, behavioural responses, and cognitive or affective responses. Each of these is discussed briefly below.
Physical responses to anxiety are often overt and may include tachycardia, rapid breathing, shaking or trembling, dizziness, a dry mouth, sweaty palms, a low or high tone of voice and sweating (Stuart, 2013). Refer to Table 1 for more examples of physical responses.
A behavioural response to anxiety is a reflection of both the personal and interpersonal characteristics of a person, and can reflect a person’s coping mechanism(s) (Stuart, 2013). The person’s behaviour may change in ways such as withdrawal and decreased interpersonal involvement. An anxious person may also adopt ritualistic behaviours and become intent on performing activities in a certain way (Meiner, 2011). Refer to Table 1 for more examples of behavioural responses.
A cognitive response occurs when the person’s mental or thought processes are affected by anxiety. The person may display symptoms such as confusion, difficulty concentrating, inattention or loss of focus (Stuart, 2013). Refer to Table 1 for more examples of cognitive responses.
An affective response refers to a person’s emotional reaction and their subjective description of their experience or feelings in coping with anxiety. A person may describe themselves as ‘jumpy’, ‘apprehensive’, ‘overwhelmed’ or ‘worried’, or make statements like ‘I’m afraid but I don’t know why’ or ‘I’m scared’ (Perry, 2013). Refer to Table 1 for additional examples of affective responses.
Effective communication is fundamental to developing successful therapeutic relationships in the healthcare setting. Healthcare professionals can support people to decrease their anxiety through developing effective communication that assists them to regain control of their emotions (Bramhall, 2014).
The process of establishing effective therapeutic communication with an anxious person should begin with the aim of developing an open, trusting relationship. The healthcare professional should introduce themselves and provide a brief purpose for the interaction to follow, to ensure the person’s understanding and consent (Boschart, 2009). Commencing the relationship in an open and friendly way assists in establishing a trusting relationship, supporting the person and reducing their anxiety levels. The healthcare professional should also ask questions to identify the causes of the person’s anxiety. Possible communication barriers, such as the environment, values or language, should be assessed. Family members can be involved in the discussion after it has been determined that they are not contributing to the person’s anxiety. Involving family members with the person’s permission may assist in gathering useful information about the person from the perspective of those closest to them (Keltner, 2011).
The healthcare professional should use effective communication strategies to assess the nature and intensity of the symptomatic responses displayed by the anxious person (Meiner, 2011). The person’s response to the perceived threat should be assessed in order to provide optimal support, treatment and care (Perry et al., 2013). Anxiety should be managed according to the person’s presenting behaviour with consideration of any cognitive or physical impairment related to the anxiety. It is important for the healthcare professional to encourage the anxious person to discuss their feelings of anxiety while conveying, through verbal and nonverbal communication, awareness and acceptance (Kushnir et al., 2012).
The use of effective communication strategies by the healthcare professional can assist an anxious person to clarify the causes of their anxiety. Once a therapeutic relationship has been established, the healthcare professional may be able to assist the anxious person to identify strategies to cope with their anxiety and regain control of their emotions (Roohangiz et al., 2016). Effective communication improves overall satisfaction with care and health outcomes (Aust et al., 2016).
It is important that the healthcare provider pays attention to nonverbal cues during their communication with an anxious person. Nonverbal communication can powerfully demonstrate that the healthcare professional is present and assists in creating a therapeutic relationship. The healthcare professional should ensure that their posture, body position, gestures, eye contact, facial expression and movements are calm and congruent with the communication taking place (Bensing et al., 2008). Using active listening skills is an effective way to demonstrate to the anxious person that the healthcare professional is focused on their current state and wishes to understand their situation fully. The healthcare professional should also allow ample personal space between themselves and the anxious person in order to avoid increasing the person’s anxiety through crowding (Stuart, 2013).
Appropriate verbal communication that is clear and concise is important in preventing a person’s anxiety levels from increasing. Brief statements that acknowledge the person’s current feelings and provide direction, such as ‘It appears to me that you’re irritable or anxious’ or ‘I notice that you seem anxious’, can provide reassurance to the person (Fortinash & Holoday-Worret, 2008; Perry et al., 2013). The healthcare professional should also observe that the tone, pitch, rate and volume of their voice is calm and measured when verbally communicating with an anxious person. Effective communication strategies should be used to avoid tense or combative interactions which escalate anxiety (Gwynn et al., 2008; Stuart, 2013). For example, the healthcare professional should avoid asking ‘why’ questions in relation to a person’s behaviour (Rohrer et al., 2008). For further information about effective communication strategies, see the related skills Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Interactions (AUS and NZ) and Communication: Defusing Anger (AUS and NZ).
It is important for the healthcare professional to recognise their own anxiety when communicating with an anxious person as this has the potential to affect the therapeutic care (Perry et al., 2013). The healthcare professional’s awareness of their own feelings can prevent the transference of their own fears and frustrations onto the anxious person, thereby avoiding provocation of discomfort or defensiveness which may, in turn, exacerbate the person’s anxiety.
