
    Budesonide; formoterol

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    Budesonide; Formoterol



    • asthma maintenance
    • chronic bronchitis
    • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    • emphysema


    • bronchospasm
    • exercise-induced bronchospasm prophylaxis
    † Off-label indication

    For asthma maintenance treatment

    Respiratory (Inhalation) dosage (pressurized metered-dose inhalation aerosol; e.g., Symbicort, Breyna MDI)


    160 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) or 320 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth twice daily. Base starting dose on prior asthma therapy and disease severity. Max: 640 mcg budesonide/18 mcg formoterol/day.[32950] [72049]

    Children and Adolescents 12 to 17 years

    160 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) or 320 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth twice daily. Base starting dose on prior asthma therapy and disease severity. Max: 640 mcg budesonide/18 mcg formoterol/day.[32950] [72049]

    Children 6 to 11 years

    160 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth twice daily. Max: 320 mcg budesonide/18 mcg formoterol/day.[32950] [72049]

    Respiratory (Inhalation) dosage (NAEPP)


    160 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) or 320 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth once or twice daily. When used as both controller and reliever therapy, the maximum formoterol dose is 54 mcg/day.[66299]

    Children and Adolescents 12 to 17 years

    160 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) or 320 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth once or twice daily. When used as both controller and reliever therapy, the maximum formoterol dose is 54 mcg/day.[66299]

    Respiratory (Inhalation) dosage (GINA; Symbicort Turbohaler dry inhalation powder† or pressurized metered dose inhaler†)


    200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol (1 actuation of 200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol/actuation, which delivers 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation) inhaled by mouth once or twice daily, depending on asthma severity, plus 1 inhalation whenever needed. When used as both a controller and a reliever therapy, the maximum formoterol dose is 72 mcg/day (12 actuations of 200/6 inhaler strength).[69016]

    Children and Adolescents 12 to 17 years†

    200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol (1 actuation of 200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol/actuation, which delivers 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation) inhaled by mouth once or twice daily, depending on asthma severity, plus 1 inhalation whenever needed. When used as both a controller and a reliever therapy, the maximum formoterol dose is 72 mcg/day (12 actuations of 200/6 inhaler strength).[69016]

    Children 6 to 11 years†

    100 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol (1 actuation of 100 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol/actuation, which delivers 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation) inhaled by mouth once or twice daily, depending on asthma severity, plus 1 additional inhalation whenever needed. Max: 48 mcg formoterol/day when used as both controller and reliever therapy (8 actuations of 100/6 inhaler strength).[69016]

    For the treatment of transient increase in bronchospasm† (e.g., episodic wheezing) as asthma reliever therapy

    Respiratory (Inhalation) dosage (NAEPP recommendation)


    160 mg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) to 320 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth as needed in addition to a daily maintenance dose; may repeat dose after 5 minutes if needed. Max: 54 mcg/day of formoterol (12 actuations/day of 4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation).[66299]

    Children and Adolescents 12 to 17 years

    160 mg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 80 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) to 320 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth as needed in addition to a daily maintenance dose; may repeat dose after 5 minutes if needed. Max: 54 mcg/day of formoterol (12 actuations/day of 4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation).[66299]

    Respiratory (Inhalation) dosage (GINA recommendation)


    200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol (1 actuation of 200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol/actuation which delivers 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 formoterol per actuation) inhaled by mouth whenever needed. May provide as anti-inflammatory reliever (AIR) therapy alone or as part of maintenance-and-reliever therapy (MART). Max: 72 mcg/day formoterol, inclusive of reliever and controller therapy (12 actuations of 200/6 inhaler strength).[69016]

    Children and Adolescents 12 to 17 years†

    200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol (1 actuation of 200 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol/actuation which delivers 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 formoterol per actuation) inhaled by mouth whenever needed. May provide as anti-inflammatory reliever (AIR) therapy alone or as part of maintenance-and-reliever therapy (MART). Max: 72 mcg/day formoterol, inclusive of reliever and controller therapy (12 actuations of 200/6 inhaler strength).[69016]

    Children 6 to 11 years†

    100 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol (1 actuation of 100 mcg budesonide/6 mcg formoterol/actuation which delivers 80 mcg budesonide and 4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation) inhaled by mouth whenever needed. Use only as part of a maintenance-and-reliever therapy (MART) regimen. There is inconclusive evidence for using it as an anti-inflammatory reliever (AIR) therapy only in this age group. Max: 48 mcg/day formoterol, inclusive of controller and reliever therapy (8 actuations of 100/6 inhaler strength).[69016]

    For exercise-induced bronchospasm prophylaxis†

    Respiratory (Inhalation) dosage (inhalation aerosol; e.g., Symbicort)


    160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol (1 actuation of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth 5 to 20 minutes before exercise.[56291] [64814] [69016]

    For the maintenance treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (e.g., chronic bronchitis or emphysema), and to reduce COPD exacerbations

    Respiratory (Inhalation) dosage (pressurized metered-dose inhalation aerosol; e.g., Symbicort, Breyna MDI)


    320 mcg budesonide/9 mcg formoterol (2 actuations of 160 mcg budesonide/4.5 mcg formoterol/actuation) inhaled by mouth twice daily is the recommended and max dosage.[32950] [72049] Do not use other long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs) concurrently. If taking oral corticosteroids, wean the OCS slowly after transferring to budesonide; formoterol by reducing the daily dose by 2.5 mg prednisone or equivalent on a weekly basis.[32950] [72049]

    Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

    Maximum Dosage Limits

    • Adults

      FDA labeled maximum is 640 mcg of budesonide and 18 mcg of formoterol via oral inhalation/day (4 inhalations/day of FDA-approved products containing 160 mcg budesonide and 4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation). GINA guidance (off-label) for maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) regimens recommends not to exceed 72 mcg/day of formoterol via oral inhalation. NAEPP (off-label) recommends not exceeding 54 mcg/day of formoterol for MART therapy.

    • Geriatric

      FDA labeled maximum is 640 mcg of budesonide and 18 mcg of formoterol via oral inhalation/day (4 inhalations/day of FDA-approved products containing 160 mcg budesonide and 4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation). GINA guidance (off-label) for maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) regimens recommends not to exceed 72 mcg/day of formoterol via oral inhalation. NAEPP (off-label) guidance differs, and recommends not exceeding 54 mcg/day of formoterol for MART therapy.

    • Adolescents

      FDA labeled maximum is 640 mcg of budesonide and 18 mcg of formoterol via oral inhalation/day (4 inhalations/day of FDA-approved products containing 160 mcg budesonide and 4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation). GINA guidance (off-label) for maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) regimens recommends not to exceed 72 mcg/day of formoterol via oral inhalation. NAEPP (off-label) guidance differs, and recommends not exceeding 54 mcg/day of formoterol for MART therapy.

    • Children

      12 years: FDA labeled maximum is 640 mcg of budesonide and 18 mcg of formoterol via oral inhalation/day (4 inhalations/day of FDA-approved products containing 160 mcg budesonide and 4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation). GINA guidance (off-label) for maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) regimens recommends not to exceed 72 mcg/day of formoterol via oral inhalation. NAEPP (off-label) guidance differs, and recommends not exceeding 54 mcg/day of formoterol for MART therapy.

      6 to 11 years: FDA labeled maximum is 320 mcg of budesonide and 18 mcg of formoterol via oral inhalation/day (4 inhalations/day of FDA-approved products containing 80 mcg budesonide and 4.5 mcg formoterol per actuation). GINA guidance (off-label) for maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) recommends not to exceed 48 mcg/day of formoterol via oral inhalation. NAEPP has not provided MART dosing guidance for this age group.

      1 to 5 years: Safety and efficacy have not been established.

    • Infants

      Safety and efficacy have not been established.

    Patients with Hepatic Impairment Dosing

    Specific guidelines for dosage adjustments in hepatic impairment are not available; it appears that no dosage adjustments are needed.

    Patients with Renal Impairment Dosing

    Specific guidelines for dosage adjustments in renal impairment are not available; it appears that no dosage adjustments are needed.

    † Off-label indication
    Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


    32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.56291 - Parsons JP, Hallstrand TS, Mastronarde JG, et al. An official American Thoracic Society clinical practice guideline exercise induced bronchoconstriction. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013;187:1016-1027.64814 - Lazarinis N, Jorgensen L, Ekstrom T, et al. Combination of budesonide/formoterol on demand improves asthma control by reducing exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Thorax 2014;2:130-6.66299 - Expert Panel Working Group of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) administered and coordinated National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee (NAEPPCC), et al. 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines: A Report from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee Expert Panel Working Group. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020;146:1217-1270.69016 - Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2023. Available from: Accessed May 22, 2023.72049 - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.

    How Supplied

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Breyna 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00378-7502) (Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (50090-6382) (A-S Medication Solutions LLC) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00310-7372) (Prasco Laboratories) nullBudesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol package photo

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Symbicort 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (50090-4510) (A-S Medication Solutions LLC) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Symbicort 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00186-0372) (AstraZeneca LP) nullSymbicort 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol package photo

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Symbicort 80mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00186-0372) (AstraZeneca LP) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Breyna 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00378-7503) (Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (50090-6327) (A-S Medication Solutions LLC) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Budesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00310-7370) (Prasco Laboratories) nullBudesonide/Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol package photo

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Symbicort 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (50090-1403) (A-S Medication Solutions LLC) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Symbicort 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (50090-4508) (A-S Medication Solutions LLC) null

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Symbicort 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00186-0370) (AstraZeneca LP) nullSymbicort 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol package photo

    Budesonide, Formoterol Fumarate Pressurized inhalation, suspension

    Symbicort 160mcg-4.5mcg/actuation Inhalation Aerosol (00186-0370) (AstraZeneca LP) null



    Budesonide; formoterol is a combination of an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), budesonide, and a long-acting beta-2 agonist (LABA), formoterol. It is administered by oral inhalation twice daily. The combination is indicated for the maintenance treatment of asthma in adult and pediatric patients 6 years and older. Budesonide; formoterol is also indicated for the maintenance treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in adults and to reduce the risk of exacerbations of COPD.[32950][72049] According to the FDA-approved label, budesonide; formoterol is not recommended for acute bronchospasm or acute asthmatic attacks.[32950][32953][72049] However, guidelines have promoted the use of "MART" (maintenance-and-reliever therapy) inhaler dosing strategies for ICS-formoterol and the data are strongest for the budesonide-formoterol inhalers. Budesonide; formoterol may also be used alone for mild asthma (step 1 and 2) in people 12 years and older as antiinflammatory reliever (AIR) therapy. AIR therapy with budesonide-formoterol is more effective than as-needed short-acting beta agonists (SABAs) at reducing severe exacerbations and emergency department visits/hospitalizations in these populations.[69016][66299] According to COPD guidelines, budesonide; formoterol is an option for those patients with stable disease who are already receiving this therapy with no major symptoms or exacerbations. Escalation to triple therapy with an ICS + LABA + long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) should be considered for COPD patients who have further exacerbations or major symptoms. Budesonide; formoterol may also be appropriate for those patients in areas with limited access to triple therapy. Patients with COPD who have concomitant asthma should be treated with an ICS as part of their COPD regimen.[69470]


    • Respiratory System
      • Agents for Reactive and Obstructive Airway Diseases
        • Reactive and Obstructive Airway Disease Combinations
          • Respiratory Corticosteroids in Combination with Respiratory Long-Acting Beta-2 Agonists
    Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


    32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.32953 - Noonan M, Rosenwasser LJ, et al. Efficacy and safety of budesonide and formoterol in one pressurized metered-dose inhaler in adults and adolescents with moderate to severe asthma: a randomized clinical trial. Drugs 2006;66:2235-54. Abstract66299 - Expert Panel Working Group of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) administered and coordinated National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee (NAEPPCC), et al. 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines: A Report from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee Expert Panel Working Group. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020;146:1217-1270.69016 - Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2023. Available from: Accessed May 22, 2023.69470 - Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2024. Retrieved 12/5/2023. Available on the World Wide Web at - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.

    Administration Information

    General Administration Information

    For storage information, see the specific product information within the How Supplied section.

    Route-Specific Administration

    Inhalation Administration

    Oral Inhalation Administration

    Aerosol pressurized metered-dose Inhalers (pMDIs, e.g., Symbicort, Breyna)

    • Instruct patients on proper inhalation technique. See the manufacturer provided "Instructions for Use". Make sure the canister is firmly seated in the plastic mouthpiece adapter before each use The counter on the canister willl count down with each actuation of the inhaler.
    • The inhaler should be primed before the first use, when more than 7 days have elapsed since the last use, or if it has been dropped. To prime the inhaler, shake the canister for 5 seconds and release a test spray away from the face; then repeat steps for a second test spray.
    • For patients of any age unable to coordinate inhalation and actuation, a spacer or valved holding chamber (VHC) should be used.
    • The choice of using a mouthpiece versus a face mask with a spacer/VHC device must be made based on the skills and understanding of each individual patient. However, in general, children less than 4 years old require administration with a tight-fitting face mask and spacer/VHC device to achieve optimal delivery. If a face mask is used, allow 3 to 5 inhalations per actuation.
    • Following administration, instruct patient to rinse their mouth with water without swallowing to minimize dry mouth and local infection.
    • To avoid the spread of infection, do not use the inhaler for more than one person.
    • Throw away the MDI when the counter reaches zero ("0") or 3 months after the inhaler is taken out of its foil pouch, whichever comes first.[32950][72049]

    Clinical Pharmaceutics Information

    From Trissel's 2‚Ñ¢ Clinical Pharmaceutics Database
      Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


      32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.72049 - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.

      Adverse Reactions


      • agitation
      • back pain
      • cough
      • dizziness
      • ecchymosis
      • headache
      • infection
      • influenza
      • muscle cramps
      • nasal congestion
      • nausea
      • pharyngitis
      • restlessness
      • rhinitis
      • sinusitis
      • tremor
      • urticaria
      • vomiting


      • adrenocortical insufficiency
      • angina
      • candidiasis
      • cataracts
      • depression
      • growth inhibition
      • hyperglycemia
      • hypertension
      • hypokalemia
      • hypotension
      • hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) suppression
      • osteopenia
      • osteoporosis
      • palpitations
      • QT prolongation
      • sinus tachycardia
      • supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
      • wheezing


      • anaphylactoid reactions
      • angioedema
      • asthma-related death
      • atrial fibrillation
      • increased intracranial pressure
      • ocular hypertension
      • paradoxical bronchospasm

      The safety of budesonide; formoterol metered-dose inhaler aerosol (MDI) for asthma was studied in people 12 years or older in three 12-week controlled clinical trials. Studies used the 2 available U.S. strengths of budesonide; formoterol MDI 80/4.5 mcg and 160/4.5 mcg, respectively. The most commonly reported adverse reactions (occurring in 3% or more of recipients) in the 2 dosing groups and at increased incidence vs. placebo included: back pain (3.2%, 1.6%), headache (6.5%, 11.3%), influenza (3.2%, 2.4%), nasal congestion (2.5%, 3.2%), naso-pharyngitis (10.5%, 9.7%), vomiting (1.4%, 3.2%), pharyngo-laryngeal pain (6.1%, 8.9%), sinusitis (5.8%, 4.8%), stomach discomfort (1.1%, 6.5%), and upper respiratory tract infection (7.6%, 10.5%). The safety profile in pediatric patients 6 to 11 years old with asthma was similar to older recipients and side effects occurring in 3% or more of recipients included upper respiratory tract infection, pharyngitis, headache, and rhinitis. In clinical trials for COPD, the most commonly reported adverse reactions (incidence of 3% or more) included naso-pharyngitis (7.3%), bronchitis (5.4%), sinusitis (3.5%), and viral respiratory tract infection (3.5%). Lung infections other than pneumonia (mostly bronchitis) occurred in 7.9% of active MDI recipients. Other adverse reactions reported with budesonide; formoterol MDI use include nausea, muscle cramps, tremor, dizziness, dysphonia, cough, and throat irritation.[32950] [72049]

      Budesonide; formoterol, like other products containing inhaled beta-2 agonists, can produce life-threatening paradoxical bronchospasm. In the event of a paradoxical bronchospasm, discontinue budesonide; formoterol immediately and initiate an alternative therapy.[32950] [72049]

      An increase in the need for rescue inhaler use and/or worsening wheezing may occur during therapy with budesonide; formoterol and are symptoms of a deterioration of the underlying respiratory condition, a potentially life-threatening condition. Advise patients not to exceed recommended doses of this medicine, but instead, seek immediate medical attention if such symptoms occur.[32950] [72049] When long-acting beta agonists (LABAs) such as formoterol are used in fixed-dose combination with ICS, data from large clinical trials do not show a significant increase in the risk of serious asthma-related events (hospitalizations, intubations, death) compared with ICS alone.[62717] The use of a LABA as monotherapy to treat asthma, without inhaled corticosteroids [ICS], is associated with an increased risk of asthma-related death. Available data from controlled clinical trials also suggest that use of LABA as monotherapy increases the risk of asthma-related hospitalization in pediatric and adolescent patients.[37481] [41282] These findings are considered a class effect of LABA monotherapy. In most cases, serious acute respiratory events have occurred in patients with severe asthma and/or in patients in whom asthma has been acutely deteriorating, but such events have also occurred in patients with less severe asthma. These findings pertain only to patients who have asthma.[32950] [72049]

      Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactoid reactions, angioedema, bronchospasm, urticaria, exanthema, dermatitis, and pruritus have been reported with budesonide; formoterol use.[32950] [72049]

      Formoterol, like other beta2-agonists and sympathomimetic amines, can produce a clinically significant cardiovascular effect in some patients as measured by increases in pulse rate (sinus tachycardia), systolic or diastolic blood pressure (hypertension), and/or symptoms or cardiac arrhythmias, such as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and extrasystoles (palpitations). Although such effects are uncommon after administration of formoterol at recommended doses, if such effects occur then budesonide; formoterol may need to be discontinued. Beta-agonists have been reported to produce ECG changes, such as flattening of the T wave, QT prolongation, and ST segment depression; the clinical significance of these findings is unknown. Beta2-agonist medications may produce significant hypokalemia in some patients, possibly through intracellular shunting, which has the potential to produce adverse cardiovascular effects. The decrease in serum potassium is usually transient, not requiring supplementation. During long-term safety studies in adolescent and adult patients 12 years of age and older, treated for up to 1 year, no significant or unexpected chemistry, ECG, or Holter monitor assessments occurred. During postmarketing experience, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias (e.g., atrial fibrillation, ventricular extrasystoles, and tachyarrhythmias), palpitations, QT interval prolonged on ECG, increased blood pressure, including hypertension, hypotension, and hypokalemia have been reported with formoterol; budesonide or other products containing formoterol.[32950] [72049]

      Orally inhaled budesonide; formoterol has a relatively low risk of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) suppression when used at recommended doses. Pharmacologic doses of budesonide administered for prolonged periods may, however, result in adrenocortical insufficiency.[32950] [72049] Adrenal suppression and increased intracranial pressure have been reported with the use and/or withdrawal of orally inhaled steroids in pediatric patients.[51792] Local immunosuppression associated with inhaled budesonide use may be manifested as an overgrowth of fungus in the nose, mouth, and throat. Oral candidiasis (thrush) is a well-known adverse reaction of oral inhalation steroid therapy and occurred in 1.4% to 6% of adult patients receiving inhaled budesonide; formoterol during clinical trials.[32950] [72049]

      Growth inhibition has been observed in some children following therapy with orally inhaled corticosteroids including budesonide. Growth inhibition has been observed in the absence of laboratory evidence of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) suppression, suggesting that growth velocity is a more sensitive indicator of systemic corticosteroid exposure in pediatric patients. With orally inhaled corticosteroids, the mean reduction in growth velocity is approximately one centimeter per year (range 0.3 to 1.8 cm per year) and appears to be related to the dose and duration of exposure. In general, the benefits of regular inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) use outweigh the potential risk of relatively small and non-cumulative growth suppression in children with asthma; however, growth should be monitored.[57670] Further study is needed to determine the long-term effects of growth velocity reduction in children, including the impact on final adult height. To minimize the effects of inhaled corticosteroids, each patient should be titrated to the lowest effective dose.[32950] [72049]

      Corticosteroids, even orally inhaled doses like budesonide, can induce cataracts and have the potential to induce or worsen ocular hypertension (glaucoma). Although rarely reported during treatment with budesonide; formoterol, patients are encouraged to keep up with routine ophthalmological exams.[32950] [72049]

      Behavior disturbances, sleep disturbances, agitation, depression, nervousness, restlessness, and skin bruising (ecchymosis) have been reported with postmarketing use of budesonide; formoterol.[32950] [72049]

      Prolonged use (e.g., more than 1 year) of high doses of inhaled corticosteroids, like budesonide, especially when used in combination with frequent courses of systemic corticosteroids, may be associated with reduced bone mineral density (BMD), which may increase the risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis. The clinical significance of small changes in BMD with regard to long-term outcomes, such as fracture, is unknown.[32950] [72049]

      Clinically significant changes in blood glucose were seen infrequently during clinical studies with budesonide; formoterol at recommended doses. Hyperglycemia has been reported postmarketing.[32950] [72049]

      Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


      32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.37481 - Nelson H, Weiss S, Bleecker E, Yancey S, Dorinsky P, SMART Study Group. The Salmeterol Multicenter Asthma Research Trial: a comparison of usual pharmacotherapy for asthma or usual pharmacotherapy plus salmeterol. Chest 2006;129(1):15-26.41282 - Castle W, Fuller R, Hall J, Palmer J. Serevent nationwide surveillance study: comparison of salmeterol with salbutamol in asthmatic patients who require regular bronchodilator treatment. BMJ 1993;306(6884):1034-3107.51792 - Patradoon-Ho P, Gunasekera H, Ryan MM. Inhaled corticosteroids, adrenal suppression and benign intracranial hypertension. Med J Aust 2006;185:279-28057670 - Zhang L, Prietsch SO, Ducharme FM. Inhaled corticosteroids in children with persistent asthma: effects on growth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014;7:CD009471. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009471.pub262717 - FDA Medwatch -Long-Acting Beta Agonists (LABAs) and Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS): Boxed Warning About Asthma-Related Death Removed. Retrieved December 21, 2017. Available on the World Wide Web - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.


