While the journey to ANCC Magnet® Recognition may be challenging, it highlights your commitment to excellence in nursing and patient care and has far-reaching impacts. According to ANCC, nurses view Magnet® Recognition as a commitment to education and development through every career stage, which leads to greater autonomy at the bedside. And to patients it means the very best care, delivered by nurses who are supported to be the very best that they can be.1
The rewards of Magnet® extend throughout healthcare organizations and their communities. Hospitals with Magnet® Recognition earn better Hospital Quality Star Ratings than non-Magnet® hospitals across multiple quality measures, including a 23% higher overall Hospital Quality Star Rating.2
72% of organizations with Magnet® Recognition choose Elsevier
By creating and sustaining a culture of excellence through the Magnet Recognition Program®, you have the opportunity to:
Attract and retain talented nurses
Decrease mortality rates and hospital stays
Increase patient experience ratings
Lower operational costs and RN turnover
Elsevier promotes your endeavors to advance nursing practice and patient care through our clinical nursing solutions. By ensuring high quality evidence-based resources are in place, you can strengthen clinical knowledge, empower critical thinking, and foster better experiences for your care team and patients.
Elsevier supports the 5 Magnet Model Components in the following ways:
Transformational Leadership — Elsevier helps you lead transformation by providing a wealth of evidence-based knowledge for your emerging and established leaders to continually develop themselves — and support development of your nurses — in pursuit of your organization’s vision of clinical excellence.
Structural Empowerment — Elsevier helps you develop your team and execute your organizational plans by delivering a deep, broad, and consistent foundation of clinical evidence on which to standardize practice across experience levels and care settings.
Exemplary Professional Practice — Elsevier helps your nursing team practice proficiently by providing evidence-based knowledge for competency management, interprofessional collaboration, and lifelong learning; along with skills, procedures, and care plans to enable sound clinical reasoning and best practices at the point of care.
New Knowledge, Innovation, & Improvements — Elsevier helps your organization adopt the latest insights and innovate nursing by delivering cutting-edge, continuously updated, evidence-based content through advanced learning modalities to support the application of critical thinking all along the nursing journey.
Empirical Quality Results — Elsevier helps your organization achieve positive outcomes by providing meaningful data and reports across outcome categories that enable your stakeholders to analyze performance, understand strengths and gaps, and take action to improve results.
Kruszewski, K. (2023, January). Hospital Quality Metrics And Magnet® Recognition Study (April 2021 – March 2022).
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