Healthcare professionals can provide the anxious person with management strategies through effective use of communication and coaching techniques. Teaching the person to identify possible sources of anxiety and use coping strategies can help them to understand and manage their anxiety better (Aust et al., 2016). For example, a deep breathing technique (where the person takes a deep breath and counts for 5 seconds before slowly exhaling) can enhance relaxation and reduce the perception of anxiety (Mellor, 2007). It is important to note that when people are under stress, they may require repeated explanations of techniques before they can comprehend and implement them (Perry et al., 2013).
Other coping strategies that can alleviate a person’s anxiety include the use of non-pharmacological comfort measures, such as modifying the environment and reducing anxiety triggers such as noise or visitors (Fortinash & Holoday-Worret, 2008). Supportive physical measures such as massage, art or visual therapy, warm baths or ambient music may also appeal to the affected person (Stuart, 2013). It is important to assess the anxious person’s interests as activities such as walking, swimming and other hobbies may provide a distraction from anxiety symptoms while increasing participation and enjoyment of other aspects of life (Stuart, 2013).
The healthcare professional should record all details of the interaction in the progress notes or according to the specific facility’s documentation requirements. The notes should include the level and cause of the person’s anxiety, any signs and symptoms and the communication/management strategies used to relieve the anxiety (Perry et al., 2013).
People with severe anxiety may require referral for a medical review and pharmacological interventions. Antidepressants or benzodiazepines can be prescribed to assist the anxious person to cope effectively with their emotions (Cooper, 2014).
Rationale: To determine the need for intervention and the goals of care.
Rationale: To reduce the risk of cross-contamination and cross-infection and to comply with infection control principles ( NHMRC, 2010; ACSQHC, 2017). Hand hygiene is the single most effective action to reduce healthcare-associated infections ( ACSQHC, 2017; HHA, 2016). Use PPE in accordance with standard precautions or, if required, transmission-based precautions, as indicated ( NHMRC, 2010).
Rationale: (a) To establish rapport, (b) to ensure the person’s safety and (c) to promote person-centred care, which requires the person to have a clear understanding of what task is planned and why the task is required in order to give consent ( ACSQHC, 2017).
Rationale: To identify and reduce anxiety precipitating stressors ( Fortinash & Holoday-Worret, 2008).
Rationale: To avoid increasing the person’s anxiety due to crowding ( Stuart, 2013).
Rationale: To reduce the person’s level of anxiety by engaging with their concerns and building rapport ( Stuart, 2013).
Rationale: To avoid increasing the person’s anxiety and to prevent the transfer of fears and frustrations from the healthcare professional to the person seeking care. ( Perry et al., 2013).
Rationale: To understand the source of anxiety and facilitate appropriate support. To measure the person’s ability to attend and focus ( Perry et al., 2013).
Rationale: To determine the person’s level of anxiety. Raised anxiety levels interfere with usual communication and may affect the success of the intervention.
Rationale: To gather new information or understanding of the situation about the person from a different perspective ( Keltner, 2011).
Rationale: To allow the person to manage their own anxiety in challenging circumstances ( Perry et al., 2013).To measure the person’s ability to adopt health-promoting behaviour ( Keltner, 2011).
Rationale: To determine to what extent the planned interaction has relieved the person’s anxiety ( Stuart, 2013).
Rationale: To avoid adverse outcomes and to ensure that the person is content ( ACSQHC, 2017).
Rationale: To reduce the risk of cross-contamination and cross-infection and to comply with infection control principles ( NHMRC, 2010; ACSQHC, 2017). Hand hygiene is the single most effective action to reduce healthcare-associated infections ( ACSQHC, 2017; HHA, 2016).
Rationale: To record the delivered care and to determine the effect of the intervention ( ACSQHC, 2017).
Rationale: To ensure escalation of care in the event of deterioration ( ACSQHC, 2017). To provide appropriate management of severe anxiety. In such cases, pharmacological intervention may be required to reduce core symptoms and improve functionality ( Fenton et al., 2010).
Crisp, J., Douglas, C., Rebeiro, G. & Waters, D. Potter and Perry's fundamentals of nursing – Australian version (5th ed.). Sydney: Elsevier.
Nicol, M., Bavin, C., Cronin, P., Rawlings-Anderson, K., Cole, E. & Hunter, J. (2012). Essential nursing skills (4th ed.). Edinburgh: Mosby Elsevier.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). (2018). Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses. Retrieved from:
Patton, K. & Thibodeau, G. (2016). Anatomy & physiology (9th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier.
Rebeiro, G., Wilson, D., Scully, N. & Jack, L. (2017). Fundamentals of nursing: clinical skills workbook (3rd ed.). Sydney: Elsevier.
Elsevier Australia would like to thank the following people who contributed to this skill: Vanessa Caple and Ruby Walter (Authors); Tina Campbell and Louise Ward (Section Editors); and Elizabeth Matters (Clinical Consultant).
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