
    Anxiety (Pediatric Inpatient)


    Anxiety (Pediatric Inpatient)

    Clinical Description

    • Care of the hospitalized child experiencing feelings of apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty or dread about possible future events and the ability to deal with the events.

    Key Information

    • Anxiety is a subjective, individual experience ranging from vague discomfort to feelings of panic. It is a normal response to threatening situations.
    • Increased parental anxiety and concern has been directly correlated to increased anxiety and concern in children.
    • Studies show a decrease in a child’s anxiety when provided with coping strategies prior to a procedure or surgery.
    • Anxiety can become excessive and difficult to control; negatively affecting day-to-day living, physical comfort and medical diagnosis symptoms.

    Clinical Goals

    By transition of care

    A. The patient will achieve the following goals:
    • Anxiety Reduction or Resolution

    B. Patient, family or significant other will teach back or demonstrate education topics and points:
    • Education: Overview
    • Education: When to Seek Medical Attention
    • Education: Self Management

    Correlate Health Status

    • Correlate health status to:

      • history, comorbidity, congenital anomaly
      • age, developmental level
      • sex, gender identity
      • baseline assessment data
      • physiologic status
      • response to medication and interventions
      • psychosocial status, social determinants of health
      • barriers to accessing care and services
      • child and family/caregiver:
        • health literacy
        • cultural and spiritual preferences
      • safety risks
      • family interaction
      • plan for transition of care



    • acting out
    • agitation
    • anger
    • apprehension
    • crying
    • distress
    • fear
    • helplessness
    • hypervigilance
    • increased dependence
    • irritability
    • joking
    • nervousness
    • panic
    • regressive behavior
    • restlessness
    • sense of impending doom
    • social withdrawal
    • worry

    Physical symptoms

    • dry mouth
    • muscle tension
    • shortness of breath
    • skin flushed
    • skin rash
    • sleep disturbance
    • urinary frequency
    • urinary urgency

    Vital Signs

    • heart rate increased

    Problem Intervention

    Promote Anxiety Reduction

    • Maintain a calm and reassuring environment; minimize noise; provide familiar items; offer choices; follow home routine.
    • Encourage parent/caregiver presence and participation to enhance ability to support the child.
    • Support expression and identification of feelings and worries; compassionately acknowledge and validate concerns.
    • Utilize existing coping strategies and assist in developing new strategies (e.g., music, deep breathing, relaxation techniques, massage, diversional activity, play, pet therapy).
    • Identify thoughts and feelings that led to current anxiety onset to enhance understanding of triggers.
    • Reframe anxiety-provoking situations; provide a new perspective; engage in problem-solving.
    • Utilize anticipatory guidance to enhance sense of control.
    • Consider referral for a comprehensive assessment if there are concerns about the number, severity and duration of symptoms; degree of distress; functional impairment or excessive substance use.

    Associated Documentation

    • Complementary Therapy
    • Supportive Measures
    • Family/Support System Care