      Absolute contraindications are italicized.

      • status asthmaticus
      • acute bronchospasm
      • asthma-related death
      • breast-feeding
      • cardiac arrhythmias
      • cataracts
      • children
      • coronary artery disease
      • diabetes mellitus
      • fungal infection
      • glaucoma
      • growth inhibition
      • hepatic disease
      • herpes infection
      • hypertension
      • hyperthyroidism
      • hypokalemia
      • hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) suppression
      • increased intracranial pressure
      • infants
      • infection
      • labor
      • measles
      • neonates
      • osteopenia
      • osteoporosis
      • pheochromocytoma
      • pregnancy
      • QT prolongation
      • seizure disorder
      • tuberculosis
      • varicella
      • viral infection

      Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in budesonide; formoterol contraindicates its use.[32950][72049] Although true corticosteroid hypersensitivity is rare, patients who have demonstrated a prior hypersensitivity reaction to budesonide should not receive any form of budesonide. It is possible, though also rare, that such patients will display cross-hypersensitivity to other corticosteroids. It is advisable that patients who have a hypersensitivity reaction to any corticosteroid undergo skin testing, which, although not a conclusive predictor, may help to determine if hypersensitivity to another corticosteroid exists. Such patients should be carefully monitored during and following the administration of any corticosteroid.[27616]

      Budesonide; formoterol use is contraindicated as a primary treatment of status asthmaticus or other acute episodes of asthma or COPD where intensive measures are required. Do not initiate during rapidly deteriorating or potentially life-threatening episodes of asthma or COPD. Long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABAs), when used alone, have been associated with increased risk of severe asthma exacerbation and asthma-related death; this is considered a class effect. When a LABA is used in fixed-dose combination with an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), data from large clinical trials do not show a significant increase in the risk of serious asthma-related events (hospitalizations, intubations, death) compared with ICS alone. Available data do not suggest an increased risk of death with the use of LABAs in patients with COPD.[32950] [41230] [62717] [72049]Budesonide; formoterol should not be initiated in patients during rapidly deteriorating or potentially life-threatening episodes of asthma or COPD; this product has not been studied in patients with these acutely deteriorating conditions. Do not use budesonide; formoterol for the relief of acute symptoms (i.e., as rescue therapy for the treatment of acute bronchospasm). Acute symptoms should be treated with an inhaled, short-acting beta-agonist (SABA).[32950] [72049] When initiating treatment with budesonide; formoterol, patients who have been taking oral or inhaled SABAs on a regular basis should be instructed to discontinue the regular use of these drugs and to use them only for symptomatic relief of acute respiratory symptoms. Prescribe an inhaled SABA, such as albuterol, for rescue treatment of an acute asthma or COPD attack and inform patients that increased use of an inhaled SABA is a signal of deteriorating disease. Loss of symptom control with budesonide; formoterol is also a marker of deterioration of disease; in this setting, a re-evaluation of the patient and the asthma or COPD treatment regimen should be undertaken at once, giving special consideration to the possible need for replacing the current strength of budesonide; formoterol with a higher strength, adding additional inhaled corticosteroid, or initiating systemic corticosteroids. Patients should not use budesonide; formoterol more often than recommended, at higher doses than recommended, or in conjunction with other LABAs as this would be considered duplicative therapy and may lead to additive untoward effects. Fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs in patients with asthma.[32950] [72049]

      Formoterol, like other beta2-agonists and sympathomimetic amines, should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular disorders, especially coronary insufficiency (coronary artery disease), cardiac arrhythmias, and hypertension. Formoterol can produce a clinically significant cardiovascular effect in some patients as measured by increases in pulse rate, systolic or diastolic blood pressure, and cardiac arrhythmias, such as supraventricular tachycardia and extrasystoles. If such effects occur, budesonide; formoterol inhalation may need to be discontinued. In addition, beta-agonists have been reported to produce electrocardiographic changes, such as flattening of the T wave, QT prolongation, and ST segment depression, although the clinical significance of these findings is unknown. Fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Beta-adrenergic agonist therapies like formoterol may produce significant hypokalemia in some patients, possibly through intracellular shunting, which has the potential to produce adverse cardiovascular effects. The decrease in serum potassium is usually transient, not requiring supplementation.[32950] [72049]

      Budesonide; formoterol should be used with caution in people with diabetes mellitus because corticosteroids and beta-2 agonists may aggravate hyperglycemia in some patients.[32950] [72049]

      Budesonide; formoterol should be used with caution in people with hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), seizure disorder, or other unusual responsiveness to sympathomimetic amines (e.g., pheochromocytoma).[32950] [72049]

      Budesonide; formoterol should be used cautiously in patients with glaucoma, cataracts, or other visual disturbance or with a family history of glaucoma. Rare instances of glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure, and cataracts have been reported following the inhaled administration of corticosteroids, including budesonide. Close monitoring of these individuals is warranted.[32950] [72049]

      Although the risk of developing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) suppression is very low with inhaled budesonide; formoterol, patients should, nevertheless, be monitored for this possibility. Particular care is needed for patients who are transferred from systemic to inhaled corticosteroids because deaths due to adrenal insufficiency have occurred in asthmatic patients during and after transfer from systemic to less systemically absorbed inhaled corticosteroids. Patients previously maintained on doses equivalent to 20 mg/day or more of prednisone may be at increased risk. After withdrawal from systemic corticosteroids, a number of months are required for recovery of HPA-axis function.[32950] [72049]

      Although inhaled budesonide; formoterol is absorbed systemically to a lesser extent than other corticosteroids, significant amounts can be absorbed when large doses are administered. This can increase the risk for infection. In general, inhaled corticosteroid therapy used with caution, if at all, in patients with active or quiescent tuberculosis infections of the respiratory tract; untreated systemic fungal infection, bacterial infection, viral infection, or a parasitic infection, especially those not adequately controlled by anti-infective agents. Inhaled corticosteroids should be used cautiously, if at all, in patients with an active herpes infection (including ocular herpes simplex). If a patient on immunosuppressant doses of corticosteroids is exposed to chickenpox, therapy with varicella-zoster immune globulin or pooled intramuscular immunoglobulin may be indicated. If a patient is exposed to measles, prophylaxis with pooled intramuscular immunoglobulin may be indicated. Budesonide oral inhalation has been associated with the development of localized infection with Candida albicans in the nose, mouth, and pharynx. If this develops, discontinuation of inhaled budesonide is warranted, and appropriate local therapy should be instituted. Patients who are on long-term budesonide inhalation therapy should receive a periodic evaluation for Candida infection or other adverse effects.[32950] [72049]

      Long-term use of orally inhaled corticosteroids, such as budesonide, may affect normal bone metabolism resulting in a loss of bone mineral density or osteopenia. Use budesonide; formoterol with caution in patients with risk factors for decreased bone mineral content, including tobacco use, advanced age, sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, family history of osteoporosis, or chronic use of drugs that decrease bone mass.[32950] [72049]

      Formal pharmacokinetic studies using budesonide; formoterol inhalation have not been conducted in patients with hepatic impairment. However, since budesonide and formoterol are predominantly cleared by hepatic metabolism, impairment of liver function may lead to increased exposure of budesonide and formoterol. Therefore, patients with severe hepatic disease should be closely monitored.[32950] [72049]

      The safety and efficacy of budesonide; formoterol have not been established in neonates, infants, or children younger than 6 years. For pediatric patients with persistent asthma, limit use to those who have asthma that is not adequately controlled with a long-term asthma control medication, such as an inhaled corticosteroid. When long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs) are used in fixed-dose combination with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), data from large clinical trials do not show a significant increase in the risk of serious asthma-related events (hospitalizations, intubations, death) compared with ICS alone.[32950] [72049] Available data from clinical trials suggest that asthma treatment with LABA monotherapy, without an inhaled corticosteroid, increases the risk of asthma-related hospitalization and death in children and adolescents.[37481] [41230] Pediatric patients may be more susceptible to developing systemic toxicity from corticosteroids. Growth inhibition has been observed in some children following therapy with corticosteroids, including inhaled budesonide therapy.[32950] [72049] Adrenal suppression and increased intracranial pressure have been reported with the use and/or withdrawal of orally inhaled corticosteroid formulations in young patients.[51792] To minimize the effects of orally inhaled corticosteroids, each patient should be titrated to the lowest effective dose. The growth of pediatric patients should be monitored regularly.[32950] [72049]

      There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of budesonide; formoterol during human pregnancy; however, studies of pregnant women taking inhaled budesonide alone have not shown increases in the risk of abnormalities when given during pregnancy. In animal studies, formoterol fumarate has only shown adverse effects when administered systemically at high systemic exposures greatly exceeding the maximum recommended human daily inhalational dose (MRHDID). No teratogenic, embryocidal, or developmental effects were seen in rats that received formoterol inhalation doses up to 375 times the MRHDID. Women with asthma who become pregnant while stabilized on budesonide; formoterol therapy should discuss their asthma management with a qualified health care professional. A review of Swedish registries indicated that in over 2,000 births there was no increased risk for congenital malformations during early pregnancy with budesonide inhalation powder or solution.[32950] [72049] It is known that improved maternal and perinatal outcomes are achieved with optimal control of asthma during pregnancy.[45934] Large studies of women with asthma have confirmed the lack of relationship between the use of inhaled beta-2 agonists and adverse maternal or fetal outcomes; however, less data are available for long-acting beta agonists (LABAs) such as formoterol vs. short-acting beta agonists (SABAs).[45934] However, most inhaled beta-2 agonists, as well as inhaled budesonide, are considered acceptable for use during pregnancy because of the low bioavailability and maternal serum levels after use.[45934] [49764] [63021] According to the 2004 guidelines of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) Asthma and Pregnancy Working Group, long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABAs), in combination with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), are one of the preferred treatment options for the long-term control of moderate asthma during pregnancy and lactation; use of medium dose ICS is also a preferred option. Although a preferred LABA is not recommended, the guideline states that more experience is available with salmeterol. Due to the availability of safety information during pregnancy, budesonide is preferred over other ICS.[45934] Infants born to mothers taking substantial corticosteroid doses during pregnancy should be monitored for signs of hypoadrenalism. There are no well-controlled human studies that have investigated the effects of budesonide; formoterol on preterm labor or labor at term. Because of the potential for beta-2 agonist interference with uterine contractility, use of budesonide; formoterol should be restricted to those patients in whom the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.[32950] [72049]

      There are no well-controlled human studies of budesonide; formoterol during breast-feeding. Formoterol was excreted in milk in reproductive studies in rats; however, it is unknown whether formoterol is excreted in human milk. Glucocorticoids, such as budesonide, are excreted into human breast milk. Data from a small number (n = 8) of lactating women showed an estimated oral daily dose of budesonide available to the nursing infants which was approximately 0.3% to 1% of the dose inhaled by the mothers. Budesonide plasma concentrations obtained in five of the infants at about 140 minutes after drug administration to the mother and 90 minutes after breast-feeding were below quantifiable levels.[32950] [72049] The amount of inhaled budesonide excreted in breast-milk is minute, and infant exposure is negligible. While not measured, the amount of formoterol absorbed into the maternal bloodstream and excreted into breast-milk after inhalation is expected to be very low; therefore, it is unlikely that nursing infants would be exposed to clinically significant amounts of formoterol via breast milk. Most inhaled bronchodilators are considered acceptable for use during the postpartum period and breast-feeding because of the low bioavailability and maternal serum levels after use.[45934] [63021] The 2004 guidelines of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) Asthma and Pregnancy Working Group consider a combination of inhaled corticosteroids with long-acting inhaled beta-2 agonists (LABAs) a preferred treatment option for moderate asthma in pregnancy and lactation.[45934] 

      Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


      27616 - Butani L. Corticosteroid-induced hypersensitivity reactions. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2002;89(5):439-445.32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.37481 - Nelson H, Weiss S, Bleecker E, Yancey S, Dorinsky P, SMART Study Group. The Salmeterol Multicenter Asthma Research Trial: a comparison of usual pharmacotherapy for asthma or usual pharmacotherapy plus salmeterol. Chest 2006;129(1):15-26.41230 - Food and Drug Administration Drug Safety and Availability. Post marketing Drug Safety Information for Patients and Providers: New safety requirements for long-acting inhaled asthma medications called Long-Acting Beta-Agonists (LABAs). Accessed: January 27, 2011. Available on the World Wide Web at: - National Heart , Lung, and Blood Institute, National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Asthma and Pregnancy Working Group. NAEPP expert panel report. Managing asthma during pregnancy: recommendations for pharmacologic treatment-2004 update. 2004;1-57. - Hardy-Fairbanks AJ, Baker ER. Asthma in pregnancy: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2010;37:159-172.51792 - Patradoon-Ho P, Gunasekera H, Ryan MM. Inhaled corticosteroids, adrenal suppression and benign intracranial hypertension. Med J Aust 2006;185:279-28062717 - FDA Medwatch -Long-Acting Beta Agonists (LABAs) and Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS): Boxed Warning About Asthma-Related Death Removed. Retrieved December 21, 2017. Available on the World Wide Web - Giles W, Murphy V. Asthma in pregnancy: a review. Obstet Med. 2013;6:58-63. Epub 2013 May 3. Review.72049 - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.

      Mechanism of Action

      Budesonide is an antiinflammatory corticosteroid and formoterol is a long-acting, selective beta-agonist; when used together, the combination is more effective than either drug alone.[32950][72049]

      Budesonide: In the treatment of asthma, orally inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are believed to reduce the immediate and late-phase allergic responses associated with allergies and chronic bronchial asthma. Mediators involved in the pathogenesis of asthma include histamine, leukotrienes (slow releasing substance of anaphylaxis, SRS-A), eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis (ECF-A), neutrophil chemotactic factor (NCF), cytokines, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, prostaglandin-generating factor of anaphylaxis (PGF-A), prostaglandins, major basic protein, bradykinin, adenosine, peroxides, and superoxide anions. Different cell types are responsible for the release of these mediators, including airway epithelium, eosinophils, basophils, lung parenchyma, lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, neutrophils, and platelets. ICS inhibits the release of these mediators as well as inhibit IgE synthesis, attenuate mucous secretion and eicosanoid generation, up-regulate beta-receptors, promote vasoconstriction, and suppress inflammatory cell influx and inflammatory processes. Clinical effects of ICS in treating asthma include a reduction in bronchial hyperresponsiveness to allergens, a decreased number of asthma exacerbations, and an improvement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), peak-flow rate, and respiratory symptoms.

      Formoterol: Similar to other beta-2 agonists, formoterol's mechanism of action involves stimulation of adenyl cyclase leading to the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) via adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Increased levels of cAMP result in relaxation of the bronchial smooth muscle.Formoterol, like salmeterol, is highly lipophilic. It enters the plasma cell membrane in the form of a depot and is gradually released into the aqueous phase to react with the beta-2 receptor, resulting in a long duration of action. The aqueous phase activity, not demonstrated by salmeterol, is responsible for the rapid onset of action of formoterol. Formoterol has more than a 200-fold greater agonist activity at beta-2 receptors (primarily in the lung) than at beta-1 receptors (primarily in the heart). However, 10% to 50% of the beta receptors in the heart are beta-2 receptors and raise the possibility that even highly selective beta-2 receptor agonists may have adverse cardiovascular effects, such as tachycardia, palpitations, and ischemia. As with other beta-2 agonists, formoterol may possess antiinflammatory activity, but the clinical significance of this effect is unknown.[26424] In vitro studies have demonstrated inhibition of mast cell mediators, such as histamine and leukotrienes, from the human lung.

      Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


      26424 - Tattersfield AE. Long-acting beta-2 agonists. Clin Exp Allergy 1992;22:600-605.32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.72049 - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.


      Budesonide; formoterol is administered via oral inhalation. After systemic absorption of the drugs following oral inhalation from the aerosol metered dose inhaler (MDI), the distribution, metabolism and excretion data are as follows:[32950][72049]

      • Budesonide: The volume of distribution of budesonide was approximately 3 L/kg. It was 85% to 90% bound to plasma proteins. Protein binding was constant over the concentration range (1 to 100 nmol/L) achieved with, and exceeding, recommended inhaled doses. Budesonide showed little or no binding to corticosteroid binding globulin. Budesonide rapidly equilibrated with red blood cells in a concentration independent manner with a blood plasma ratio of about 0.8. In vitro studies with human liver homogenates have shown that budesonide was rapidly and extensively metabolized. Two major metabolites formed via CYP3A4 have been isolated and identified as 16-alpha-hydroxyprednisolone and 6-beta-hydroxybudesonide. The corticosteroid activity of each of these 2 metabolites was less than 1% of that of the parent compound. No qualitative differences between the in vitro and in vivo metabolic patterns were detected. Negligible metabolic inactivation was observed in human lung and serum preparations. Budesonide is excreted in urine and feces in the form of metabolites. Approximately 60% of an intravenous radiolabeled dose was recovered in the urine. No unchanged budesonide was detected in the urine. The 22R form of budesonide was preferentially cleared by the liver with systemic clearance of 1.4 L/min vs. 1.0 L/min for the 22S form. The terminal half-life, 2 to 3 hours, was the same for both epimers and was independent of dose.
      • Formoterol: Over the concentration range of 10 to 500 nmol/L, plasma protein binding for the RR and SS enantiomers of formoterol was 46% and 58%, respectively. The concentrations of formoterol used to assess the plasma protein binding were higher than those achieved in plasma following inhalation of a single 54 mcg dose. The primary metabolism of formoterol is by direct glucuronidation and by O-demethylation followed by conjugation to inactive metabolites. Secondary metabolic pathways include deformylation and sulfate conjugation. CYP2D6 and CYP2C have been identified as being primarily responsible for O-demethylation. The excretion of formoterol was studied in 4 healthy subjects following simultaneous administration of radiolabeled formoterol via the oral and IV routes. In that study, 62% of the radiolabeled formoterol was excreted in the urine while 24% was eliminated in the feces.


      Affected Cytochrome P450 isoenzymes and drug transporters: CYP3A4

      The main route of metabolism of corticosteroids, including budesonide, is via CYP3A4. After oral administration of a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4, the mean plasma concentration of orally administered budesonide increased. Caution should be exercised when considering the long-term coadministration of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors with budesonide; formoterol.[32950][72049]

      Route-Specific Pharmacokinetics

      Inhalation Route

      Budesonide; formoterol aerosol inhalation is delivered by metered dose inhaler (MDI) via oral inhalation. Absorption pharmacokinetics in healthy subjects are below; Studies in both subjects with asthma and those with COPD have also been performed and are described extensively in the manufacturer labels.[32950][72049]

      • Budesonide: Orally inhaled budesonide is rapidly absorbed in the lungs and peak concentration (Cmax) is typically reached within 20 minutes. After oral administration of budesonide, peak plasma concentration was achieved in about 1 to 2 hours and the absolute systemic availability was 6%-13% due to extensive first pass metabolism. In contrast, most of the budesonide delivered to the lungs was systemically absorbed. In healthy subjects, 34% of the metered dose was deposited in the lung (as assessed by plasma concentration method and using a budesonide-containing dry powder inhaler) with an absolute systemic availability of 39% of the metered dose. Following administration of 2 to 4 inhalations of budesonide 160/4 MDI twice daily for 5 days in healthy subjects, plasma concentration of budesonide generally increased in proportion to dose. The accumulation index for the group that received 2 inhalations twice daily was 1.32 for budesonide.
      • Formoterol: Inhaled formoterol is rapidly absorbed; Cmax is typically reached within 5 to 10 minutes after dosing. As with many drug products for oral inhalation, it is likely that the majority of the inhaled formoterol delivered is swallowed and then absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Following administration of 2 to 4 inhalations of budesonide 160/4 MDI twice daily for 5 days in healthy subjects, plasma concentration of formoterol generally increased in proportion to dose. The accumulation index for the group that received 2 inhalations twice daily was 1.77 for formoterol.

