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    How do I access the ClinicalKey WhatsApp channel? In order to access the ClinicalKey WhatsApp channel, you need to have the WhatsApp application installed on your mobile device. Once installed, go to from your mobile device to start exploring the channel. Within the app, you will only have access to articles linked to ClinicalKey if you have a personal subscription to ClinicalKey or if your institution has subscribed to ClinicalKey and you are using the app within the institution’s network. You may also register for a personal account and remote access to be able to access ClinicalKey wherever you are.

    How do I find out if my institution has access to ClinicalKey or ClinicalKey for Nursing? Access the ClinicalKey WhatsApp channel by going to on your mobile device and typing 33 to speak to one of our Customer Engagement team members.

    How do I opt-in to receive push notifications for monthly curated content playlists by specialty? You can opt-in by registering your name and mobile number here. You will be able to select which specialty content you would like to receive recommendations for in the registration form.

    How do I opt-out of push notifications for monthly curated content playlists by specialty? If you no longer wish to receive push notifications for monthly playlists for one or more specialties, you can opt-out here.

    What is the privacy policy of the ClinicalKey WhatsApp channel? Your telephone number will be collected and stored by Elsevier when you use this service. No other personal information will be collected unless you opt-in for proactive specialty reading recommendations where you will provide your specialties of interest and name if you wish to be identified. Your number will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose. When you navigate around the app, information about the sites visited will be recorded but will not be linked to your telephone number. If you click a link that sends you to a website of another agency or organisation, you should read the privacy policy of that agency or organisation.

    You can find more information about Elsevier’s privacy policy here:

    What is the Clinical Best Practice Council? Elsevier’s Clinical Best Practice Council consists of a team of industry experts, on hand to offer strategic and practical support in the delivery of knowledge-based care processes, supported by EHR integrated, clinical decision support systems. You can read their bios and their areas of expertise here

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