Nurse interviews

    Janelle Sokolowich Academic Vice President, Dean of the College of Health Professions Western Governors University
    Gerry Altmiller, Director, Quality and Safety Innovation Center The College of New Jersey
    Juliet Kolde Director, Learning Resources Vice President, Nightengale Innovations
    Marcelle Bronzoni Registered Nurse and Product Sales Manager, Elsevier
    Michael Gügel Head of Education Center for Health Professions, Klinikum Landkreis Erdin
    Pamela Poku Registered Nurse & CDS Renewal Manager, Elsevier
    Robert Nieves, Juris Doctor, MBA, MPA, BSN, RN VP Health Informatics, Clinical Solutions, Elsevier
    Stefanie Schlieben Deputy head of the training center for health professions, Klinikum Landkreis Erding
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