      Special Populations

      Hepatic Impairment

      There are no specific pharmacokinetic data for budesonide; formoterol aerosol inhaler in patients with hepatic impairment. Reduced liver function may affect the elimination of corticosteroids. Budesonide pharmacokinetics was affected by compromised liver function as evidenced by a doubled systemic availability after oral ingestion. The intravenous budesonide pharmacokinetics was, however, similar in patients with cirrhosis and in healthy subjects. Specific data with formoterol is not available, but because formoterol is primarily eliminated via hepatic metabolism, an increased exposure can be expected in people with severe liver impairment.[32950][72049]

      Renal Impairment

      No specific data are available regarding the pharmacokinetics of budesonide; formoterol aerosol inhaler in patients with renal impairment.[32950][72049]


      Plasma concentrations of budesonide were measured following administration of 4 inhalations of budesonide; formoterol inhaler 160/4.5 strength in a single-dose study in pediatric patients with asthma, 6 to less than 12 years of age. Peak budesonide concentrations of 1.4 nmol/L occurred at 20 minutes post-dose. This study also demonstrated that the total systemic exposure to budesonide from the aerosol inhaler was approximately 30% lower than from inhaled budesonide via a dry powder inhaler that was also evaluated at the same delivered dose. The dose-normalized Cmax and AUC0-inf of budesonide following single dose inhalation in children 6 to less than 12 years of age were numerically lower than that observed in adults. Following 2 inhalations of budesonide; formoterol aerosol inhaler 160/4.5 twice daily treatment, formoterol Cmax and AUC0-6 at steady state in children 6 to less than 12 years of age were comparable to that observed in adults.[32950][72049]


      Pharmacokinetic parameters have not been specifically studied in geriatric adults.[32950][72049]

      Gender Differences

      Specific studies to examine the effects of gender on the pharmacokinetics of budesonide; formoterol have not been conducted. Population pharmacokinetic analysis of budesonide; formoterol inhaler pharmacokinetic data indicates that gender does not affect the pharmacokinetics of budesonide and formoterol.[32950][72049]

      Ethnic Differences

      Specific studies to examine the effects of race on the pharmacokinetics of budesonide; formoterol have not been conducted. No conclusions can be drawn on the effect of race due to the low number of non-Caucasians evaluated for pharmacokinetic studies..[32950][72049]

      Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


      32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.72049 - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.


      labor, pregnancy

      There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of budesonide; formoterol during human pregnancy; however, studies of pregnant women taking inhaled budesonide alone have not shown increases in the risk of abnormalities when given during pregnancy. In animal studies, formoterol fumarate has only shown adverse effects when administered systemically at high systemic exposures greatly exceeding the maximum recommended human daily inhalational dose (MRHDID). No teratogenic, embryocidal, or developmental effects were seen in rats that received formoterol inhalation doses up to 375 times the MRHDID. Women with asthma who become pregnant while stabilized on budesonide; formoterol therapy should discuss their asthma management with a qualified health care professional. A review of Swedish registries indicated that in over 2,000 births there was no increased risk for congenital malformations during early pregnancy with budesonide inhalation powder or solution.[32950] [72049] It is known that improved maternal and perinatal outcomes are achieved with optimal control of asthma during pregnancy.[45934] Large studies of women with asthma have confirmed the lack of relationship between the use of inhaled beta-2 agonists and adverse maternal or fetal outcomes; however, less data are available for long-acting beta agonists (LABAs) such as formoterol vs. short-acting beta agonists (SABAs).[45934] However, most inhaled beta-2 agonists, as well as inhaled budesonide, are considered acceptable for use during pregnancy because of the low bioavailability and maternal serum levels after use.[45934] [49764] [63021] According to the 2004 guidelines of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) Asthma and Pregnancy Working Group, long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABAs), in combination with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), are one of the preferred treatment options for the long-term control of moderate asthma during pregnancy and lactation; use of medium dose ICS is also a preferred option. Although a preferred LABA is not recommended, the guideline states that more experience is available with salmeterol. Due to the availability of safety information during pregnancy, budesonide is preferred over other ICS.[45934] Infants born to mothers taking substantial corticosteroid doses during pregnancy should be monitored for signs of hypoadrenalism. There are no well-controlled human studies that have investigated the effects of budesonide; formoterol on preterm labor or labor at term. Because of the potential for beta-2 agonist interference with uterine contractility, use of budesonide; formoterol should be restricted to those patients in whom the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.[32950] [72049]


      There are no well-controlled human studies of budesonide; formoterol during breast-feeding. Formoterol was excreted in milk in reproductive studies in rats; however, it is unknown whether formoterol is excreted in human milk. Glucocorticoids, such as budesonide, are excreted into human breast milk. Data from a small number (n = 8) of lactating women showed an estimated oral daily dose of budesonide available to the nursing infants which was approximately 0.3% to 1% of the dose inhaled by the mothers. Budesonide plasma concentrations obtained in five of the infants at about 140 minutes after drug administration to the mother and 90 minutes after breast-feeding were below quantifiable levels.[32950] [72049] The amount of inhaled budesonide excreted in breast-milk is minute, and infant exposure is negligible. While not measured, the amount of formoterol absorbed into the maternal bloodstream and excreted into breast-milk after inhalation is expected to be very low; therefore, it is unlikely that nursing infants would be exposed to clinically significant amounts of formoterol via breast milk. Most inhaled bronchodilators are considered acceptable for use during the postpartum period and breast-feeding because of the low bioavailability and maternal serum levels after use.[45934] [63021] The 2004 guidelines of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) Asthma and Pregnancy Working Group consider a combination of inhaled corticosteroids with long-acting inhaled beta-2 agonists (LABAs) a preferred treatment option for moderate asthma in pregnancy and lactation.[45934] 

      Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


      27616 - Butani L. Corticosteroid-induced hypersensitivity reactions. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2002;89(5):439-445.32950 - Symbicort (budesonide; formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2019 July.45934 - National Heart , Lung, and Blood Institute, National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Asthma and Pregnancy Working Group. NAEPP expert panel report. Managing asthma during pregnancy: recommendations for pharmacologic treatment-2004 update. 2004;1-57. - Hardy-Fairbanks AJ, Baker ER. Asthma in pregnancy: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2010;37:159-172.63021 - Giles W, Murphy V. Asthma in pregnancy: a review. Obstet Med. 2013;6:58-63. Epub 2013 May 3. Review.72049 - Breyna (budesonide and formoterol fumarate dihydrate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Morgantown, WV: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2020 Sept.


      Level 1 (Severe)

      • Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Vaccine, BCG
      • Chikungunya Vaccine, Live
      • Cisapride
      • Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine, Live
      • Desmopressin
      • Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live
      • Intranasal Influenza Vaccine
      • Live Vaccines
      • Measles Virus; Mumps Virus; Rubella Virus; Varicella Virus Vaccine, Live
      • Measles/Mumps/Rubella Vaccines, MMR
      • Metyrapone
      • Rotavirus Vaccine
      • Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine, Live, Nonreplicating
      • Smallpox and Mpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine, Live
      • Typhoid Vaccine
      • Varicella-Zoster Virus Vaccine, Live
      • Yellow Fever Vaccine, Live

      Level 2 (Major)

      • Aldesleukin, IL-2
      • Arformoterol
      • Aspirin, ASA; Citric Acid; Sodium Bicarbonate
      • Ceritinib
      • Dabrafenib
      • Dofetilide
      • Duvelisib
      • Fluticasone; Salmeterol
      • Fluticasone; Umeclidinium; Vilanterol
      • Fluticasone; Vilanterol
      • Fosamprenavir
      • grapefruit juice
      • Idelalisib
      • Indacaterol; Glycopyrrolate
      • Lopinavir; Ritonavir
      • Lutetium Lu 177 dotatate
      • Macimorelin
      • Methacholine
      • Mifepristone
      • Natalizumab
      • Nirmatrelvir; Ritonavir
      • Olodaterol
      • Omeprazole; Sodium Bicarbonate
      • Penicillamine
      • Procarbazine
      • Racepinephrine
      • Ritonavir
      • Salmeterol
      • Saquinavir
      • Sargramostim, GM-CSF
      • Sodium Bicarbonate
      • Tiotropium; Olodaterol
      • Umeclidinium; Vilanterol
      • Vigabatrin

      Level 3 (Moderate)

      • Abatacept
      • Acarbose
      • Acebutolol
      • Acetaminophen; Aspirin
      • Acetaminophen; Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine
      • Acetaminophen; Aspirin; Diphenhydramine
      • Acetaminophen; Caffeine
      • Acetaminophen; Caffeine; Dihydrocodeine
      • Acetaminophen; Caffeine; Pyrilamine
      • Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine
      • Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine
      • Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine; Phenylephrine
      • Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; Guaifenesin; Phenylephrine
      • Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; Guaifenesin; Pseudoephedrine
      • Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine
      • Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine
      • Acetaminophen; Guaifenesin; Phenylephrine
      • Acetaminophen; Ibuprofen
      • Acetaminophen; Phenylephrine
      • Acetaminophen; Pseudoephedrine
      • Acetazolamide
      • Acrivastine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Adagrasib
      • Alemtuzumab
      • Aliskiren; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Alogliptin
      • Alogliptin; Metformin
      • Alogliptin; Pioglitazone
      • Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors
      • Aluminum Hydroxide
      • Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Carbonate
      • Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Hydroxide
      • Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Hydroxide; Simethicone
      • Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Trisilicate
      • Amifampridine
      • Amiloride; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Aminosalicylate sodium, Aminosalicylic acid
      • Amlodipine; Celecoxib
      • Amlodipine; Valsartan; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Amoxicillin; Clarithromycin; Omeprazole
      • Amphetamine
      • Amphetamine; Dextroamphetamine
      • Amphetamine; Dextroamphetamine Salts
      • Amphotericin B
      • Amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC)
      • Amphotericin B liposomal (LAmB)
      • Antacids
      • Anthrax Vaccine
      • Antithymocyte Globulin
      • Arsenic Trioxide
      • Articaine; Epinephrine
      • Asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi
      • Aspirin, ASA
      • Aspirin, ASA; Butalbital; Caffeine
      • Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine
      • Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine; Orphenadrine
      • Aspirin, ASA; Carisoprodol; Codeine
      • Aspirin, ASA; Dipyridamole
      • Aspirin, ASA; Omeprazole
      • Aspirin, ASA; Oxycodone
      • Atazanavir
      • Atazanavir; Cobicistat
      • Atenolol
      • Atenolol; Chlorthalidone
      • Atracurium
      • Avacopan
      • Azilsartan; Chlorthalidone
      • Benazepril; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Benzoic Acid; Hyoscyamine; Methenamine; Methylene Blue; Phenyl Salicylate
      • Benzphetamine
      • Berotralstat
      • Beta-adrenergic blockers
      • Betaxolol
      • Bexagliflozin
      • Bismuth Subsalicylate
      • Bismuth Subsalicylate; Metronidazole; Tetracycline
      • Bisoprolol
      • Bisoprolol; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Brimonidine; Timolol
      • Brompheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine
      • Brompheniramine; Phenylephrine
      • Brompheniramine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Brompheniramine; Pseudoephedrine; Dextromethorphan
      • Bumetanide
      • Bupivacaine; Epinephrine
      • Bupivacaine; Meloxicam
      • Bupropion
      • Bupropion; Naltrexone
      • Butalbital; Acetaminophen
      • Butalbital; Acetaminophen; Caffeine
      • Butalbital; Acetaminophen; Caffeine; Codeine
      • Butalbital; Aspirin; Caffeine; Codeine
      • Caffeine
      • Caffeine; Sodium Benzoate
      • Calcium Carbonate
      • Calcium Carbonate; Famotidine; Magnesium Hydroxide
      • Calcium Carbonate; Magnesium Hydroxide
      • Calcium Carbonate; Magnesium Hydroxide; Simethicone
      • Calcium Carbonate; Simethicone
      • Calcium; Vitamin D
      • Canagliflozin
      • Canagliflozin; Metformin
      • Candesartan; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Captopril; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Carteolol
      • Carvedilol
      • Celecoxib
      • Celecoxib; Tramadol
      • Cetirizine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Chikungunya Vaccine, Recombinant
      • Chlophedianol; Dexchlorpheniramine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Chlorothiazide
      • Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine
      • Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine
      • Chlorpheniramine; Ibuprofen; Pseudoephedrine
      • Chlorpheniramine; Phenylephrine
      • Chlorpheniramine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Chlorthalidone
      • Cholera Vaccine
      • Choline Salicylate; Magnesium Salicylate
      • Cimetidine
      • Ciprofloxacin
      • Cisatracurium
      • Clarithromycin
      • Cobicistat
      • Cocaine
      • Codeine; Guaifenesin; Pseudoephedrine
      • Codeine; Phenylephrine; Promethazine
      • Conivaptan
      • Conjugated Estrogens
      • Conjugated Estrogens; Bazedoxifene
      • Conjugated Estrogens; Medroxyprogesterone
      • Crizotinib
      • Cyclosporine
      • Danazol
      • Dapagliflozin
      • Dapagliflozin; Metformin
      • Dapagliflozin; Saxagliptin
      • Darunavir
      • Darunavir; Cobicistat
      • Darunavir; Cobicistat; Emtricitabine; Tenofovir alafenamide
      • Deferasirox
      • Delafloxacin
      • Denosumab
      • Desloratadine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Desogestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Dexbrompheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine
      • Dexbrompheniramine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Dexchlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine
      • Dextroamphetamine
      • Dextromethorphan; Bupropion
      • Dextromethorphan; Diphenhydramine; Phenylephrine
      • Dextromethorphan; Guaifenesin; Phenylephrine
      • Dextromethorphan; Guaifenesin; Pseudoephedrine
      • Dichlorphenamide
      • Diclofenac
      • Diclofenac; Misoprostol
      • Dienogest; Estradiol valerate
      • Diethylpropion
      • Diflunisal
      • Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors
      • Diphenhydramine; Ibuprofen
      • Diphenhydramine; Naproxen
      • Diphenhydramine; Phenylephrine
      • Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine; Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV
      • Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV
      • Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV
      • Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV
      • Diphtheria Toxoid; Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed, DT, Td
      • Diphtheria/Tetanus Toxoids; Pertussis Vaccine
      • Dobutamine
      • Dopamine
      • Dorzolamide; Timolol
      • Dronedarone
      • Droperidol
      • Drospirenone; Estetrol
      • Drospirenone; Estradiol
      • Drospirenone; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Drospirenone; Ethinyl Estradiol; Levomefolate
      • Dulaglutide
      • Echinacea
      • Elagolix; Estradiol; Norethindrone acetate
      • Elexacaftor; tezacaftor; ivacaftor
      • Eliglustat
      • Elvitegravir; Cobicistat; Emtricitabine; Tenofovir Alafenamide
      • Elvitegravir; Cobicistat; Emtricitabine; Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate
      • Empagliflozin
      • Empagliflozin; Linagliptin
      • Empagliflozin; Linagliptin; Metformin
      • Empagliflozin; Metformin
      • Enalapril; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Ephedrine
      • Ephedrine; Guaifenesin
      • Epinephrine
      • Ergotamine; Caffeine
      • Erlotinib
      • Ertugliflozin
      • Ertugliflozin; Metformin
      • Ertugliflozin; Sitagliptin
      • Erythromycin
      • Esmolol
      • Esterified Estrogens
      • Esterified Estrogens; Methyltestosterone
      • Estradiol
      • Estradiol; Levonorgestrel
      • Estradiol; Norethindrone
      • Estradiol; Norgestimate
      • Estradiol; Progesterone
      • Estrogens
      • Estropipate
      • Ethacrynic Acid
      • Ethinyl Estradiol; Norelgestromin
      • Ethinyl Estradiol; Norethindrone Acetate
      • Ethinyl Estradiol; Norgestrel
      • Ethynodiol Diacetate; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Etodolac
      • Etonogestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Etravirine
      • Exenatide
      • Fedratinib
      • Fenoprofen
      • Fexofenadine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Fluconazole
      • Flurbiprofen
      • Fluvoxamine
      • Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Furosemide
      • Gallium Ga 68 Dotatate
      • Gemifloxacin
      • Glecaprevir; Pibrentasvir
      • Glimepiride
      • Glipizide
      • Glipizide; Metformin
      • Glyburide
      • Glyburide; Metformin
      • Glycerol Phenylbutyrate
      • Griseofulvin
      • Guaifenesin; Phenylephrine
      • Guaifenesin; Pseudoephedrine
      • Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine
      • Haloperidol
      • Hemin
      • Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated
      • Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated; Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant
      • Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant
      • Human Papillomavirus 9-Valent Vaccine
      • Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ; Moexipril
      • Hydrocodone; Ibuprofen
      • Hyoscyamine; Methenamine; Methylene Blue; Phenyl Salicylate; Sodium Biphosphate
      • Ibuprofen
      • Ibuprofen; Famotidine
      • Ibuprofen; Oxycodone
      • Ibuprofen; Pseudoephedrine
      • Incretin Mimetics
      • Indapamide
      • Indomethacin
      • Inebilizumab
      • Influenza Virus Vaccine
      • Insulin Aspart
      • Insulin Aspart; Insulin Aspart Protamine
      • Insulin Degludec
      • Insulin Degludec; Liraglutide
      • Insulin Detemir
      • Insulin Glargine
      • Insulin Glargine; Lixisenatide
      • Insulin Glulisine
      • Insulin Lispro
      • Insulin Lispro; Insulin Lispro Protamine
      • Insulin, Inhaled
      • Insulins
      • Irbesartan; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Isavuconazonium
      • Isocarboxazid
      • Isophane Insulin (NPH)
      • Isoproterenol
      • Itraconazole
      • Ivacaftor
      • Ivosidenib
      • Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine
      • Ketoconazole
      • Ketoprofen
      • Ketorolac
      • Labetalol
      • Landiolol
      • Lansoprazole; Amoxicillin; Clarithromycin
      • Lefamulin
      • Lenacapavir
      • Letermovir
      • Levobunolol
      • Levofloxacin
      • Levoketoconazole
      • Levonorgestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Levonorgestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous Bisglycinate
      • Levonorgestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous Fumarate
      • Levothyroxine
      • Levothyroxine; Liothyronine (Porcine)
      • Levothyroxine; Liothyronine (Synthetic)
      • Lidocaine; Epinephrine
      • Linagliptin
      • Linagliptin; Metformin
      • Linezolid
      • Liothyronine
      • Liraglutide
      • Lisinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Lixisenatide
      • Lonafarnib
      • Lonapegsomatropin
      • Loop diuretics
      • Loratadine; Pseudoephedrine
      • Losartan; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Lumacaftor; Ivacaftor
      • Lumacaftor; Ivacaftor
      • Magnesium Hydroxide
      • Magnesium Salicylate
      • Magnesium Salts
      • Mannitol
      • Mecasermin, Recombinant, rh-IGF-1
      • Meclofenamate Sodium
      • Mefenamic Acid
      • Meglitinides
      • Meloxicam
      • Meningococcal Group B (MenB-4C) Vaccine
      • Meningococcal Group B (MenB-FHbp) Vaccine
      • Meningococcal Groups A, B, C, W, and Y Vaccine (5 valent)
      • Meningococcal Groups A, C, W, and Y Vaccine (4 valent)
      • Metformin
      • Metformin; Repaglinide
      • Metformin; Saxagliptin
      • Metformin; Sitagliptin
      • Methamphetamine
      • Methazolamide
      • Methenamine; Sodium Salicylate
      • Metolazone
      • Metoprolol
      • Metoprolol; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Micafungin
      • Midodrine
      • Miglitol
      • Mitotane
      • Modafinil
      • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
      • Moxifloxacin
      • Nabumetone
      • Nadolol
      • Nafcillin
      • Naproxen
      • Naproxen; Esomeprazole
      • Naproxen; Pseudoephedrine
      • Nateglinide
      • Nebivolol
      • Nefazodone
      • Nelfinavir
      • Neostigmine
      • Neostigmine; Glycopyrrolate
      • Neuromuscular blockers
      • Nirogacestat
      • Nizatidine
      • Non-Live Vaccines
      • Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
      • Norepinephrine
      • Norethindrone Acetate; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous fumarate
      • Norethindrone; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Norethindrone; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous fumarate
      • Norgestimate; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Ofatumumab
      • Ofloxacin
      • Olmesartan; Amlodipine; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Olmesartan; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Oxaprozin
      • Oxymetholone
      • Palbociclib
      • Pancuronium
      • Pazopanib
      • Pegaspargase
      • Phendimetrazine
      • Phenelzine
      • Phenobarbital
      • Phenobarbital; Hyoscyamine; Atropine; Scopolamine
      • Phentermine
      • Phentermine; Topiramate
      • Phenylephrine
      • Physostigmine
      • Pimozide
      • Pindolol
      • Pioglitazone
      • Pioglitazone; Glimepiride
      • Pioglitazone; Metformin
      • Piroxicam
      • Pneumococcal Vaccine, Polyvalent
      • Ponesimod
      • Posaconazole
      • Pramlintide
      • Prasterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA (Dietary Supplements)
      • Prasterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA (FDA-approved)
      • Prilocaine; Epinephrine
      • Primidone
      • Promethazine; Phenylephrine
      • Propranolol
      • Pseudoephedrine
      • Pseudoephedrine; Triprolidine
      • Pyridostigmine
      • Quinapril; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Rabies Vaccine
      • Rasagiline
      • Regular Insulin
      • Regular Insulin; Isophane Insulin (NPH)
      • Relugolix; Estradiol; Norethindrone acetate
      • Repaglinide
      • Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine
      • Ribociclib
      • Ribociclib; Letrozole
      • Ritlecitinib
      • Rituximab
      • Rituximab; Hyaluronidase
      • Rocuronium
      • Rosiglitazone
      • Salicylates
      • Salsalate
      • SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccines
      • SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) Adenovirus Vector Vaccine
      • SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine
      • SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) Recombinant Spike Protein Nanoparticle Vaccine
      • Saxagliptin
      • Segesterone Acetate; Ethinyl Estradiol
      • Semaglutide
      • SGLT2 Inhibitors
      • Sitagliptin
      • Sodium Benzoate; Sodium Phenylacetate
      • Sodium Phenylbutyrate
      • Sodium Phenylbutyrate; Taurursodiol
      • Sofosbuvir; Velpatasvir; Voxilaprevir
      • Somapacitan
      • Somatrogon
      • Somatropin, rh-GH
      • Sotagliflozin
      • Spironolactone; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Stiripentol
      • Succinylcholine
      • Sulfonylureas
      • Sulindac
      • Sumatriptan; Naproxen
      • Telmisartan; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Temsirolimus
      • Testosterone
      • Tezacaftor; Ivacaftor
      • Theophylline, Aminophylline
      • Thiazide diuretics
      • Thiazolidinediones
      • Thyroid hormones
      • Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccine
      • Timolol
      • Tirzepatide
      • Tolmetin
      • Torsemide
      • Trandolapril; Verapamil
      • Tranylcypromine
      • Triamterene; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative, PPD
      • Tucatinib
      • Valsartan; Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ
      • Vecuronium
      • Vemurafenib
      • Verapamil
      • Vonoprazan
      • Vonoprazan; Amoxicillin
      • Vonoprazan; Amoxicillin; Clarithromycin
      • Voriconazole
      • Vorinostat
      • Voxelotor
      • Warfarin