    CPG-Specific Education Topics


    • risk factors

    • signs/symptoms

    When to Seek Medical Attention

    • unresolved/worsening symptoms

    Self Management

    • coping strategies

    • resources for support

    General Education Topics

    General Education

    • admission, transition of care

    • orientation to care setting, routine

    • advance care planning

    • diagnostic tests/procedures

    • diet modification

    • opioid medication management

    • oral health

    • medication management

    • pain assessment process

    • safe medication disposal

    • tobacco use, smoke exposure

    • treatment plan

    Safety Education

    • call light use

    • equipment/home supplies

    • fall prevention

    • harm prevention

    • infection prevention

    • MDRO (multidrug-resistant organism) care

    • personal health information

    • resources for support


    • Bert, F.; Gualano, M. R.; Camussi, E.; Pieve, G.; Voglino, G.; Siliquini, R. Animal assisted intervention:  A systematic review of benefits and risks. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2016;8(5), 695-706. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Bert, F.; Gualano, M. R.; Camussi, E.; Pieve, G.; Voglino, G.; Siliquini, R. Animal assisted intervention:  A systematic review of benefits and risks. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2016;8(5), 695-706. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Capurso, M.; Ragni, B. Psycho-educational preparation of children for anaesthesia:  A review of intervention methods. Patient Education and Counseling. 2016;99(2), 173-185. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Capurso, M.; Ragni, B. Psycho-educational preparation of children for anaesthesia:  A review of intervention methods. Patient Education and Counseling. 2016;99(2), 173-185. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Chow, C. H.; Van Lieshout, R. J.; Schmidt, L. A.; Dobson, K. G.; Buckley, N. Systematic review:  Audiovisual interventions for reducing preoperative anxiety in children undergoing elective surgery. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2016;41(2), 182-203. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsv094 [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Chow, C. H.; Van Lieshout, R. J.; Schmidt, L. A.; Dobson, K. G.; Buckley, N. Systematic review:  Audiovisual interventions for reducing preoperative anxiety in children undergoing elective surgery. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2016;41(2), 182-203. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsv094 [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. (2013, August 13). Best evidence statement (BESt).  Providing most effective child life care for patients having general anesthesia. (pp.5). Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. (2013, August 13). Best evidence statement (BESt).  Providing most effective child life care for patients having general anesthesia. (pp.5). Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Halter, M. J. (2018). Varcarolis' foundations of psychiatric-mental health nursing: A clinical approach.. St. Louis: Elsevier. [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Hockenberry, M. J.; Wilson, D.; Rodgers, C. C. (2019). Wong's nursing care of infants and children. St. Louis: Mosby, Elsevier. [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Hockenberry, M. J.; Wilson, D.; Rodgers, C. C. (2019). Wong's nursing care of infants and children. St. Louis: Mosby, Elsevier. [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Koller, D.; Goldman, R. D. Distraction techniques for children undergoing procedures:  A critical review of pediatric research. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2012;27(6), 652-681. doi: [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Koller, D.; Goldman, R. D. Distraction techniques for children undergoing procedures:  A critical review of pediatric research. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2012;27(6), 652-681. doi: [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Kuang, H. The efficacy of benzodiazepines as acute anxiolytics in children: A meta-analysis.. Depression & Anxiety. 2017;34(10), 888-896. doi:10.1002/da.22643 Source[Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Locher, C.. Efficacy and Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors, and Placebo for Common Psychiatric Disorders Among Children and Adolescents. JAMA Psychiatry. 2017;74(10), 1011-1020. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.2432 [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Munn, Z.; Jordan, Z. Interventions to reduce anxiety, distress, and the need for sedation in pediatric patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging:  A systematic review. Journal of Radiology Nursing. 2013;32(2), 87-96. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Munn, Z.; Jordan, Z. Interventions to reduce anxiety, distress, and the need for sedation in pediatric patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging:  A systematic review. Journal of Radiology Nursing. 2013;32(2), 87-96. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Norton-Westwood, D. The health-care environment through the eyes of a child?  Does it soothe or provoke anxiety?. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2012;18(1), 43292. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172X.2011.01995.x [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Norton-Westwood, D. The health-care environment through the eyes of a child?  Does it soothe or provoke anxiety?. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2012;18(1), 43292. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172X.2011.01995.x [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
    • Robb, S. L.; Hanson-Abromeit, D. A review of supportive care interventions to manage distress in young children with cancer and parents. Cancer Nursing. 2014;37(4), E1-26. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000095 [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Robb, S. L.; Hanson-Abromeit, D. A review of supportive care interventions to manage distress in young children with cancer and parents. Cancer Nursing. 2014;37(4), E1-26. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000095 [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Runyon, K.. Screening for childhood anxiety: A meta-analysis of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders.. Journal of Affective Disorders . 2018;240, 220-229. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.07.049 Source[Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Sridharan, K.; Sivaramakrishnan, G. Therapeutic clowns in pediatrics:  A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2016;175(10), 1353-1360. [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Sridharan, K.; Sivaramakrishnan, G. Therapeutic clowns in pediatrics:  A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2016;175(10), 1353-1360. [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Tsitsi, T.; Raftopoulos, V.; Papastavrou, E.; Charalambous, A. Complementary and alternative medical interventions for the management of anxiety in parents of children who are hospitalized and suffer from a malignancy:  A systematic review of RCTs. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2014;6(1), 112-124. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Tsitsi, T.; Raftopoulos, V.; Papastavrou, E.; Charalambous, A. Complementary and alternative medical interventions for the management of anxiety in parents of children who are hospitalized and suffer from a malignancy:  A systematic review of RCTs. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2014;6(1), 112-124. doi: [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Van Der Heijden, M. J. E.; Araghi, S. O.; Van Dijk, M.; Jeekel, J.; Hunink, M. M. The effects of perioperative music interventions in pediatric surgery:  A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS One. 2015;10(8), e0133608. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133608 [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Van Der Heijden, M. J. E.; Araghi, S. O.; Van Dijk, M.; Jeekel, J.; Hunink, M. M. The effects of perioperative music interventions in pediatric surgery:  A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS One. 2015;10(8), e0133608. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133608 [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Wang, Z.; Whiteside, S.; Sim, L.; Farah, W.; Morrow, A.; Alsawas, M.; Barrionuevo Moreno, P.; Tello, M.; Asi, N.; Beuschel, B.; Daraz, L.; Almasri, J.; Zaiem, F.; Gunjal, S.; Larrea Mantilla, L.; Ponce Ponte, O.; LeBlanc, A.; Prokop, L. J.; Murad, M. H. (2017). Anxiety in Children. Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 192. . Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. doi:10.23970/AHRQEPCCER192 Source[Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Wang, Z.; Whiteside, S.; Sim, L.; Farah, W.; Morrow, A.; Alsawas, M.; Barrionuevo Moreno, P.; Tello, M.; Asi, N.; Beuschel, B.; Daraz, L.; Almasri, J.; Zaiem, F.; Gunjal, S.; Larrea Mantilla, L.; Ponce Ponte, O.; LeBlanc, A.; Prokop, L. J.; Murad, M. H. (2017). Anxiety in Children. Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 192. . Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. doi:10.23970/AHRQEPCCER192 Source[Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]


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