


    What is your greatest challenge in maintaining your standards for quality and profitability?

    Complete one of the three assessments below that best represents the most challenging aspect of your cancer center to receive more information on how you can use pathways to address these challenges.


    80% of oncologists reported feeling overwhelmed by the amount of new research, clinical trials, products, treatments, or procedures to keep up with.(1)

    Does your team struggle with care variability?

    Use this free diagnostic assessment to view your progress and identify opportunities to enhance your position with oncology pathways. Based on the answers provided, we’ll send you recommendations on how pathways can support your multidisciplinary team with narrowing the band of variability in care decisions.

    As oncology treatment options grow more complex, your physicians must make increasingly difficult decisions. But they often have little time to research their options. Clarity is another concern. Guidelines are comprehensive and not patient-specific, so they’ll have to select from multiple treatment options that may seem equally appropriate. These differing clinical interpretations cause unpredictable variations in care, which can spill over into higher risks and costs.

    You can narrow the band of variability in care by allowing your care team to deliver effective/efficient patient care throughout the patient's journey.

    Challenge 2: Understanding your practice patterns at every level

    Gaps in care coordination are estimated to contribute to $45B of waste in the US health system and can contribute to poor patient outcomes and reimbursement penalties.(2)

    Does your team struggle with understanding practice patterns?

    Use this free diagnostic assessment to view your progress and identify opportunities to enhance your position with oncology pathways. Based on the answers provided, we’ll send you recommendations on how pathways can enhance your data insights so you can better analyze practice patterns with your organization, physicians and patients.

    Payers want more proof of the outcomes you’re delivering through value-based care models and prior authorization programs. Your success in these programs hinges on complete, accurate, and timely data. But extracting and analyzing the data trapped in physician notes or the EHR is a costly, time-consuming process. And you end up with blind spots and delays that can negatively affect decision making, quality reporting, and reimbursement.

    Fortunately, you can streamline this process by profiling your oncology practice patterns at every level—from the network or practice site down to the individual physician or patient.

    Challenge 3: Embedding clinical research into your team’s workflows

    Over 70% of cancer patients are interested in participating in a trial, but only 2–4% end up accruing.(3,4)

    Does your team struggle with clinical trial awareness?

    Use this free diagnostic assessment to view your progress and identify opportunities to enhance your position with oncology pathways. Based on the answers provided, we’ll send you recommendations on how pathways can help keep clinical research and clinical trial opportunities top of mind.

    The prestige of clinical research helps you recruit talented physicians who dream of curing cancer. And offering ground-breaking clinical trials is a great way to attract patients beyond your local community. Industry-sponsored studies are also often well compensated, which brings in additional revenue while lowering the financial burden on your patients. Yet, most clinical trial programs operate at a loss. This happens because it’s hard to identify the optimal clinical trials to run at your institution—and enroll enough patients to keep a trial open.

    You can boost your research program’s reach and profitability by embedding clinical research into your team’s workflows.

    Navigate your journey to an appropriate oncology pathways program

    It’s an exciting time to be in oncology with new treatments, drugs, and therapies offering promising opportunities to improve patient outcomes. However, this new explosion of data and information can strain how you manage standardization, practice patterns, and clinical trials.

    An evidence-based pathways program embedded into the clinical workflow can support your institution in identifying opportunities for care standardization, participating in value-based reimbursement models, and operating profitable clinical research programs.

    1. Physician Learning Preferences: A Doximity Report, Doximity, 2022

    2. Berwick DM, et al. JAMA. 2012;307(14):1513–16.

    3. Clinical Trials in Immunotherapy, Association of Community Cancer Centers, Jul 27, 2017

    4. Clinical Trial Accrual: Obstacles and Opportunities, Frontiers in Oncology, April 25, 2016

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