      Level 4 (Minor)

      • Amiloride
      • Aminolevulinic Acid
      • Aprepitant, Fosaprepitant
      • Azathioprine
      • Basiliximab
      • Bexarotene
      • Bortezomib
      • Cabozantinib
      • Carmustine, BCNU
      • Chlorambucil
      • Cladribine
      • Clofarabine
      • Dexlansoprazole
      • Diltiazem
      • Econazole
      • Elbasvir; Grazoprevir
      • Esomeprazole
      • Estramustine
      • Fludarabine
      • Hydroxyurea
      • Ibritumomab Tiuxetan
      • Indinavir
      • Interferon Alfa-2b
      • Isotretinoin
      • Lansoprazole
      • Ledipasvir; Sofosbuvir
      • Lomustine, CCNU
      • Mercaptopurine, 6-MP
      • Methoxsalen
      • Mitoxantrone
      • Nelarabine
      • Nicardipine
      • Omeprazole
      • Omeprazole; Amoxicillin; Rifabutin
      • Oritavancin
      • Pantoprazole
      • Pentostatin
      • Photosensitizing agents (topical)
      • Potassium-sparing diuretics
      • Proton pump inhibitors
      • Purine analogs
      • Rabeprazole
      • Spironolactone
      • Thioguanine, 6-TG
      • Triamterene
      • Zafirlukast
      • Zonisamide
      Abatacept: (Moderate) Concomitant use of immunosuppressives, as well as long-term corticosteroids, may potentially increase the risk of serious infection in abatacept treated patients. Advise patients taking abatacept to seek immediate medical advice if they develop signs and symptoms suggestive of infection. [8565] Acarbose: (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] Acebutolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Acetaminophen; Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Acetaminophen; Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Acetaminophen; Aspirin: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Acetaminophen; Aspirin; diphenhydrAMINE: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Acetaminophen; Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] Acetaminophen; Caffeine; Dihydrocodeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] Acetaminophen; Caffeine; Pyrilamine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine; Phenylephrine : (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; guaiFENesin; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; guaiFENesin; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Acetaminophen; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Acetaminophen; guaiFENesin; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Acetaminophen; Ibuprofen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Acetaminophen; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Acetaminophen; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] acetaZOLAMIDE: (Moderate) Corticosteroids may increase the risk of hypokalemia if used concurrently with acetazolamide. Hypokalemia may be especially severe with prolonged use of corticotropin, ACTH. Monitor serum potassium levels to determine the need for potassium supplementation and/or alteration in drug therapy. [26417] [28267] Acrivastine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Adagrasib: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and adagrasib due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; adagrasib is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [34979] [68325] Aldesleukin, IL-2: (Major) Avoid coadministration of corticosteroids with aldesleukin. Corticosteroids can be immunosuppressive. Aldesleukin is an interleukin-2 lymphocyte growth factor which induces lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and interferon gamma production. Concomitant use may reduce the efficacy of aldesleukin. [41853] Alemtuzumab: (Moderate) Concomitant use of alemtuzumab with immunosuppressant doses of corticosteroids may increase the risk of immunosuppression. Monitor patients carefully for signs and symptoms of infection. [58461] Aliskiren; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Alogliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Alogliptin; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Alogliptin; Pioglitazone: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazolidinedione use; a thiazolidinedione dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors: (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] Aluminum Hydroxide: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Carbonate: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Hydroxide: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Hydroxide; Simethicone: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Aluminum Hydroxide; Magnesium Trisilicate: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Amifampridine: (Moderate) Carefully consider the need for concomitant treatment with systemic corticosteroids and amifampridine, as coadministration may increase the risk of seizures. If coadministration occurs, closely monitor patients for seizure activity. Seizures have been observed in patients without a history of seizures taking amifampridine at recommended doses. Systemic corticosteroids may increase the risk of seizures in some patients. [45339] [63790] aMILoride: (Minor) The manufacturer of spironolactone lists corticosteroids as a potential drug that interacts with spironolactone. Intensified electrolyte depletion, particularly hypokalemia, may occur. However, potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone do not induce hypokalemia. In fact, hypokalemia is one of the indications for potassium-sparing diuretic therapy. Therefore, drugs that induce potassium loss, such as corticosteroids, could counter the hyperkalemic effects of potassium-sparing diuretics. [26417] [29016] [30011] aMILoride; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] (Minor) The manufacturer of spironolactone lists corticosteroids as a potential drug that interacts with spironolactone. Intensified electrolyte depletion, particularly hypokalemia, may occur. However, potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone do not induce hypokalemia. In fact, hypokalemia is one of the indications for potassium-sparing diuretic therapy. Therefore, drugs that induce potassium loss, such as corticosteroids, could counter the hyperkalemic effects of potassium-sparing diuretics. [26417] [29016] [30011] Aminolevulinic Acid: (Minor) Corticosteroids administered prior to or concomitantly with photosensitizing agents used in photodynamic therapy may decrease the efficacy of the treatment. [6625] Aminosalicylate sodium, Aminosalicylic acid: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] amLODIPine; Celecoxib: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] amLODIPine; Valsartan; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Amoxicillin; Clarithromycin; Omeprazole: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and clarithromycin due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; clarithromycin is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28238] [28278] [34376] [34979] (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Amphetamine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant amphetamine; dextroamphetamine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [31563] [33259] Amphetamine; Dextroamphetamine Salts: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant amphetamine; dextroamphetamine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [31563] [33259] Amphetamine; Dextroamphetamine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant amphetamine; dextroamphetamine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [31563] [33259] Amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC): (Moderate) Monitor serum electrolytes and cardiac function during concomitant use. Corticosteroids have potassium-wasting effects and may potentiate hypokalemia during amphotericin B therapy and increase the risk for cardiac dysfunction. There have been cases reported in which concomitant use of amphotericin B and systemic corticosteroids was followed by cardiac enlargement and congestive heart failure. [26417] [35434] [35435] [45579] [54049] Amphotericin B liposomal (LAmB): (Moderate) Monitor serum electrolytes and cardiac function during concomitant use. Corticosteroids have potassium-wasting effects and may potentiate hypokalemia during amphotericin B therapy and increase the risk for cardiac dysfunction. There have been cases reported in which concomitant use of amphotericin B and systemic corticosteroids was followed by cardiac enlargement and congestive heart failure. [26417] [35434] [35435] [45579] [54049] Amphotericin B: (Moderate) Monitor serum electrolytes and cardiac function during concomitant use. Corticosteroids have potassium-wasting effects and may potentiate hypokalemia during amphotericin B therapy and increase the risk for cardiac dysfunction. There have been cases reported in which concomitant use of amphotericin B and systemic corticosteroids was followed by cardiac enlargement and congestive heart failure. [26417] [35434] [35435] [45579] [54049] Antacids: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Anthrax Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Antithymocyte Globulin: (Moderate) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [6303] [7714] Aprepitant, Fosaprepitant: (Minor) Use caution if budesonide and aprepitant are used concurrently and monitor for an increase in budesonide-related adverse effects for several days after administration of a multi-day aprepitant regimen; however, due to low systemic exposure, clinically significant drug interactions are unlikely with budesonide for oral or intranasal inhalation. After administration, fosaprepitant is rapidly converted to aprepitant and shares the same drug interactions. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Aprepitant, when administered as a 3-day oral regimen (125 mg/80 mg/80 mg), is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor and inducer; substitution of fosaprepitant 115 mg IV on day 1 of the 3-day regimen may lessen the inhibitory effects of CYP3A4. The AUC of a single dose of another CYP3A4 substrate, midazolam, increased by 2.3-fold and 3.3-fold on days 1 and 5, respectively, when coadministered with a 5-day oral aprepitant regimen. After a 3-day oral aprepitant regimen, the AUC of midazolam increased by 25% on day 4, and decreased by 19% and 4% on days 8 and 15, respectively, when given on days 1, 4, 8, and 15. As a single 40-mg oral dose, the inhibitory effect of aprepitant on CYP3A4 is weak, with the AUC of midazolam increased by 1.2-fold; the midazolam AUC increased by 1.5-fold after a single 125-mg dose of oral aprepitant. After single doses of IV fosaprepitant, the midazolam AUC increased by 1.8-fold (150 mg) and 1.6-fold (100 mg); less than a 2-fold increase in the midazolam AUC is not considered clinically important. Due to low systemic exposure, clinically significant drug interactions are unlikely with budesonide for oral or intranasal inhalation. [30676] [34354] [40027] Arformoterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Arsenic Trioxide: (Moderate) Caution is advisable during concurrent use of arsenic trioxide and corticosteroids as electrolyte imbalance caused by corticosteroids may increase the risk of QT prolongation with arsenic trioxide. [26417] [59438] Articaine; EPINEPHrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant epinephrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] [56575] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and epinephrine use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Corticosteroids may potentiate the hypokalemic effects of epinephrine. [26417] [56575] Asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi: (Moderate) Concomitant use of L-asparaginase with corticosteroids can result in additive hyperglycemia. L-Asparaginase transiently inhibits insulin production contributing to hyperglycemia seen during concurrent corticosteroid therapy. Insulin therapy may be required in some cases. Administration of L-asparaginase after rather than before corticosteroids reportedly has produced fewer hypersensitivity reactions. [55362] Aspirin, ASA: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Aspirin, ASA; Butalbital; Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Butalbital is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. [28001] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine; Orphenadrine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Aspirin, ASA; Carisoprodol; Codeine: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Aspirin, ASA; Citric Acid; Sodium Bicarbonate: (Major) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [52910] [6865] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Aspirin, ASA; Dipyridamole: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Aspirin, ASA; Omeprazole: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Aspirin, ASA; oxyCODONE: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Atazanavir: (Moderate) Coadministration of budesonide with atazanavir may cause elevated budesonide serum concentrations, potentially resulting in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; atazanavir is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [28001] [58000] Atazanavir; Cobicistat: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and cobistat due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Elevated budesonide serum concentrations may result in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate; cobicistat is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [31824] [34354] [34979] [51664] [58000] (Moderate) Coadministration of budesonide with atazanavir may cause elevated budesonide serum concentrations, potentially resulting in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; atazanavir is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [28001] [58000] Atenolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Atenolol; Chlorthalidone: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Atracurium: (Moderate) Limit the period of use of neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids and only use when the specific advantages of the drugs outweigh the risks for acute myopathy. An acute myopathy has been observed with the use of high doses of corticosteroids in patients receiving concomitant long-term therapy with neuromuscular blockers. Clinical improvement or recovery after stopping therapy may require weeks to years. [41361] [41961] [42031] [43319] [54278] [60760] [61750] [61937] Avacopan: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with avacopan due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and avacopan is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [34979] [67036] azaTHIOprine: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [4710] [7714] Azilsartan; Chlorthalidone: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Vaccine, BCG: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Basiliximab: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids have immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives. [4746] Benazepril; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Benzoic Acid; Hyoscyamine; Methenamine; Methylene Blue; Phenyl Salicylate: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Benzphetamine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] Berotralstat: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with berotralstat due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate and berotralstat is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor. [34979] [66159] Beta-adrenergic blockers: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Betaxolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Bexagliflozin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Bexarotene: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents, such as bexarotene. [30943] Bismuth Subsalicylate: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Bismuth Subsalicylate; metroNIDAZOLE; Tetracycline: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Bisoprolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Bisoprolol; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Bortezomib: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7714] Brimonidine; Timolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Brompheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Brompheniramine; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Brompheniramine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Brompheniramine; Pseudoephedrine; Dextromethorphan: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Bumetanide: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and loop diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and loop diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [28429] [29779] (Moderate) Use beta-agonists and loop diuretics with caution due to risk for ECG changes and/or hypokalemia. The ECG changes and/or hypokalemia that may result from administration of loop diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. [43675] [44979] [49951] BUPivacaine; EPINEPHrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant epinephrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] [56575] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and epinephrine use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Corticosteroids may potentiate the hypokalemic effects of epinephrine. [26417] [56575] BUPivacaine; Meloxicam: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] buPROPion: (Moderate) Monitor for seizure activity during concomitant bupropion and corticosteroid use. Bupropion is associated with a dose-related seizure risk; concomitant use of other medications that lower the seizure threshold, such as systemic corticosteroids, increases the seizure risk. [44094] buPROPion; Naltrexone: (Moderate) Monitor for seizure activity during concomitant bupropion and corticosteroid use. Bupropion is associated with a dose-related seizure risk; concomitant use of other medications that lower the seizure threshold, such as systemic corticosteroids, increases the seizure risk. [44094] Butalbital; Acetaminophen: (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Butalbital is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. [28001] Butalbital; Acetaminophen; Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Butalbital is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. [28001] Butalbital; Acetaminophen; Caffeine; Codeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Butalbital is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. [28001] Butalbital; Aspirin; Caffeine; Codeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Butalbital is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. [28001] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Cabozantinib: (Minor) Monitor for an increase in budesonide-related adverse reactions if coadministration with cabozantinib is necessary. Budesonide is a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate. Cabozantinib is a P-gp inhibitor and has the potential to increase plasma concentrations of P-gp substrates; however, the clinical relevance of this finding is unknown. [34354] [52506] [60738] Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] Caffeine; Sodium Benzoate: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] (Moderate) Corticosteroids may cause protein breakdown, which could lead to elevated blood ammonia concentrations, especially in patients with an impaired ability to form urea. Corticosteroids should be used with caution in patients receiving treatment for hyperammonemia. [8083] Calcium Carbonate: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. In addition, calcium absorption is reduced when calcium carbonate is taken concomitantly with systemic corticosteroids. Systemic corticosteroids induce a negative calcium balance by inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption as well as by increasing renal calcium losses. The mechanism by which these drugs inhibit calcium absorption in the intestine is likely to involve a direct inhibition of absorptive cell function. [31468] [31469] Calcium Carbonate; Famotidine; Magnesium Hydroxide: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. In addition, calcium absorption is reduced when calcium carbonate is taken concomitantly with systemic corticosteroids. Systemic corticosteroids induce a negative calcium balance by inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption as well as by increasing renal calcium losses. The mechanism by which these drugs inhibit calcium absorption in the intestine is likely to involve a direct inhibition of absorptive cell function. [31468] [31469] Calcium Carbonate; Magnesium Hydroxide: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. In addition, calcium absorption is reduced when calcium carbonate is taken concomitantly with systemic corticosteroids. Systemic corticosteroids induce a negative calcium balance by inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption as well as by increasing renal calcium losses. The mechanism by which these drugs inhibit calcium absorption in the intestine is likely to involve a direct inhibition of absorptive cell function. [31468] [31469] Calcium Carbonate; Magnesium Hydroxide; Simethicone: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. In addition, calcium absorption is reduced when calcium carbonate is taken concomitantly with systemic corticosteroids. Systemic corticosteroids induce a negative calcium balance by inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption as well as by increasing renal calcium losses. The mechanism by which these drugs inhibit calcium absorption in the intestine is likely to involve a direct inhibition of absorptive cell function. [31468] [31469] Calcium Carbonate; Simethicone: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. In addition, calcium absorption is reduced when calcium carbonate is taken concomitantly with systemic corticosteroids. Systemic corticosteroids induce a negative calcium balance by inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption as well as by increasing renal calcium losses. The mechanism by which these drugs inhibit calcium absorption in the intestine is likely to involve a direct inhibition of absorptive cell function. [31468] [31469] Calcium; Vitamin D: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. In addition, calcium absorption is reduced when calcium carbonate is taken concomitantly with systemic corticosteroids. Systemic corticosteroids induce a negative calcium balance by inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption as well as by increasing renal calcium losses. The mechanism by which these drugs inhibit calcium absorption in the intestine is likely to involve a direct inhibition of absorptive cell function. [31468] [31469] Canagliflozin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Canagliflozin; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Candesartan; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Captopril; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Carmustine, BCNU: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [5946] [7714] [7944] Carteolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Carvedilol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] (Minor) Increased concentrations of budesonide may occur if it is coadministered with carvedilol; exercise caution. Carvedilol is a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor and budesonide is a P-gp substrate. [34354] [51834] [58220] Celecoxib: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Celecoxib; Tramadol: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Ceritinib: (Major) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and ceritinib due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; ceritinib is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [34979] [57094] Cetirizine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Chikungunya Vaccine, Live: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Chikungunya Vaccine, Recombinant: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Chlophedianol; Dexchlorpheniramine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Chlorambucil: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [4757] [7714] Chlorothiazide: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Chlorpheniramine; Ibuprofen; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Chlorpheniramine; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Chlorpheniramine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Chlorthalidone: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Cholera Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving immunosuppressant medications may have a diminished response to the live cholera vaccine. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines prior to initiating immunosuppressant medications. Counsel patients receiving immunosuppressant medications about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure to cholera bacteria after receiving the vaccine. High-dose corticosteroid therapy may impair immune function and is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. [60092] [60871] [65107] Choline Salicylate; Magnesium Salicylate: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Cimetidine: (Moderate) Monitor for loss of oral, enteric-coated budesonide efficacy and budesonide-related adverse events during concomitant cimetidine use. Since the dissolution of oral, enteric-coated budesonide is pH dependent, the release properties and uptake of the drug may be altered when used after H2-blockers. In an open, non-randomized, cross-over study, coadministration of cimetidine resulted in a 52% and 31% increase in the budesonide peak plasma concentration and AUC, respectively, after administration of cimetidine 1 g/day (200 mg with meals and 400 mg at night) for 2 separate 3-day periods where oral, delayed-release budesonide 4 mg was administered either alone or on the last day of a cimetidine treatment period. [34979] [52910] Ciprofloxacin: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with ciprofloxacin due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and ciprofloxacin is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. Also, quinolones have been associated with an increased risk of tendon rupture requiring surgical repair or resulting in prolonged disability; this risk is further increased in those receiving concomitant corticosteroids. Discontinue quinolone therapy at the first sign of tendon inflammation or tendon pain, as these are symptoms that may precede rupture of the tendon. [28764] [34979] [56579] Cisapride: (Contraindicated) QT prolongation and ventricular arrhythmias, including torsade de pointes (TdP) and death, have been reported with cisapride. Because of the potential for TdP, use of other drugs that might increase the QT interval is contraindicated with cisapride. Beta-agonists may be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects including QT interval prolongation, usually at higher doses and/or when associated with hypokalemia. [28318] [28978] [32901] [33925] [41231] [47221] Cisatracurium: (Moderate) Limit the period of use of neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids and only use when the specific advantages of the drugs outweigh the risks for acute myopathy. An acute myopathy has been observed with the use of high doses of corticosteroids in patients receiving concomitant long-term therapy with neuromuscular blockers. Clinical improvement or recovery after stopping therapy may require weeks to years. [41361] [41961] [42031] [43319] [54278] [60760] [61750] [61937] Cladribine: (Minor) Concurrent use of purine analogs with other agents which cause bone marrow or immune suppression such as other antineoplastic agents or immunosuppressives may result in additive effects. [5504] Clarithromycin: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and clarithromycin due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; clarithromycin is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28238] [28278] [34376] [34979] Clofarabine: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7557] [7714] Cobicistat: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and cobistat due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Elevated budesonide serum concentrations may result in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate; cobicistat is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [31824] [34354] [34979] [51664] [58000] Cocaine: (Moderate) Additive effects and increased toxicity might be observed when using cocaine with beta-agonists, which are sympathomimetic agents. The combined use of these agents may have the potential for additive adrenergic stimulation and side effects, such as nervousness, insomnia, palpitations, or adverse cardiovascular effects. [28318] [32901] [33925] [41231] [5275] Codeine; guaiFENesin; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Codeine; Phenylephrine; Promethazine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Conivaptan: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with conivaptan due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and conivaptan is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [31764] [34979] Conjugated Estrogens: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Conjugated Estrogens; Bazedoxifene: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Conjugated Estrogens; medroxyPROGESTERone: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Crizotinib: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with crizotinib due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate and crizotinib is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [34979] [45458] cycloSPORINE: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and cyclosporine if possible due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure of budesonide may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; cyclosporine is a CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [67192] Dabrafenib: (Major) The concomitant use of dabrafenib and budesonide may lead to decreased budesonide concentrations and loss of efficacy. Use of an alternative agent is recommended. If concomitant use of these agents together is unavoidable, monitor patients for loss of budesonide efficacy. Dabrafenib is a moderate CYP3A4 inducer and budesonide is a sensitive CYP3A4 substrate. Concomitant use of dabrafenib with a single dose of another sensitive CYP3A4 substrate decreased the AUC value of the sensitive CYP3A4 substrate by 65%. [34979] [54802] Danazol: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and danazol due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; danazol is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28278] [34376] [34979] Dapagliflozin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Dapagliflozin; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Dapagliflozin; sAXagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Darunavir: (Moderate) Coadministration of budesonide with darunavir may cause elevated budesonide serum concentrations, potentially resulting in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; darunavir is an inhibitor of CYP3A4. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [32432] [34979] [58000] Darunavir; Cobicistat: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and cobistat due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Elevated budesonide serum concentrations may result in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate; cobicistat is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [31824] [34354] [34979] [51664] [58000] (Moderate) Coadministration of budesonide with darunavir may cause elevated budesonide serum concentrations, potentially resulting in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; darunavir is an inhibitor of CYP3A4. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [32432] [34979] [58000] Darunavir; Cobicistat; Emtricitabine; Tenofovir alafenamide: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and cobistat due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Elevated budesonide serum concentrations may result in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate; cobicistat is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [31824] [34354] [34979] [51664] [58000] (Moderate) Coadministration of budesonide with darunavir may cause elevated budesonide serum concentrations, potentially resulting in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; darunavir is an inhibitor of CYP3A4. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [32432] [34979] [58000] Deferasirox: (Moderate) Because gastric ulceration and GI bleeding have been reported in patients taking deferasirox, use caution when coadministering with other drugs known to increase the risk of peptic ulcers or gastric hemorrhage including corticosteroids. [31807] Delafloxacin: (Moderate) Quinolones have been associated with an increased risk of tendon rupture requiring surgical repair or resulting in prolonged disability; this risk is further increased in those receiving concomitant corticosteroids. Discontinue quinolone therapy at the first sign of tendon inflammation or tendon pain, as these are symptoms that may precede rupture of the tendon. [62028] Dengue Tetravalent Vaccine, Live: (Contraindicated) Avoid administration of the live dengue virus vaccine with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [64100] [65107] Denosumab: (Moderate) The safety and efficacy of denosumab use in patients with immunosuppression have not been evaluated. Patients receiving immunosuppressives along with denosumab may be at a greater risk of developing an infection. [40862] Desloratadine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Desmopressin: (Contraindicated) Desmopressin is contraindicated in patients at increased risk of severe hyponatremia. Hyponatremia was observed in nocturia clinical trials in patients receiving inhaled or systemic corticosteroids with desmopressin. If concomitant use is necessary, ensure appropriate harm mitigation strategies, such as adequate sodium monitoring, are in place especially for patients with additional risk factors for hyponatremia. [42295] [71147] [71148] Desogestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Dexbrompheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Dexbrompheniramine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Dexchlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Dexlansoprazole: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Dextroamphetamine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant amphetamine; dextroamphetamine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [31563] [33259] Dextromethorphan; buPROPion: (Moderate) Monitor for seizure activity during concomitant bupropion and corticosteroid use. Bupropion is associated with a dose-related seizure risk; concomitant use of other medications that lower the seizure threshold, such as systemic corticosteroids, increases the seizure risk. [44094] Dextromethorphan; diphenhydrAMINE; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Dextromethorphan; guaiFENesin; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Dextromethorphan; guaiFENesin; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Dichlorphenamide: (Moderate) Use dichlorphenamide and arformoterol or formoterol together with caution. Metabolic acidosis is listed by the manufacturers of arformoterol and formoterol as an adverse reaction seen with beta-2 agonists but would be rare with normal doses of arformoterol or formoterol. Metabolic acidosis has been reported with dichlorphenamide. Concurrent use may increase the severity of metabolic acidosis. Measure sodium bicarbonate concentrations at baseline and periodically during dichlorphenamide treatment. If metabolic acidosis occurs or persists, consider reducing the dose or discontinuing dichlorphenamide therapy. [32901] [33259] [41231] Diclofenac: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Diclofenac; miSOPROStol: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Dienogest; Estradiol valerate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Diethylpropion: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] Diflunisal: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] dilTIAZem: (Minor) Diltiazem may increase plasma concentrations of oral budesonide due to inhibition of the CYP3A4 isoenzymet, and can enhance the cortisol suppression associated with budesonide administered via inhalation. [6192] Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] diphenhydrAMINE; Ibuprofen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] diphenhydrAMINE; Naproxen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] diphenhydrAMINE; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine; Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV : (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Diphtheria Toxoid, Tetanus Toxoid, Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, DTaP; Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, IPV: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Diphtheria Toxoid; Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed, DT, Td: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Diphtheria/Tetanus Toxoids; Pertussis Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] DOBUTamine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] Dofetilide: (Major) Corticosteroids can cause increases in blood pressure, sodium and water retention, and hypokalemia, predisposing patients to interactions with certain other medications. Corticosteroid-induced hypokalemia could also enhance the proarrhythmic effects of dofetilide. [49489] DOPamine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] Dorzolamide; Timolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Dronedarone: (Moderate) Dronedarone is metabolized by and is an inhibitor of CYP3A; drondarone also inhibits P-gp. Budesonide is a substrate for CYP3A4 and P-gp. The concomitant administration of dronedarone with CYP3A4 and P-gp substrates may result in increased exposure of the substrate and should, therefore, be undertaken with caution. [36101] droPERidol: (Moderate) Caution is advised when using droperidol in combination with corticosteroids which may lead to electrolyte abnormalities, especially hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia, as such abnormalities may increase the risk for QT prolongation or cardiac arrhythmias. [5468] Drospirenone; Estetrol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Drospirenone; Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Drospirenone; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Drospirenone; Ethinyl Estradiol; Levomefolate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Dulaglutide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Duvelisib: (Major) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with duvelisib due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate and duvelisib is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor. [34979] [63571] Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Echinacea: (Moderate) Echinacea possesses immunostimulatory activity and may theoretically reduce the response to immunosuppressant drugs like corticosteroids. For some patients who are using corticosteroids for serious illness, such as cancer or organ transplant, this potential interaction may result in the preferable avoidance of Echinacea. Although documentation is lacking, coadministration of echinacea with immunosuppressants is not recommended by some resources. [25398] [32073] [61902] [61905] Econazole: (Minor) In vitro studies indicate that corticosteroids inhibit the antifungal activity of econazole against C. albicans in a concentration-dependent manner. When the concentration of the corticosteroid was equal to or greater than that of econazole on a weight basis, the antifungal activity of econazole was substantially inhibited. When the corticosteroid concentration was one-tenth that of econazole, no inhibition of antifungal activity was observed. [6968] Elagolix; Estradiol; Norethindrone acetate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Elbasvir; Grazoprevir: (Minor) Administering budesonide with grazoprevir may result in elevated budesonide plasma concentrations. Budesonide is a substrate of CYP3A; grazoprevir is a weak CYP3A inhibitor. If these drugs are used together, closely monitor for signs of adverse events. [60523] Elexacaftor; tezacaftor; ivacaftor: (Moderate) Use caution when administering ivacaftor and budesonide concurrently. Ivacaftor is an inhibitor of CYP3A and P-glycoprotein (Pgp). Co-administration of ivacaftor with CYP3A and Pgp substrates, such as budesonide, can increase budesonide exposure leading to increased or prolonged therapeutic effects and adverse events. [34354] [34979] [48524] Eliglustat: (Moderate) Coadministration of oral budesonide and eliglustat may result in increased plasma concentrations of budesonide. Monitor patients closely for corticosteroid-related adverse effects; if appropriate, consider reducing the budesonide dosage and titrating to clinical effect. Budesonide is a substrate of the intestinal drug efflux pump, P-glycoprotein (P-gp); eliglustat is a P-gp inhibitor. [34354] [57803] Elvitegravir; Cobicistat; Emtricitabine; Tenofovir Alafenamide: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and cobistat due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Elevated budesonide serum concentrations may result in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate; cobicistat is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [31824] [34354] [34979] [51664] [58000] Elvitegravir; Cobicistat; Emtricitabine; Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and cobistat due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Elevated budesonide serum concentrations may result in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate; cobicistat is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone and prednisolone, whose concentrations are less affected by strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, should be considered, especially for long-term use. [31824] [34354] [34979] [51664] [58000] Empagliflozin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Empagliflozin; Linagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Empagliflozin; Linagliptin; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Empagliflozin; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Enalapril; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] ePHEDrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) Ephedrine may enhance the metabolic clearance of corticosteroids. Decreased blood concentrations and lessened physiologic activity may necessitate an increase in corticosteroid dosage. [8844] ePHEDrine; guaiFENesin: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) Ephedrine may enhance the metabolic clearance of corticosteroids. Decreased blood concentrations and lessened physiologic activity may necessitate an increase in corticosteroid dosage. [8844] EPINEPHrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant epinephrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] [56575] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and epinephrine use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Corticosteroids may potentiate the hypokalemic effects of epinephrine. [26417] [56575] Ergotamine; Caffeine: (Moderate) Caffeine may enhance the cardiac inotropic effects of beta-agonists. [66338] Erlotinib: (Moderate) Monitor for symptoms of gastrointestinal (GI) perforation (e.g., severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting) if coadministration of erlotinib with budesonide is necessary. Permanently discontinue erlotinib in patients who develop GI perforation. The pooled incidence of GI perforation clinical trials of erlotinib ranged from 0.1% to 0.4%, including fatal cases; patients receiving concomitant budesonide may be at increased risk. [30555] Ertugliflozin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Ertugliflozin; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Ertugliflozin; SITagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Erythromycin: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with erythromycin due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and erythromycin is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [28251] [34979] Esmolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Esomeprazole: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Esterified Estrogens: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Esterified Estrogens; methylTESTOSTERone: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Estradiol; Levonorgestrel: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Estradiol; Norethindrone: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Estradiol; Norgestimate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Estradiol; Progesterone: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Estramustine: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [4744] [7714] Estrogens: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Estropipate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Ethacrynic Acid: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and loop diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and loop diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [28429] [29779] (Moderate) Use beta-agonists and loop diuretics with caution due to risk for ECG changes and/or hypokalemia. The ECG changes and/or hypokalemia that may result from administration of loop diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. [43675] [44979] [49951] Ethinyl Estradiol; Norelgestromin: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Ethinyl Estradiol; Norethindrone Acetate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Ethinyl Estradiol; Norgestrel: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Ethynodiol Diacetate; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Etodolac: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Etonogestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Etravirine: (Moderate) Etravirine is a CYP3A4 inducer and a P-glycoprotein (PGP) inhibitor and budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate and a substrate/inhibitor of PGP. Caution is warranted if these drugs are coadministered. [11210] [33718] [6865] Exenatide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Fedratinib: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with fedratinib due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate and fedratinib is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor. [34979] [64568] Fenoprofen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Fexofenadine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Fluconazole: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with fluconazole due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and fluconazole is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [28674] [34979] Fludarabine: (Minor) Concurrent use of purine analogs with other agents which cause bone marrow or immune suppression such as other antineoplastic agents or immunosuppressives may result in additive effects. [5504] Flurbiprofen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Fluticasone; Salmeterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Fluticasone; Umeclidinium; Vilanterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Fluticasone; Vilanterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] fluvoxaMINE: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and fluvoxamine if possible due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; fluvoxamine is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28902] [34979] Fosamprenavir: (Major) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with fosamprenavir due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and fosamprenavir is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [29012] [34979] Fosinopril; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Furosemide: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and loop diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and loop diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [28429] [29779] (Moderate) Use beta-agonists and loop diuretics with caution due to risk for ECG changes and/or hypokalemia. The ECG changes and/or hypokalemia that may result from administration of loop diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. [43675] [44979] [49951] Gallium Ga 68 Dotatate: (Moderate) Repeated administration of high corticosteroid doses prior to gallium Ga 68 dotatate may result in false negative imaging. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. Corticosteroids can down-regulate somatostatin subtype 2 receptors: thereby, interfering with binding of gallium Ga 68 dotatate to malignant cells that overexpress these receptors. [60852] Gemifloxacin: (Moderate) Quinolones have been associated with an increased risk of tendon rupture requiring surgical repair or resulting in prolonged disability; this risk is further increased in those receiving concomitant corticosteroids. Discontinue quinolone therapy at the first sign of tendon inflammation or tendon pain, as these are symptoms that may precede rupture of the tendon. [28424] Glecaprevir; Pibrentasvir: (Moderate) Caution is advised with the coadministration of glecaprevir and budesonide as coadministration may increase serum concentrations of budesonide and increase the risk of adverse effects. Glecaprevir is a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor; budesonide is a P-gp substrate. [34354] [62201] (Moderate) Caution is advised with the coadministration of pibrentasvir and budesonide as coadministration may increase serum concentrations of budesonide and increase the risk of adverse effects. Pibrentasvir is a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor; budesonide is a P-gp substrate. [34354] [62201] Glimepiride: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and sulfonylurea use; a sulfonylurea dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] glipiZIDE: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and sulfonylurea use; a sulfonylurea dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] glipiZIDE; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and sulfonylurea use; a sulfonylurea dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] glyBURIDE: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and sulfonylurea use; a sulfonylurea dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] glyBURIDE; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and sulfonylurea use; a sulfonylurea dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Glycerol Phenylbutyrate: (Moderate) Corticosteroids may induce elevated blood ammonia concentrations. Corticosteroids should be used with caution in patients receiving glycerol phenylbutyrate. Monitor ammonia concentrations closely. [53022] Grapefruit juice: (Major) Grapefruit juice, an inhibitor of gut mucosal CYP3A4, roughly doubles the bioavailability of oral budesonide. Patients should not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice during the entire treatment period with oral budesonide. [34979] Griseofulvin: (Moderate) Theoretically, induction of the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme by griseofulvin may result in a lowering of budesonide plasma concentrations, reducing the clinical effect. [28001] guaiFENesin; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] guaiFENesin; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Haemophilus influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Haloperidol: (Moderate) Caution is advisable during concurrent use of haloperidol and corticosteroids as electrolyte imbalance caused by corticosteroids may increase the risk of QT prolongation with haloperidol. [28307] Hemin: (Moderate) Hemin works by inhibiting aminolevulinic acid synthetase. Corticosteroids increase the activity of this enzyme should not be used with hemin. [6702] Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Hepatitis A Vaccine, Inactivated; Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Hepatitis B Vaccine, Recombinant: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Human Papillomavirus 9-Valent Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ; Moexipril: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] HYDROcodone; Ibuprofen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Hydroxyurea: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7714] Hyoscyamine; Methenamine; Methylene Blue; Phenyl Salicylate; Sodium Biphosphate: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Ibritumomab Tiuxetan: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7714] Ibuprofen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Ibuprofen; Famotidine: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Ibuprofen; oxyCODONE: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Ibuprofen; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Idelalisib: (Major) Avoid concomitant use of idelalisib, a strong CYP3A inhibitor, with budesonide, a CYP3A substrate, as budesonide toxicities may be significantly increased. The AUC of a sensitive CYP3A substrate was increased 5.4-fold when coadministered with idelalisib. [57675] [6865] Incretin Mimetics: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Indacaterol; Glycopyrrolate: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Indapamide: (Moderate) Additive hypokalemia may occur when indapamide is coadministered with other drugs with a significant risk of hypokalemia such as systemic corticosteroids. Coadminister with caution and careful monitoring. [26417] Indinavir: (Minor) Use caution when budesonide is coadministered with drugs that inhibit CYP3A enzymes, such as indinavir, and consider dose reduction. Toxicity may occur, particularly excessive HPA-axis suppression. [5462] Indomethacin: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Inebilizumab: (Moderate) Concomitant usage of inebilizumab with immunosuppressant drugs, including systemic corticosteroids, may increase the risk of infection. Consider the risk of additive immune system effects when coadministering therapies that cause immunosuppression with inebilizumab. [65576] Influenza Virus Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Insulin Aspart: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Aspart; Insulin Aspart Protamine: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Degludec: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Degludec; Liraglutide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Detemir: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Glargine: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Glargine; Lixisenatide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Glulisine: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Lispro: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin Lispro; Insulin Lispro Protamine: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulin, Inhaled: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Insulins: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Interferon Alfa-2b: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7714] Intranasal Influenza Vaccine: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Irbesartan; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Isavuconazonium: (Moderate) Concomitant use of isavuconazonium with budesonide may result in increased serum concentrations of budesonide. Budesonide is a substrate of the hepatic isoenzyme CYP3A4 and drug transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp); isavuconazole, the active moiety of isavuconazonium, is an inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp. Caution and close monitoring are advised if these drugs are used together. [34354] [59042] Isocarboxazid: (Moderate) Use beta-agonists with caution in patients receiving concomitant monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or within 14 days of stopping treatment with MAOIs because the action of beta-agonists on the cardiovascular system may be potentiated. [27957] [28309] [28467] [29656] [30438] [32901] [44979] [49951] [51793] [54633] [57710] Isophane Insulin (NPH): (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Isoproterenol: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The risk of cardiac toxicity with isoproterenol in asthma patients appears to be increased with the coadministration of corticosteroids. Intravenous infusions of isoproterenol in refractory asthmatic children at rates of 0.05 to 2.7 mcg/kg/min have caused clinical deterioration, myocardial infarction (necrosis), congestive heart failure and death. [28004] ISOtretinoin: (Minor) Both isotretinoin and corticosteroids can cause osteoporosis during chronic use. Patients receiving systemic corticosteroids should receive isotretinoin therapy with caution. [5283] Itraconazole: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and itraconazole due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; itraconazole is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28278] [34376] [34979] (Moderate) Use itraconazole with caution in combination with beta-agonists as concurrent use may increase the risk of QT prolongation. Itraconazole has been associated with prolongation of the QT interval. Beta-agonists may be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects including QT interval prolongation, usually at higher doses, when associated with hypokalemia, or when used with other drugs known to prolong the QT interval. This risk may be more clinically significant with long-acting beta-agonists as compared to short-acting beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [40233] [41231] [57441] Ivacaftor: (Moderate) Use caution when administering ivacaftor and budesonide concurrently. Ivacaftor is an inhibitor of CYP3A and P-glycoprotein (Pgp). Co-administration of ivacaftor with CYP3A and Pgp substrates, such as budesonide, can increase budesonide exposure leading to increased or prolonged therapeutic effects and adverse events. [34354] [34979] [48524] Ivosidenib: (Moderate) Monitor for loss of efficacy of budesonide during coadministration of ivosidenib; a budesonide dose adjustment may be necessary. Budesonide is a sensitive substrate of CYP3A4; ivosidenib induces CYP3A4 and may lead to decreased budesonide concentrations. [34979] [63368] Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Ketoconazole: (Moderate) Formoterol, as with other long-acting beta-agonists, should be administered with extreme caution to patients being treated with drugs known to prolong the QTc interval like ketoconazole because the effect of adrenergic agonists on the cardiovascular system may be potentiated. Drugs that are known to prolong the QTc interval have an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Ketoconazole has been associated with prolongation of the QT interval and torsade de pointes (TdP). [27982] [62731] (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse effects during chronic concomitant use of inhaled or nasal budesonide and ketoconazole. Avoid concomitant use of oral budesonide and ketoconazole. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and ketoconazole is a strong CYP3A inhibitor. Ketoconazole has been observed to increase the overall exposure of oral budesonide by 8-fold. The total absolute bioavailability of inhaled and nasal budesonide products ranges from 6% to 39% of the labeled dose. [31824] [33486] [34376] [34979] [52910] [67192] Ketoprofen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Ketorolac: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Labetalol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Landiolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Lansoprazole: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Lansoprazole; Amoxicillin; Clarithromycin: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and clarithromycin due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; clarithromycin is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28238] [28278] [34376] [34979] (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Ledipasvir; Sofosbuvir: (Minor) Caution and close monitoring of budesonide-associated adverse reactions is advised with concomitant administration of ledipasvir. Budesonide is a substrate of the drug transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp); ledipasvir is a P-gp inhibitor. Taking these drugs together may increase budesonide plasma concentrations. [34354] [58167] Lefamulin: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with oral lefamulin due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate and oral lefamulin is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor; an interaction is not expected with intravenous lefamulin. [34979] [64576] Lenacapavir: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with lenacapavir due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and lenacapavir is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [34979] [68383] Letermovir: (Moderate) A clinically relevant increase in the plasma concentration of budesonide may occur when given concurrently with letermovir; monitor for adverse events. Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and letermovir in patients who are also receiving treatment with cyclosporine, because the magnitude of this interaction may be amplified. Budesonide is a sensitive CYP3A4 substrate. Letermovir is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor; however, when given with cyclosporine, the combined effect on CYP3A4 substrates may be similar to a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. Concurrent use of a strong inhibitor increased the AUC of oral budesonide by 8-fold. [34979] [62611] Levobunolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] levoFLOXacin: (Moderate) Quinolones have been associated with an increased risk of tendon rupture requiring surgical repair or resulting in prolonged disability; this risk is further increased in those receiving concomitant corticosteroids. Discontinue quinolone therapy at the first sign of tendon inflammation or tendon pain, as these are symptoms that may precede rupture of the tendon. [65562] Levoketoconazole: (Moderate) Formoterol, as with other long-acting beta-agonists, should be administered with extreme caution to patients being treated with drugs known to prolong the QTc interval like ketoconazole because the effect of adrenergic agonists on the cardiovascular system may be potentiated. Drugs that are known to prolong the QTc interval have an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Ketoconazole has been associated with prolongation of the QT interval and torsade de pointes (TdP). [27982] [62731] (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse effects during chronic concomitant use of inhaled or nasal budesonide and ketoconazole. Avoid concomitant use of oral budesonide and ketoconazole. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and ketoconazole is a strong CYP3A inhibitor. Ketoconazole has been observed to increase the overall exposure of oral budesonide by 8-fold. The total absolute bioavailability of inhaled and nasal budesonide products ranges from 6% to 39% of the labeled dose. [31824] [33486] [34376] [34979] [52910] [67192] Levonorgestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Levonorgestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous Bisglycinate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Levonorgestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous Fumarate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Levothyroxine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant beta-agonist and thyroid hormone use. Concurrent use may increase the effects of sympathomimetics or thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones may increase the risk of coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents are administered to patients with coronary artery disease. [43942] [43952] Levothyroxine; Liothyronine (Porcine): (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant beta-agonist and thyroid hormone use. Concurrent use may increase the effects of sympathomimetics or thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones may increase the risk of coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents are administered to patients with coronary artery disease. [43942] [43952] Levothyroxine; Liothyronine (Synthetic): (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant beta-agonist and thyroid hormone use. Concurrent use may increase the effects of sympathomimetics or thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones may increase the risk of coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents are administered to patients with coronary artery disease. [43942] [43952] Lidocaine; EPINEPHrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant epinephrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] [56575] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and epinephrine use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Corticosteroids may potentiate the hypokalemic effects of epinephrine. [26417] [56575] Linagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Linagliptin; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Linezolid: (Moderate) Linezolid may enhance the hypertensive effect of beta-agonists. Closely monitor for increased blood pressure during coadministration. Linezolid is an antibiotic that is also a weak, reversible nonselective inhibitor of monoamine oxidase (MAO). Therefore, linezolid has the potential for interaction with adrenergic agents, such as the beta-agonists. [28599] [32308] Liothyronine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant beta-agonist and thyroid hormone use. Concurrent use may increase the effects of sympathomimetics or thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones may increase the risk of coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents are administered to patients with coronary artery disease. [43942] [43952] Liraglutide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Lisinopril; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Live Vaccines: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Lixisenatide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Lomustine, CCNU: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [5946] [7714] [7944] Lonafarnib: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and lonafarnib due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; lonafarnib is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [34979] [66129] Lonapegsomatropin: (Moderate) Corticosteroids can retard bone growth and therefore, can inhibit the growth-promoting effects of somatropin. If corticosteroid therapy is required, the corticosteroid dose should be carefully adjusted. [6807] Loop diuretics: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and loop diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and loop diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [28429] [29779] (Moderate) Use beta-agonists and loop diuretics with caution due to risk for ECG changes and/or hypokalemia. The ECG changes and/or hypokalemia that may result from administration of loop diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. [43675] [44979] [49951] Lopinavir; Ritonavir: (Major) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and ritonavir due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; ritonavir is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28315] [31824] [34979] [47165] (Moderate) Decreased lopinavir plasma concentrations have been observed when systemic budesonide and lopinavir are coadministered, increasing the risk for HIV treatment failure. Consider use of an alternative corticosteroid. If concurrent use is required, caution and careful monitoring of HIV treatment status is recommended. [28341] [31824] [34979] [51080] Loratadine; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Losartan; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Lumacaftor; Ivacaftor: (Moderate) Concomitant use of budesonide and lumacaftor; ivacaftor may alter the therapeutic effects of budesonide; caution and close monitoring are advised if these drugs are used together. Budesonide is a primary substrate of CYP3A4 and a substrate of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux transporter. Lumacaftor is a strong CYP3A inducer; in vitro data also suggest lumacaftor; ivacaftor may induce and/or inhibit P-gp. Although induction of budesonide through the CYP3A pathway may lead to decreased drug efficacy, the net effect of lumacaftor; ivacaftor on P-gp transport is not clear. Monitor the patient for decreased corticosteroid efficacy or increased or prolonged therapeutic effects and adverse events. [34354] [34979] [59891] (Moderate) Use caution when administering ivacaftor and budesonide concurrently. Ivacaftor is an inhibitor of CYP3A and P-glycoprotein (Pgp). Co-administration of ivacaftor with CYP3A and Pgp substrates, such as budesonide, can increase budesonide exposure leading to increased or prolonged therapeutic effects and adverse events. [34354] [34979] [48524] Lumacaftor; Ivacaftor: (Moderate) Concomitant use of budesonide and lumacaftor; ivacaftor may alter the therapeutic effects of budesonide; caution and close monitoring are advised if these drugs are used together. Budesonide is a primary substrate of CYP3A4 and a substrate of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux transporter. Lumacaftor is a strong CYP3A inducer; in vitro data also suggest lumacaftor; ivacaftor may induce and/or inhibit P-gp. Although induction of budesonide through the CYP3A pathway may lead to decreased drug efficacy, the net effect of lumacaftor; ivacaftor on P-gp transport is not clear. Monitor the patient for decreased corticosteroid efficacy or increased or prolonged therapeutic effects and adverse events. [34354] [34979] [59891] Lutetium Lu 177 dotatate: (Major) Avoid repeated administration of high doses of glucocorticoids during treatment with lutetium Lu 177 dotatate due to the risk of decreased efficacy of lutetium Lu 177 dotatate. Lutetium Lu 177 dotatate binds to somatostatin receptors, with the highest affinity for subtype 2 somatostatin receptors (SSTR2); glucocorticoids can induce down-regulation of SSTR2. [62824] Macimorelin: (Major) Avoid use of macimorelin with drugs that directly affect pituitary growth hormone secretion, such as corticosteroids. Healthcare providers are advised to discontinue corticosteroid therapy and observe a sufficient washout period before administering macimorelin. Use of these medications together may impact the accuracy of the macimorelin growth hormone test. [62723] Magnesium Hydroxide: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Magnesium Salicylate: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Magnesium Salts: (Moderate) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH more than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [34979] [52910] Mannitol: (Moderate) Corticosteroids may accentuate the electrolyte loss associated with diuretic therapy resulting in hypokalemia. Also, corticotropin may cause calcium loss and sodium and fluid retention. Mannitol itself can cause hypernatremia. Close monitoring of electrolytes should occur in patients receiving these drugs concomitantly. [6524] Measles Virus; Mumps Virus; Rubella Virus; Varicella Virus Vaccine, Live: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Measles/Mumps/Rubella Vaccines, MMR: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Mecasermin, Recombinant, rh-IGF-1: (Moderate) Additional monitoring may be required when coadministering systemic or inhaled corticosteroids and mecasermin, recombinant, rh-IGF-1. In animal studies, corticosteroids impair the growth-stimulating effects of growth hormone (GH) through interference with the physiological stimulation of epiphyseal chondrocyte proliferation exerted by GH and IGF-1. Dexamethasone administration on long bone tissue in vitro resulted in a decrease of local synthesis of IGF-1. Similar counteractive effects are expected in humans. If systemic or inhaled glucocorticoid therapy is required, the steroid dose should be carefully adjusted and growth rate monitored. [8314] [8315] Meclofenamate Sodium: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Mefenamic Acid: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Meglitinides: (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] Meloxicam: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Meningococcal Group B (MenB-4C) Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Meningococcal Group B (MenB-FHbp) Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Meningococcal Groups A, B, C, W, and Y Vaccine (5 valent): (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Meningococcal Groups A, C, W, and Y Vaccine (4 valent): (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Mercaptopurine, 6-MP: (Minor) Concurrent use of purine analogs with other agents which cause bone marrow or immune suppression such as other antineoplastic agents or immunosuppressives may result in additive effects. [5504] metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] metFORMIN; Repaglinide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] metFORMIN; sAXagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] metFORMIN; SITagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Methacholine: (Major) Discontinue use of formoterol 36 hours before a methacholine challenge test. Beta-agonists inhibit the airway response to methacholine. [43792] [65783] Methamphetamine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] methazolAMIDE: (Moderate) Corticosteroids may increase the risk of hypokalemia if used concurrently with methazolamide. Hypokalemia may be especially severe with prolonged use of corticotropin, ACTH. Monitor serum potassium levels to determine the need for potassium supplementation and/or alteration in drug therapy. The chronic use of corticosteroids may augment calcium excretion with methazolamide leading to increased risk for hypocalcemia and/or osteoporosis. [5023] Methenamine; Sodium Salicylate: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Methoxsalen: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7714] metOLazone: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Metoprolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Metoprolol; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] metyraPONE: (Contraindicated) Medications which affect pituitary or adrenocortical function, including all corticosteroid therapy, should be discontinued prior to and during testing with metyrapone. Patients taking inadvertent doses of corticosteroids on the test day may exhibit abnormally high basal plasma cortisol levels and a decreased response to the test. Although systemic absorption of nasal corticosteroids is minimal, temporary discontinuation of these products should be considered if possible to reduce the potential for interference with the test results. [33528] Micafungin: (Moderate) Leukopenia, neutropenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia have been associated with micafungin. Patients who are taking immunosuppressives such as the corticosteroids with micafungin concomitantly may have additive risks for infection or other side effects. In a pharmacokinetic trial, micafungin had no effect on the pharmacokinetics of prednisolone. Acute intravascular hemolysis and hemoglobinuria was seen in a healthy volunteer during infusion of micafungin (200 mg) and oral prednisolone (20 mg). This reaction was transient, and the subject did not develop significant anemia. [44913] Midodrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] miFEPRIStone: (Major) Mifepristone for termination of pregnancy is contraindicated in patients on long-term corticosteroid therapy and mifepristone for Cushing's disease or other chronic conditions is contraindicated in patients who require concomitant treatment with systemic corticosteroids for life-saving purposes, such as serious medical conditions or illnesses (e.g., immunosuppression after organ transplantation). For other situations where corticosteroids are used for treating non-life threatening conditions, mifepristone may lead to reduced corticosteroid efficacy and exacerbation or deterioration of such conditions. This is because mifepristone exhibits antiglucocorticoid activity that may antagonize corticosteroid therapy and the stabilization of the underlying corticosteroid-treated illness. Mifepristone may also cause adrenal insufficiency, so patients receiving corticosteroids for non life-threatening illness require close monitoring. Because serum cortisol levels remain elevated and may even increase during treatment with mifepristone, serum cortisol levels do not provide an accurate assessment of hypoadrenalism. Patients should be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency, If adrenal insufficiency occurs, stop mifepristone treatment and administer systemic glucocorticoids without delay; high doses may be needed to treat these events. Factors considered in deciding on the duration of glucocorticoid treatment should include the long half-life of mifepristone (85 hours). [28003] [48697] Miglitol: (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] Mitotane: (Moderate) Use caution if mitotane and budesonide are used concomitantly, and monitor for decreased efficacy of budesonide and a possible change in dosage requirements. Mitotane is a strong CYP3A4 inducer and budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; coadministration may result in decreased plasma concentrations of budesonide. Theoretically, inhibition of CYP3A may also be clinically significant for inhaled forms of budesonide, including budesonide nasal spray. [34354] [41934] mitoXANTRONE: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7714] Modafinil: (Moderate) Theoretically, induction of the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme by modafinil may result in a lowering of budesonide plasma concentrations, reducing the clinical effect. [28001] [28529] Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: (Moderate) Use beta-agonists with caution in patients receiving concomitant monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or within 14 days of stopping treatment with MAOIs because the action of beta-agonists on the cardiovascular system may be potentiated. [27957] [28309] [28467] [29656] [30438] [32901] [44979] [49951] [51793] [54633] [57710] Moxifloxacin: (Moderate) Quinolones have been associated with an increased risk of tendon rupture requiring surgical repair or resulting in prolonged disability; this risk is further increased in those receiving concomitant corticosteroids. Discontinue quinolone therapy at the first sign of tendon inflammation or tendon pain, as these are symptoms that may precede rupture of the tendon. [28423] Nabumetone: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Nadolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Nafcillin: (Moderate) Theoretically, induction of the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme, such as nafcillin, may result in a lowering of budesonide plasma concentrations, reducing the clinical effect. [28001] Naproxen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Naproxen; Esomeprazole: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Naproxen; Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Natalizumab: (Major) Ordinarily, patients receiving chronic immunosuppressant therapy should not be treated with natalizumab. Treatment recommendations for combined corticosteroid therapy are dependent on the underlying indication for natalizumab therapy. Corticosteroids should be tapered in those patients with Crohn's disease who are on chronic corticosteroids when they start natalizumab therapy, as soon as a therapeutic benefit has occurred. If the patient cannot discontinue systemic corticosteroids within 6 months, discontinue natalizumab. The concomitant use of natalizumab and corticosteroids may further increase the risk of serious infections, including progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, over the risk observed with use of natalizumab alone. In multiple sclerosis (MS) clinical trials, an increase in infections was seen in patients concurrently receiving short courses of corticosteroids. However, the increase in infections in natalizumab-treated patients who received steroids was similar to the increase in placebo-treated patients who received steroids. Short courses of steroid use during natalizumab, such as when they are needed for MS relapse treatment, appear to be acceptable for use concurrently. [30470] [62264] Nateglinide: (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] Nebivolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Nefazodone: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and nefazodone due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; nefazodone is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28683] [34979] Nelarabine: (Minor) Because systemically administered corticosteroids exhibit immunosuppressive effects when given in high doses and/or for extended periods, additive effects may be seen with other immunosuppressives or antineoplastic agents. [7714] Nelfinavir: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and nelfinavir due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; nelfinavir is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28839] [34979] Neostigmine: (Moderate) Concomitant use of anticholinesterase agents, such as neostigmine, and systemic corticosteroids may produce severe weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. If possible, anticholinesterase agents should be withdrawn at least 24 hours before initiating systemic corticosteroid therapy. [29779] [30015] [30028] [31123] [54891] [56146] [64165] Neostigmine; Glycopyrrolate: (Moderate) Concomitant use of anticholinesterase agents, such as neostigmine, and systemic corticosteroids may produce severe weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. If possible, anticholinesterase agents should be withdrawn at least 24 hours before initiating systemic corticosteroid therapy. [29779] [30015] [30028] [31123] [54891] [56146] [64165] Neuromuscular blockers: (Moderate) Limit the period of use of neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids and only use when the specific advantages of the drugs outweigh the risks for acute myopathy. An acute myopathy has been observed with the use of high doses of corticosteroids in patients receiving concomitant long-term therapy with neuromuscular blockers. Clinical improvement or recovery after stopping therapy may require weeks to years. [41361] [41961] [42031] [43319] [54278] [60760] [61750] [61937] NiCARdipine: (Minor) Nicardipine may increase plasma concentrations of budesonide due to inhibition of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme. Use caution when budesonide is coadministered with drugs that inhibit CYP3A enzymes and consider dose reduction. [4718] Nirmatrelvir; Ritonavir: (Major) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and ritonavir due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; ritonavir is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28315] [31824] [34979] [47165] Nirogacestat: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with nirogacestat due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and nirogacestat is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [34979] [69917] Nizatidine: (Moderate) Monitor for loss of oral, enteric-coated budesonide efficacy during concomitant nizatidine use. Since the dissolution of oral, enteric-coated budesonide is pH dependent, the release properties and uptake of the drug may be altered when used after H2-blockers. [34979] [52910] Non-Live Vaccines: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Norepinephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] Norethindrone Acetate; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous fumarate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Norethindrone; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Norethindrone; Ethinyl Estradiol; Ferrous fumarate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Norgestimate; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Ofatumumab: (Moderate) Concomitant use of ofatumumab with corticosteroids may increase the risk of immunosuppression. Monitor patients carefully for signs and symptoms of infection. Ofatumumab has not been studied in combination with other immunosuppressive or immune modulating therapies used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, including immunosuppressant doses of corticosteroids. [65850] Ofloxacin: (Moderate) Quinolones have been associated with an increased risk of tendon rupture requiring surgical repair or resulting in prolonged disability; this risk is further increased in those receiving concomitant corticosteroids. Discontinue quinolone therapy at the first sign of tendon inflammation or tendon pain, as these are symptoms that may precede rupture of the tendon. [30738] Olmesartan; amLODIPine; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Olmesartan; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Olodaterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Omeprazole: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Omeprazole; Amoxicillin; Rifabutin: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Omeprazole; Sodium Bicarbonate: (Major) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [52910] [6865] (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Oritavancin: (Minor) Budesonide is metabolized by CYP3A4; oritavancin is a weak CYP3A4 inducer. Plasma concentrations and efficacy of oral budesonide may be reduced if these drugs are administered concurrently. [56076] [57741] Oxaprozin: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Oxymetholone: (Moderate) Concomitant use of oxymetholone with corticosteroids or corticotropin, ACTH may cause increased edema. Manage edema with diuretic and/or digitalis therapy. [48342] Palbociclib: (Moderate) Monitor for an increase in budesonide-related adverse reactions if coadministration with palbociclib is necessary, including excessive HPA-axis suppression; this may also be clinically significant for inhaled forms of budesonide. Palbociclib is a weak time-dependent inhibitor of CYP3A while budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. [56579] [58768] [64721] Pancuronium: (Moderate) Limit the period of use of neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids and only use when the specific advantages of the drugs outweigh the risks for acute myopathy. An acute myopathy has been observed with the use of high doses of corticosteroids in patients receiving concomitant long-term therapy with neuromuscular blockers. Clinical improvement or recovery after stopping therapy may require weeks to years. [41361] [41961] [42031] [43319] [54278] [60760] [61750] [61937] Pantoprazole: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] PAZOPanib: (Moderate) Pazopanib is a weak inhibitor of CYP3A4. Coadministration of pazopanib and budesonide, a CYP3A4 substrate, may cause an increase in systemic concentrations of budesonide. Use caution when administering these drugs concomitantly. [37098] Pegaspargase: (Moderate) Monitor for an increase in glucocorticoid-related adverse reactions such as hyperglycemia and osteonecrosis during concomitant use of pegaspargase and glucocorticoids. [61310] penicillAMINE: (Major) Agents such as immunosuppressives have adverse reactions similar to those of penicillamine. Concomitant use of penicillamine with these agents is contraindicated because of the increased risk of developing severe hematologic and renal toxicity. [5567] Pentostatin: (Minor) Concurrent use of purine analogs with other agents which cause bone marrow or immune suppression such as other antineoplastic agents or immunosuppressives may result in additive effects. [5504] Phendimetrazine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] Phenelzine: (Moderate) Use beta-agonists with caution in patients receiving concomitant monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or within 14 days of stopping treatment with MAOIs because the action of beta-agonists on the cardiovascular system may be potentiated. [27957] [28309] [28467] [29656] [30438] [32901] [44979] [49951] [51793] [54633] [57710] PHENobarbital: (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Phenobarbital is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. Dose adjustments may be necessary. [28001] PHENobarbital; Hyoscyamine; Atropine; Scopolamine: (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Phenobarbital is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. Dose adjustments may be necessary. [28001] Phentermine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant phentermine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Phentermine; Topiramate: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant phentermine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Photosensitizing agents (topical): (Minor) Corticosteroids administered prior to or concomitantly with photosensitizing agents used in photodynamic therapy may decrease the efficacy of the treatment. [6625] PHYSostigmine: (Moderate) Concomitant use of anticholinesterase agents, such as physostigmine, and systemic corticosteroids may produce severe weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. If possible, withdraw anticholinesterase inhibitors at least 24 hours before initiating corticosteroid therapy. [29779] [30015] [30028] [31123] [56146] [64165] Pimozide: (Moderate) According to the manufacturer of pimozide, the drug should not be coadministered with drugs known to cause electrolyte imbalances, such as high-dose, systemic corticosteroid therapy. Pimozide is associated with a well-established risk of QT prolongation and torsade de pointes (TdP), and electrolyte imbalances (e.g., hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia) may increase the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias. Pimozide is contraindicated in patients with known hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia. Topical corticosteroids are less likely to interact. [28225] [43463] Pindolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Pioglitazone: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazolidinedione use; a thiazolidinedione dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Pioglitazone; Glimepiride: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and sulfonylurea use; a sulfonylurea dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazolidinedione use; a thiazolidinedione dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Pioglitazone; metFORMIN: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and metformin use; a metformin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [28550] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazolidinedione use; a thiazolidinedione dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Piroxicam: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Pneumococcal Vaccine, Polyvalent: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Ponesimod: (Moderate) Monitor for signs and symptoms of infection. Additive immune suppression may result from concomitant use of ponesimod and high-dose corticosteroid therapy which may extend the duration or severity of immune suppression. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. [66527] Posaconazole: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and posaconazole due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Posaconazole is a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, an isoenzyme partially responsible for the metabolism of budesonide. Further, both budesonide and posaconazole are substrates of the drug efflux protein, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), which when administered together may increase the absorption or decrease the clearance of the other drug. This complex interaction may cause alterations in the plasma concentrations of both posaconazole and budesonide, ultimately resulting in an increased risk of adverse events. [32723] [34354] [34979] Potassium-sparing diuretics: (Minor) The manufacturer of spironolactone lists corticosteroids as a potential drug that interacts with spironolactone. Intensified electrolyte depletion, particularly hypokalemia, may occur. However, potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone do not induce hypokalemia. In fact, hypokalemia is one of the indications for potassium-sparing diuretic therapy. Therefore, drugs that induce potassium loss, such as corticosteroids, could counter the hyperkalemic effects of potassium-sparing diuretics. [26417] [29016] [30011] Pramlintide: (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] Prasterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA (Dietary Supplements): (Moderate) Corticosteroids blunt the adrenal secretion of endogenous DHEA and DHEAS, resulting in reduced DHEA and DHEAS serum concentrations. [2460] Prasterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA (FDA-approved): (Moderate) Corticosteroids blunt the adrenal secretion of endogenous DHEA and DHEAS, resulting in reduced DHEA and DHEAS serum concentrations. [2460] Prilocaine; EPINEPHrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant epinephrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] [56575] (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and epinephrine use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Corticosteroids may potentiate the hypokalemic effects of epinephrine. [26417] [56575] Primidone: (Moderate) Coadministration may result in decreased exposure to budesonide. Primidone is a CYP3A4 inducer; budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. Monitor for decreased response to budesonide during concurrent use. [28001] Procarbazine: (Major) Procarbazine has MAOI activity and the cardiovascular effects of beta-2 agonists may be potentiated by concomitant use of MAOIs. Although no data are available, procarbazine may interact similarly. Close observation for such effects is prudent, particularly if beta-agonists are administered within two weeks of stopping the MAOI. [28318] [28625] [32901] [33925] [41231] [44979] Promethazine; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Caution and close observation should be used when formoterol is used concurrently with other adrenergic sympathomimetics, administered by any route, to avoid potential for increased cardiovascular effects. [5038] (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be increased in patient receiving corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone. Monitor patients for increased pressor effect if these agents are administered concomitantly. [54374] [57578] Propranolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] (Moderate) Monitor blood sugar during concomitant corticosteroid and propranolol use due to risk for hypoglycemia. Concurrent use may increase risk of hypoglycemia because of loss of the counter-regulatory cortisol response. [56853] Proton pump inhibitors: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Pseudoephedrine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Pseudoephedrine; Triprolidine: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant pseudoephedrine and formoterol use. Concomitant use may potentiate sympathetic effects. [33259] Purine analogs: (Minor) Concurrent use of purine analogs with other agents which cause bone marrow or immune suppression such as other antineoplastic agents or immunosuppressives may result in additive effects. [5504] pyRIDostigmine: (Moderate) Concomitant use of anticholinesterase agents, such as pyridostigmine, and corticosteroids may produce severe weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. If possible, anticholinesterase agents should be withdrawn at least 24 hours before initiating corticosteroid therapy. [29779] [30015] [30028] [31123] [34253] [56146] [64002] [64165] Quinapril; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] RABEprazole: (Minor) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Concomitant use of budesonide oral capsules and drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] Rabies Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Racepinephrine: (Major) Racepinephrine is a sympathomimetic drug with agonist actions at both the alpha and beta receptors. Patients using prescription beta-agonists for the treatment of asthma should generally avoid the concurrent use of racepinephrine inhalation since additive cardiovascular and nervous system adverse effects are possible, some which may be undesirable. [54280] [54298] Rasagiline: (Moderate) The concomitant use of rasagiline and sympathomimetic agents was not allowed in clinical studies; therefore, caution is advised during concurrent use of rasagiline and respiratory adrenergic agents (e.g., the beta-agonists). Although sympathomimetic agents are contraindicated for use with traditional non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), hypertensive reactions generally are not expected to occur during concurrent use with rasagiline because of the selective monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibition of rasagiline at manufacturer recommended doses. However, the cardiovascular effects of beta-2 agonists may be potentiated by concomitant use of MAOIs. At least one case of hypertension occurred in a patient with previous episodes of high blood pressure who was receiving albuterol and selegiline, a selective MAOI related to rasagiline, concurrently. Close observation for such effects is prudent, particularly if beta-2 agonists are administered during or within 2 weeks of use of an MAOI. [28309] [28467] [28532] [32223] [32901] [33631] Regular Insulin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Regular Insulin; Isophane Insulin (NPH): (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and insulin use; an insulin dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Relugolix; Estradiol; Norethindrone acetate: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Repaglinide: (Moderate) Monitor patients receiving antidiabetic agents closely for worsening glycemic control when corticosteroids are instituted and for signs of hypoglycemia when corticosteroids are discontinued. Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids are known to increase blood glucose and worsen glycemic control in patients taking antidiabetic agents. The main risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids are the dose of steroid and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [62853] Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Ribociclib: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and ribociclib due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; ribociclib is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [34979] [61816] (Moderate) Due to a possible risk for QT prolongation, ribociclib and long-acting beta-agonists should be used together cautiously. Beta-agonists may be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects including QT interval prolongation, usually at higher doses, when associated with hypokalemia, or when used with other drugs known to prolong the QT interval like ribociclib. This risk may be more clinically significant with long-acting beta-agonists such as formoterol as compared to short-acting beta-agonists. [28467] [32901] [41231] [44979] [54633] [57710] [61816] Ribociclib; Letrozole: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and ribociclib due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; ribociclib is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [34979] [61816] (Moderate) Due to a possible risk for QT prolongation, ribociclib and long-acting beta-agonists should be used together cautiously. Beta-agonists may be associated with adverse cardiovascular effects including QT interval prolongation, usually at higher doses, when associated with hypokalemia, or when used with other drugs known to prolong the QT interval like ribociclib. This risk may be more clinically significant with long-acting beta-agonists such as formoterol as compared to short-acting beta-agonists. [28467] [32901] [41231] [44979] [54633] [57710] [61816] Ritlecitinib: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide with ritlecitinib due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and ritlecitinib is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [34979] [69127] Ritonavir: (Major) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and ritonavir due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; ritonavir is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28315] [31824] [34979] [47165] riTUXimab: (Moderate) Rituximab and corticosteroids are commonly used together; however, monitor the patient for immunosuppression and signs and symptoms of infection during combined chronic therapy. [30943] [49773] [56233] riTUXimab; Hyaluronidase: (Moderate) Rituximab and corticosteroids are commonly used together; however, monitor the patient for immunosuppression and signs and symptoms of infection during combined chronic therapy. [30943] [49773] [56233] Rocuronium: (Moderate) Limit the period of use of neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids and only use when the specific advantages of the drugs outweigh the risks for acute myopathy. An acute myopathy has been observed with the use of high doses of corticosteroids in patients receiving concomitant long-term therapy with neuromuscular blockers. Clinical improvement or recovery after stopping therapy may require weeks to years. [41361] [41961] [42031] [43319] [54278] [60760] [61750] [61937] Rosiglitazone: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazolidinedione use; a thiazolidinedione dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Rotavirus Vaccine: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Salicylates: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Salmeterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Salsalate: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and salicylate use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. In patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and chronic use of salicylates, withdrawal of corticosteroids may result in salicylism because corticosteroids enhance renal clearance of salicylates and their withdrawal is followed by return to normal rates of renal clearance. [24574] [28502] Saquinavir: (Major) Avoid coadministration of saquinavir and orally administered budesonide and use inhaled formulations with caution. Saquinavir may inhibit CYP3A4 metabolism of budesonide, resulting in increased plasma budesonide concentrations and reduced serum cortisol concentrations. Theoretically, inhibition of CYP3A4 may be clinically significant for inhaled forms of budesonide, including budesonide nasal spray. There have been reports of clinically significant drug interactions in patients receiving ritonavir with other corticosteroids, resulting in systemic corticosteroid effects including Cushing syndrome and adrenal suppression. Similar results are expected with saquinavir. Consider using an alternative treatment to budesonide, such as a corticosteroid not metabolized by CYP3A4 (i.e., beclomethasone or prednisolone). If corticosteroid therapy is to be discontinued, consider tapering the dose over a period of time to decrease the potential for withdrawal. [28995] [34979] [46711] Sargramostim, GM-CSF: (Major) Avoid the concomitant use of sargramostim and systemic corticosteroid agents due to the risk of additive myeloproliferative effects. If coadministration of these drugs is required, frequently monitor patients for clinical and laboratory signs of excess myeloproliferative effects (e.g., leukocytosis). Sargramostim is a recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor that works by promoting proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. [61087] SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccines: (Moderate) Patients receiving corticosteroids in greater than physiologic doses may have a diminished response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine. Counsel patients receiving corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus after receiving the vaccine. [65107] [66080] SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) Adenovirus Vector Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving corticosteroids in greater than physiologic doses may have a diminished response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine. Counsel patients receiving corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus after receiving the vaccine. [65107] [66080] SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving corticosteroids in greater than physiologic doses may have a diminished response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine. Counsel patients receiving corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus after receiving the vaccine. [65107] [66080] SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) Recombinant Spike Protein Nanoparticle Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving corticosteroids in greater than physiologic doses may have a diminished response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine. Counsel patients receiving corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus after receiving the vaccine. [65107] [66080] sAXagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Segesterone Acetate; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Moderate) Monitor for corticosteroid-related adverse events if corticosteroids are used with estrogens. Concurrent use may increase the exposure of corticosteroids. Estrogens may decrease the hepatic clearance of corticosteroids thereby increasing their effect. [29779] [54049] Semaglutide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] SGLT2 Inhibitors: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] SITagliptin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor use; a DPP-4 dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine, Live, Nonreplicating: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Smallpox and Mpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine, Live: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Sodium Benzoate; Sodium Phenylacetate: (Moderate) Corticosteroids may cause protein breakdown, which could lead to elevated blood ammonia concentrations, especially in patients with an impaired ability to form urea. Corticosteroids should be used with caution in patients receiving treatment for hyperammonemia. [8083] Sodium Bicarbonate: (Major) Enteric-coated budesonide granules dissolve at a pH > 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and antacids, milk, or other drugs that increase gastric pH levels can cause the coating of the granules to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. In general, it may be prudent to avoid drugs such as antacids in combination with enteric-coated budesonide. [52910] [6865] Sodium Phenylbutyrate: (Moderate) The concurrent use of corticosteroids with sodium phenylbutyrate may increase plasma ammonia levels (hyperammonemia) by causing the breakdown of body protein. Patients with urea cycle disorders being treated with sodium phenylbutyrate usually should not receive regular treatment with corticosteroids. [57685] Sodium Phenylbutyrate; Taurursodiol: (Moderate) The concurrent use of corticosteroids with sodium phenylbutyrate may increase plasma ammonia levels (hyperammonemia) by causing the breakdown of body protein. Patients with urea cycle disorders being treated with sodium phenylbutyrate usually should not receive regular treatment with corticosteroids. [57685] Sofosbuvir; Velpatasvir; Voxilaprevir: (Moderate) Plasma concentrations of budesonide, a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate, may be increased when administered concurrently with voxilaprevir, a P-gp inhibitor. Monitor patients for increased side effects if these drugs are administered concurrently. [34354] [62131] Somapacitan: (Moderate) Patients treated with glucocorticoid replacement for hypoadrenalism may require an increase in their maintenance or stress steroid doses following initiation of somapacitan. Monitor for signs/symptoms of reduced serum cortisol concentrations. Growth hormone (GH) inhibits 11betaHSD-1. Consequently, patients with untreated GH deficiency have relative increases in 11betaHSD-1 and serum cortisol. The initiation of somapacitan may result in inhibition of 11betaHSD-1 and reduced serum cortisol concentrations. [65878] Somatrogon: (Moderate) Monitor for a decrease in serum cortisol concentrations and corticosteroid efficacy during concurrent use of corticosteroids and somatrogon. Patients treated with glucocorticoid replacement for hypoadrenalism may require an increase in their maintenance or stress steroid doses following initiation of somatrogon. Additionally, supraphysiologic glucocorticoid treatment may attenuate the growth promoting effects of somatrogon. Carefully adjust glucocorticoid replacement dosing to avoid hypoadrenalism and an inhibitory effect on growth. [69144] Somatropin, rh-GH: (Moderate) Corticosteroids can retard bone growth and therefore, can inhibit the growth-promoting effects of somatropin. If corticosteroid therapy is required, the corticosteroid dose should be carefully adjusted. [6807] Sotagliflozin: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and SGLT2 inhibitor use; a SGLT2 inhibitor dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Spironolactone: (Minor) The manufacturer of spironolactone lists corticosteroids as a potential drug that interacts with spironolactone. Intensified electrolyte depletion, particularly hypokalemia, may occur. However, potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone do not induce hypokalemia. In fact, hypokalemia is one of the indications for potassium-sparing diuretic therapy. Therefore, drugs that induce potassium loss, such as corticosteroids, could counter the hyperkalemic effects of potassium-sparing diuretics. [26417] [29016] [30011] Spironolactone; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] (Minor) The manufacturer of spironolactone lists corticosteroids as a potential drug that interacts with spironolactone. Intensified electrolyte depletion, particularly hypokalemia, may occur. However, potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone do not induce hypokalemia. In fact, hypokalemia is one of the indications for potassium-sparing diuretic therapy. Therefore, drugs that induce potassium loss, such as corticosteroids, could counter the hyperkalemic effects of potassium-sparing diuretics. [26417] [29016] [30011] Stiripentol: (Moderate) Consider a dose adjustment of budesonide when coadministered with stiripentol. Coadministration may alter plasma concentrations of budesonide resulting in an increased risk of adverse reactions and/or decreased efficacy. Budesonide is a sensitive CYP3A4 substrate. In vitro data predicts inhibition or induction of CYP3A4 by stiripentol potentially resulting in clinically significant interactions. [34979] [63456] Succinylcholine: (Moderate) Limit the period of use of neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids and only use when the specific advantages of the drugs outweigh the risks for acute myopathy. An acute myopathy has been observed with the use of high doses of corticosteroids in patients receiving concomitant long-term therapy with neuromuscular blockers. Clinical improvement or recovery after stopping therapy may require weeks to years. [41361] [41961] [42031] [43319] [54278] [60760] [61750] [61937] Sulfonylureas: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and sulfonylurea use; a sulfonylurea dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Sulindac: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] SUMAtriptan; Naproxen: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Telmisartan; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Temsirolimus: (Moderate) Monitor for an increase in budesonide-related adverse reactions if coadministration with temsirolimus is necessary. Budesonide is a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate and temsirolimus is a P-gp inhibitor. Concomitant use is likely to lead to increased concentrations of budesonide. [34354] [50586] Testosterone: (Moderate) Monitor for fluid retention during concurrent corticosteroid and testosterone use. Concurrent use may result in increased fluid retention. [33698] Tezacaftor; Ivacaftor: (Moderate) Use caution when administering ivacaftor and budesonide concurrently. Ivacaftor is an inhibitor of CYP3A and P-glycoprotein (Pgp). Co-administration of ivacaftor with CYP3A and Pgp substrates, such as budesonide, can increase budesonide exposure leading to increased or prolonged therapeutic effects and adverse events. [34354] [34979] [48524] Theophylline, Aminophylline: (Moderate) Beta-agonists are commonly used in conjunction with aminophylline or theophylline therapy. Concomitant use can cause additive CNS stimulation; some patients may experience tremor or nervousness with combined use. More serious effects are rare, but may result in additive cardiovascular effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate. Methylxanthine derivatives, ((e.g., theophylline and aminophylline) may rarely aggravate the hypokalemic effect seen with beta-agonists. Consider checking potassium levels if clinically indicated. [28318] [32901] [44026] [44979] [50760] (Moderate) Beta-agonists are commonly used in conjunction with aminophylline or theophylline therapy. Concomitant use can cause additive CNS stimulation; some patients may experience tremor or nervousness with combined use. More serious effects are rare, but may result in additive cardiovascular effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate. Methylxanthine derivatives, (e.g., theophylline, aminophylline) may rarely aggravate the hypokalemic effect seen with beta-agonists. Consider checking potassium levels if clinically indicated. [28318] [32901] [44026] [44979] [50760] Thiazide diuretics: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Thiazolidinediones: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazolidinedione use; a thiazolidinedione dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Thioguanine, 6-TG: (Minor) Concurrent use of purine analogs with other agents which cause bone marrow or immune suppression such as other antineoplastic agents or immunosuppressives may result in additive effects. [5504] Thyroid hormones: (Moderate) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate during concomitant beta-agonist and thyroid hormone use. Concurrent use may increase the effects of sympathomimetics or thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones may increase the risk of coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents are administered to patients with coronary artery disease. [43942] [43952] Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccine: (Moderate) Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy may have a diminished response to vaccines. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 2 weeks after discontinuation. If vaccine administration is necessary, consider revaccination following restoration of immune competence. Counsel patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids about the possibility of a diminished vaccine response and to continue to follow precautions to avoid exposure after receiving the vaccine. [60092] [65107] Timolol: (Moderate) Beta-blockers will block the pulmonary effects of inhaled beta-agonists, and in some cases may exacerbate bronchospasm in patients with reactive airways. Beta-agonists can sometimes increase heart rate or have other cardiovascular effects, particularly when used in high doses or if hypokalemia is present. Use of a beta-1-selective (cardioselective) beta blocker is recommended whenever possible when this combination of drugs must be used together. Monitor the patient's lung and cardiovascular status closely. Beta-agonists and beta-blockers are pharmacologic opposites and will counteract each other to some extent when given concomitantly, especially when non-cardioselective beta blockers are used. [28618] [43675] [44979] [51834] [58220] Tiotropium; Olodaterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Tirzepatide: (Moderate) Monitor blood glucose during concomitant corticosteroid and incretin mimetic use; an incretin mimetic dose adjustment may be necessary. Corticosteroids may increase blood glucose concentrations. Risk factors for impaired glucose tolerance due to corticosteroids include the corticosteroid dose and duration of treatment. Corticosteroids stimulate hepatic glucose production and inhibit peripheral glucose uptake into muscle and fatty tissues, producing insulin resistance. Decreased insulin production may occur in the pancreas due to a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells. [28032] [30585] [51002] [51324] [62853] Tolmetin: (Moderate) Monitor for gastrointestinal toxicity during concurrent corticosteroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Concomitant use increases the risk of GI bleeding. [24574] [29611] [35893] Torsemide: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and loop diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and loop diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [28429] [29779] (Moderate) Use beta-agonists and loop diuretics with caution due to risk for ECG changes and/or hypokalemia. The ECG changes and/or hypokalemia that may result from administration of loop diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. [43675] [44979] [49951] Trandolapril; Verapamil: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with verapamil due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and verapamil is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [29702] [31824] [34695] [34979] [40025] Tranylcypromine: (Moderate) Use beta-agonists with caution in patients receiving concomitant monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or within 14 days of stopping treatment with MAOIs because the action of beta-agonists on the cardiovascular system may be potentiated. [27957] [28309] [28467] [29656] [30438] [32901] [44979] [49951] [51793] [54633] [57710] Triamterene: (Minor) The manufacturer of spironolactone lists corticosteroids as a potential drug that interacts with spironolactone. Intensified electrolyte depletion, particularly hypokalemia, may occur. However, potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone do not induce hypokalemia. In fact, hypokalemia is one of the indications for potassium-sparing diuretic therapy. Therefore, drugs that induce potassium loss, such as corticosteroids, could counter the hyperkalemic effects of potassium-sparing diuretics. [26417] [29016] [30011] Triamterene; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] (Minor) The manufacturer of spironolactone lists corticosteroids as a potential drug that interacts with spironolactone. Intensified electrolyte depletion, particularly hypokalemia, may occur. However, potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone do not induce hypokalemia. In fact, hypokalemia is one of the indications for potassium-sparing diuretic therapy. Therefore, drugs that induce potassium loss, such as corticosteroids, could counter the hyperkalemic effects of potassium-sparing diuretics. [26417] [29016] [30011] Tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative, PPD: (Moderate) Immunosuppressives may decrease the immunological response to tuberculin purified protein derivative, PPD. This suppressed reactivity can persist for up to 6 weeks after treatment discontinuation. Consider deferring the skin test until completion of the immunosuppressive therapy. [43298] [43299] Tucatinib: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and tucatinib due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; tucatinib is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [34979] [65295] Typhoid Vaccine: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Umeclidinium; Vilanterol: (Major) Formoterol should not be used in conjunction with other medications containing a long-acting beta-2 agonist for any reason, as overdose may result. Coadministration can result in overdosage. Clinically significant cardiovascular effects and fatalities have been reported in association with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Acute symptoms should be treated with inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) such as albuterol. SABAs should not be used on a regular basis (e.g., 4 times a day) while taking formoterol. Increasing SABA use is a sign of deteriorating disease for which prompt medical attention is required. Prompt re-evaluation of the patient and their COPD treatment regimen should occur if formoterol no longer controls symptoms of bronchoconstriction, the patient's SABA rescue becomes less effective, or the patient requires more SABA rescue doses than usual. Use formoterol and drugs known to prolong the QTc interval together with extreme caution; this combination may increase the risk of cardiovascular effects and ventricular arrhythmias; this includes combination with other beta-agonists. [28318] [33925] [41231] [60746] Valsartan; hydroCHLOROthiazide, HCTZ: (Moderate) Monitor potassium concentrations during concomitant corticosteroid and thiazide diuretic use due to risk for additive hypokalemia; potassium supplementation may be necessary. Both corticosteroids and thiazide diuretics cause increased renal potassium loss. [26417] [29779] (Minor) Hypokalemia associated with thiazide diuretics can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is unknown, use caution when coadministering beta-agonists with thiazide diuretics and monitor serum potassium as clinically indicated. [28532] [33925] [43675] [44979] Varicella-Zoster Virus Vaccine, Live: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Vecuronium: (Moderate) Limit the period of use of neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids and only use when the specific advantages of the drugs outweigh the risks for acute myopathy. An acute myopathy has been observed with the use of high doses of corticosteroids in patients receiving concomitant long-term therapy with neuromuscular blockers. Clinical improvement or recovery after stopping therapy may require weeks to years. [41361] [41961] [42031] [43319] [54278] [60760] [61750] [61937] Vemurafenib: (Moderate) Concomitant use of vemurafenib and budesonide may result in altered concentrations of budesonide and increased concentrations vemurafenib. Vemurafenib is a substrate/inducer of CYP3A4 and a substrate/inhibitor of P-glycoprotein (PGP). Budesonide is a substrate of CYP3A4 and a substrate/inhibitor of PGP. Use caution and monitor patients for toxicity and efficacy. [11210] [45335] [6865] Verapamil: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with verapamil due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and verapamil is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [29702] [31824] [34695] [34979] [40025] Vigabatrin: (Major) Vigabatrin should not be used with corticosteroids, which are associated with serious ophthalmic effects (e.g., retinopathy or glaucoma) unless the benefit of treatment clearly outweighs the risks. [36250] Vonoprazan: (Moderate) Monitor for altered response to budesonide in patients receiving vonoprazan with enteric-coated or extended-release formulations of oral budesonide. Enteric-coated budesonide granules (Entocort EC) dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and drugs that increase gastric pH levels, such as vonoprazan, can cause these products to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] [52910] [67585] Vonoprazan; Amoxicillin: (Moderate) Monitor for altered response to budesonide in patients receiving vonoprazan with enteric-coated or extended-release formulations of oral budesonide. Enteric-coated budesonide granules (Entocort EC) dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and drugs that increase gastric pH levels, such as vonoprazan, can cause these products to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] [52910] [67585] Vonoprazan; Amoxicillin; Clarithromycin: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of oral budesonide and clarithromycin due to the potential for increased budesonide exposure. Use caution with inhaled forms of budesonide as systemic exposure to the corticosteroid may also increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate; clarithromycin is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor. In the presence of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, the systemic exposure to oral budesonide was increased by 8-fold. [28238] [28278] [34376] [34979] (Moderate) Monitor for altered response to budesonide in patients receiving vonoprazan with enteric-coated or extended-release formulations of oral budesonide. Enteric-coated budesonide granules (Entocort EC) dissolve at a pH greater than 5.5. Likewise, the dissolution of the coating of extended-release budesonide tablets (Uceris) is pH dependent. Concomitant use of oral budesonide and drugs that increase gastric pH levels, such as vonoprazan, can cause these products to dissolve prematurely, possibly affecting release properties and absorption of the drug in the duodenum. [34979] [52910] [67585] Voriconazole: (Moderate) Monitor for potential adrenal dysfunction with concomitant use of voriconazole and budesonide. In patients taking corticosteroids, voriconazole-associated CYP3A4 inhibition of their metabolism may lead to corticosteroid excess and adrenal suppression. Corticosteroid exposure is likely to be increased. Concomitant oral administration of another strong CYP3A4 inhibitor increased oral budesonide systemic exposure by 8-fold. Voriconazole is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, and budesonide is a CYP3A4 substrate. [28158] [34447] [34979] Vorinostat: (Moderate) Use vorinostat and corticosteroids together with caution; the risk of QT prolongation and arrhythmias may be increased if electrolyte abnormalities occur. Corticosteroids may cause electrolyte imbalances; hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, or hypocalcemia and may increase the risk of QT prolongation with vorinostat. Frequently monitor serum electrolytes if concomitant use of these drugs is necessary. [26417] [32789] Voxelotor: (Moderate) Avoid coadministration of systemic budesonide with voxelotor due to increased budesonide exposure; use caution with inhaled budesonide, as systemic exposure may increase. Budesonide is a CYP3A substrate and voxelotor is a moderate CYP3A inhibitor. [34979] [64778] Warfarin: (Moderate) Monitor the INR if warfarin is administered with corticosteroids. The effect of corticosteroids on warfarin is variable. There are reports of enhanced as well as diminished effects of anticoagulants when given concurrently with corticosteroids; however, limited published data exist, and the mechanism of the interaction is not well described. High-dose corticosteroids appear to pose a greater risk for increased anticoagulant effect. In addition, corticosteroids have been associated with a risk of peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal bleeding. [28549] [29779] Yellow Fever Vaccine, Live: (Contraindicated) Avoid the administration of live virus vaccines with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and for at least 1 month following treatment. High-dose corticosteroid therapy is generally defined as a dose of at least 20 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent (or 2 mg/kg/day for patients weighing less than 10 kg) for at least 14 consecutive days. When feasible, administer indicated live virus vaccines at least 4 weeks before planned high-dose corticosteroid therapy or wait at least 1 month after discontinuation. Patients with altered immunocompetence may be at increased risk for severe adverse reactions due to uninhibited growth of the attenuated live virus. Additionally, vaccine efficacy may be diminished in patients receiving any supraphysiologic dose of corticosteroid. [60092] [65107] Zafirlukast: (Minor) Zafirlukast inhibits the CYP3A4 isoenzymes and should be used cautiously in patients stabilized on drugs metabolized by CYP3A4, such as corticosteroids. [4718] [4948] Zonisamide: (Minor) Zonisamide is a weak inhibitor of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), and budesonide is a substrate of P-gp. There is theoretical potential for zonisamide to affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs that are P-gp substrates. Use caution when starting or stopping zonisamide or changing the zonisamide dosage in patients also receiving drugs which are P-gp substrates. [28843] [34354]
      Revision Date: 03/24/2025, 12:26:54 PM


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Effects of glucocorticoids on carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetes Metab Rev 1988;4:17-30.28158 - VFEND (voriconazole) tablets, suspension, and injection package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer Inc; 2025 Mar.28225 - CredibleMeds. Drugs to avoid in congenital long QT. Available on the World Wide Web at - Biaxin (clarithromycin) package insert. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie, Inc.; 2019 Sep.28251 - Ery-tab (erythromycin delayed-release tablets) package insert. Atlanta, GA: Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2018 Oct.28267 - Acetazolamide package insert. Mahwah, NJ: Lifestar Pharma LLC; 2020 Mar.28278 - Raaska K, Niemi M, Neuvonen M, et al. Plasma concentrations of inhaled budesonide and its effects on plasma cortisol are increased by the cytochrome P4503A4 inhibitor itraconazole. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2002 Oct;72:362-9.28307 - Haldol (haloperidol) injection for immediate release package insert. 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Princeton, NJ: Sandoz, Inc.; 2024 Dec.28529 - Provigil® (modafinil) package insert. West Chester, PA: Cephalon, Inc; 2004 Feb.28532 - Proventil HFA (albuterol sulfate) Inhalational Aerosol package insert. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of MERCK & CO., INC.; 2017 Sept.28549 - Coumadin (warfarin tablets) package insert. Princeton, NJ: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; 2017 Aug.28550 - Metformin HCl tablets package insert. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands: Quallent pharmaceuticals Health LLC.; 2023 Feb.28599 - Zyvox (linezolid) package insert. New York, NY: Pharmacia and Upjohn Company; 2024 Jun.28618 - Tenormin (atenolol) package insert. Morristown, NJ: Almatica Pharma LLC.; 2023 Dec.28625 - Matulane (procarbazine) package insert. Gaithersburg, MD: sigma-tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2002 July.28674 - Diflucan oral tablet and suspension (fluconazole) package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer; 2024 Feb.28683 - Nefazodone tablet package insert. North Wales, PA: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.; 2015 Sept.28764 - Cipro (ciprofloxacin intravenous solution) package insert. Whippany, NJ: Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2022 Mar.28839 - Viracept (nelfinavir mesylate) package insert. Research Triangle Park, NC: ViiV Healthcare Company; 2021 Mar.28843 - Zonegran (zonisamide) package insert. Dublin, Ireland: Concordia Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2020 Apr.28902 - Fluvoxamine maleate package insert. Laurelton, NY: Eon Labs, Inc.; March 2005.28978 - Michalets EL, Williams CR. Drug interactions with cisapride: clinical implications. Clin Pharmacokinet 2000;39:49-75.28995 - Invirase (saquinavir) package insert. South San Francisco, CA: Genentech Inc.; 2020 Sept.29012 - Lexiva (fosamprenavir calcium) package insert. Research Triangle Park, NC: ViiV Healthcare; 2019 Mar29016 - Aldactone (spironolactone) package insert. New York, NY: G.D. Searle LLC; 2008 Jan.29611 - Mobic (meloxicam) tablets package insert. East Windsor, NJ: Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc.; 2024 Dec.29656 - Parnate (tranylcypromine) package insert. St. Michael, Barbados: Concordia Pharmaceuticals; 2018 Jan.29702 - Covera-HS (verapamil hydrochloride tablets) package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer Inc.; 2011 Oct.29779 - Deltasone tablet (prednisone) package insert. Petaluma, CA: Sonoma Pharmaceuticals , Inc.; 2017 Nov.30011 - Dexamethasone tablets USP, Dexamethasone oral solution, and Dexamethasone Intensol (oral solution concentrate) package insert. Eatontown, NJ: West-Ward Pharmaceuticals Corp; 2016 March.30015 - Medrol (methylprednisolone) tablet package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer; Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC; 2024 June30028 - Pediapred (prednisolone sodium phosphate) oral solution package insert. Manasquan, NJ: Royal Pharmaceuticals; 2024 June30438 - Marplan (isocarboxazid) package insert. Parsippany, NJ: Validus Pharmaceuticals; 2018 Nov.30470 - Tysabri (natalizumab) package insert. Cambridge, MA: Biogen Inc.; 2025 Mar.30555 - Tarceva (erlotinib) package insert. Northbrook, IL: OSI Pharmaceuticals, LLC; 2016 Sept.30585 - Pandit MK, Burke J, Gustafson AB, et al. Drug-induced disorders of glucose tolerance. Ann Intern Med 1993;118:529-39.30676 - Emend (aprepitant oral products) package insert. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck & Co.,Inc.; 2019 Nov.30738 - Ofloxacin tablets package insert. Sacramento, CA: Nivagen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2019 Feb.30943 - Schimmer B, Parker K. Adrenocorticotropic hormone; adrenocortical steroids and their synthetic analogs; inhibitors of the synthesis and actions of adrenocortical hormones. In: Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Molinoff PB, et al., eds. Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 10th edition. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001;1649-1674.31123 - Patten BM, Oliver KL, Engel WK. Adverse interaction between steroid hormones and anticholinesterase drugs. Neurology 1974;24:442-9.31468 - Actonel with Calcium (risedronate sodium with calcium carbonate) package insert. Rockaway, NJ: Warner Chilcott, LLC; 2015 Mar.31469 - Kumar R. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2001;10:585-9.31563 - Adderall (amphetamine; dextroamphetamine) package insert. Parsippany, NJ: Teva Pharmaceuticals; 2023 Oct.31764 - Vaprisol (conivaptan hydrochloride injection) package insert. Deerfield, IL: Baxter Healthcare Corporation; 2016 Oct.31807 - Exjade (deferasirox) package insert. East Hanover, NJ: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; 2020 Jul.31824 - Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide) nasal spray package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP; 2017 Jan.32073 - Lee AN, Werth VP. Activation of autoimmunity following use of immunostimulatory herbal supplements. Arch Dermatol 2004;140:723-7.32223 - Azilect (rasagiline mesylate) tablets. Kansas City, MO: Teva Neurosciences, Inc.; 2020 Jun.32308 - Lawrence KR, Adra M, Gillman PK. Serotonin toxicity associated with the use of linezolid: A review of postmarketing data. Clin Infect Dis 2006;42:1578-83.32432 - Prezista (darunavir) package insert. Horsham, PA: Janssen Products, LP; 2023 Mar.32723 - Noxafil (posaconazole) package insert. Rahway, NJ: Merck & Co. Inc.: 2024 Oct.32789 - Zolinza (vorinostat) capsules package insert. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck & Co., Inc.; 2018 Dec.32901 - Brovana (arformoterol tartrate) inhalation solution package insert. Marlborough, MA: Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc..; 2019 May.33259 - Perforomist inhalation solution (formoterol) package insert. Napa, CA: Dey; 2019 May.33486 - Pulmicort Respules (budesonide) inhalation suspension package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2018 Dec.33528 - Metopirone (metyrapone) capsule package insert. Farmingdale, NJ: Direct Success, Inc; 2023 Feb.33631 - Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Background document. Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee. NDA 21,336-708 Emsam (selegiline transdermal system) Somerset, October 26, 2005. Retrieved December 10, 2007. Available on the World Wide Web at: - Androgel 1% (testosterone gel) package insert. North Chicago, IL: Abbott Laboratories; 2019 May.33718 - Intelence (etravirine) package insert. Titusville, NJ: Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2019 July.33925 - Ventolin HFA (albuterol sulfate) Inhalation Aerosol package insert. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2008 Mar.34253 - Regonol (pyridostigmine bromide injection, USP) package insert. Princeton, NJ: Sandoz, Inc.; 2021 Apr.34354 - Dilger K, Schwab M, Fromm MF. Identification of budesonide and prednisone as substrates of the intestinal drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2004; 10: 578-83.34376 - Pulmicort Flexhaler (budesonide inhalation powder) package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca LP; 2018 Dec.34447 - Niwa T, Shiraga T, Takagi A. 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Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2011 Oct.40025 - Verelan PM (verapamil hydrochloride extended-release capsules) package insert. Gainesville GA: Recro Technology LLC;2019 Oct.40027 - Emend (fosaprepitant dimeglumine injection) package insert. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck & Co.,Inc.; 2022 May.40233 - Sporanox (itraconazole) oral solution package insert. Titusville, NJ: Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2024 Oct.40862 - Prolia (denosumab) solution for injection package insert. Thousand Oaks, CA: Amgen, Inc.; 2024 Mar.41231 - Foradil inhalation powder (formoterol fumarate) package insert. Kenilworth, NJ: Schering Corporation; 2012 Nov.41361 - Solu-Medrol (methylprednisolone sodium succinate for injection) package insert. New York, NY: Pharmacia and Upjohn Co., LLC; 2024 June41853 - Proleukin (aldesleukin) package insert. Malvern, PA: Clinigen, Inc.; 2023 Sept.41934 - Lysodren (mitotane) package insert. Sermoneta, Italy: Latin Pharma S.p.A.; 2024 Oct.41961 - Pancuronium injection package insert. Lake Forest, IL: Hospira, Inc; 2019 Jan.42031 - Rocuronium bromide package insert. Lake Zurich, IL: Fresenius Kabi; 2020 Apr.42295 - DDAVP (desmopressin acetate) injection package insert. Parsippany NJ: Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2022 Jul.43298 - Aplisol (tuberculin purified protein derivative, diluted) package insert. Chestnut Ridge, NY: Par Pharmaceuticals; 2016 Mar.43299 - Tubersol (tuberculin purified protein derivative, mantoux) package insert. Swiftwater, PA: Sanofi Pasteur, Inc.; 2020 Nov.43319 - Prednisone tablets, oral solution, and oral solution concentrate intensol package insert. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.; 2024 Feb.43463 - Pimozide tablets package insert. Chestnut Ridge, NY: Par Pharmaceuticals; 2017 March.43675 - Ipratropium bromide; Albuterol sulfate Inhalation Solution for Nebulizer package insert. Warren, NJ: Cipla USA, Inc.; 2020 Feb.43792 - Provocholine (methacholine chloride) powder and solution for inhalation package insert. Coral Springs, Florida: Methapharm Inc.; 2022 Mar.43942 - Levothroid (levothyroxine sodium tablet) package insert. Shenandoah, IA: Lloyd Pharmaceutical; 2011 June.43952 - Levothyroxine injection package insert. Chestnut Ridge, NY: PAR Pharmaceutical; 2019 April.44026 - Advair HFA (fluticasone propionate; salmeterol inhalation aerosol) package insert. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2021 Aug.44094 - Zyban (bupropion sustained release tablets) package insert. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2021 Mar.44913 - Mycamine (micafungin) for Injection package insert. Northbrook, IL: Astellas Pharma US, Inc; 2020 July.44979 - Arcapta Neohaler (indacaterol inhalation powder) package insert. East Hanover, NJ: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; 2021 July.45335 - Zelboraf (vemurafenib) tablet package insert. South San Francisco, CA: Genentech USA, Inc.; 2020 May.45339 - Flo-Pred (prednisolone acetate) package insert. Hawthorne, NY: TaroPharma; 2021 July.45458 - Xalkori (crizotinib) capsules and pellets package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer Labs; 2023 Sept.45579 - Amphotericin B injection powder package insert. Big Flats, NY: X-Gen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2009 Jan.46711 - Pulmicort Turbuhaler (budesonide) package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstraZeneca, LP; 2006 Oct.47165 - Norvir (ritonavir tablets, solution, and powder) package insert. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc; 2022 Dec.47221 - Propulsid (cisapride) package insert. Titusville, NJ; Janssen Pharmaceutica; 2006 Oct. NOTE: As of May 2000; Propulsid has only been available in the United States via an investigational limited access program to ensure proper patient screening and prescribing.48342 - ANADROL-50 (oxymetholone) package insert. Marietta, GA: Alaven Pharmaceutical; 2006 Nov.48524 - Kalydeco (ivacaftor) package insert. Boston, MA: Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated; 2023 August.48697 - Korlym (mifepristone) tablet package insert. Menlo Park, CA: Corcept Therapeutics; 2019 Nov.49489 - Cortisone acetate tablet package insert. Congers, NY: Chartwell Rx LLC; 2023 Jan.49773 - Rituxan (rituximab) injection package insert. South San Francisco, CA: Genentech, Inc.; 2018 Apr.49951 - Ventolin HFA (albuterol sulfate) Inhalation Aerosol package insert. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2021 Aug.50586 - Torisel (temsirolimus) injection package insert. Philadelphia, PA: Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2018 March.50760 - Uniphyl (theophylline, anhydrous) tablets package insert. Stamford, CT: Purdue Pharmaceutical Products LP; 2011 Oct.51002 - Chan JC, Cockram CS, Critchley JA. Drug-induced disorders of glucose metabolism. Mechanisms and management. Drug Saf 1996;15:135—57.51080 - Kaletra (lopinavir; ritonavir) capsule package insert. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc; 2020 Oct.51324 - Rayos (prednisone) delayed-release tablets package insert. Deerfield, IL: Horizon Pharma USA, Inc.; 2024 June.51664 - Stribild (elvitegravir; cobicistat; emtricitabine; tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) package insert. Foster City, CA: Gilead Sciences, Inc; 2021 Sept.51793 - Xopenex (levalbuterol) inhalation solution package insert. Lake Forest, IL: Akorn, Inc.; 2019 Jan.51834 - Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Drug development and drug interactions. Retrieved Sep 19, 2012. Available on the World Wide Web - Cometriq (Cabozantinib) capsules package insert. South San Francisco, CA:Exelixis, Inc.; 2023 Aug52910 - Uceris (budesonide) tablets package insert. San Diego, CA: Santarus Inc.; 2020 April.53022 - Ravicti (Glycerol phenylbutyrate) package insert. Lake Forest, IL: Horizon Pharma USA, Inc.; 2021 Sept.54049 - Solu-cortef (hydrocortisone sodium succinate) injection package insert. New York, NY: Pharmacia & Upjohn Co.; 2024 July.54278 - Solu-Cortef (hydrocortisone sodium succinate) injection package insert. New York, NY: Pharmacia and Upjohn Co.; 2024 July.54280 - S2 (racepinephrine) inhalation solution 2.25% package insert. Orlando, FL: Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation: 2015 Feb.54298 - Asthmanefrin (racepinephrine) inhalation solution 2.25% product label. Orlando, FL: Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation; 2014 Dec.54374 - Phenylephrine hydrochloride injection. Eatontown, NJ: West-Ward Pharmaceuticals; 12 Dec.54633 - Breo Ellipta (fluticasone; vilanterol oral inhalation powder) package insert. Durham, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2023 May.54802 - Tafinlar (dabrafenib) oral package insert. East Hanover, NJ: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; 2025 Mar.54891 - Bloxiverz (neostigmine methylsulfate injection) package insert. Lenoir, NC: Exela Pharma Sciences, LLC; 2020 Nov.55362 - Elspar (asparaginase) injection package insert. Deerfield, IL: Lundbeck; 2013 July.56076 - Edsbacker S, Andersson T. Pharmacokinetics of budesonide (Entocort EC) capsules for Crohn's disease. Clin Pharmacokinet 2004;43:803-821.56146 - Kenalog-40 (triamcinolone acetonide) injection package insert. Princeton, NJ: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; 2024 June56233 - Singh JA, Furst DE, Bharat A, et al. 2012 Update of the 2008 American College of Rheumatology Recommendations for the Use of Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs and Biologic Agents in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care & Research 2012;64(5):625-639.56575 - Adrenalin (epinephrine) 1 mg/mL injection package insert. Chestnut Ridge, NJ: Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc.; 2023 Oct.56579 - U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For Healthcare Professionals: FDA's Examples of Drugs that Interact with CYP Enzymes and Transporter Systems. Retrieved Aug 2024. Available at: - Hemangeol (propranolol hydrochloride) oral solution package insert. Parsippany, NJ: Pierre Fabre Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2021 Jun.57094 - Zykadia (ceritinib) package insert. Indianapolis, IN: Novartis; 2021 Oct.57441 - Iribarren C, Round AD, Peng JA, et al. Validation of a population-based method to assess drug-induced alterations in QT interval: a self-controlled crossover study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2013;22;1222-32.57578 - Vazculep (phenylephrine) injection package insert. Chesterfield, Mo: Avadel Legacy Pharmaceuticals, LLC; 2019 Oct.57675 - Zydelig (idelalisib) tablet package insert. Foster City, CA:Gilead Sciences, Inc.; 2022 Feb.57685 - Buphenyl (sodium phenylbutyrate) oral tablet and powder package insert. South San Francisco, CA: Hyperion Therapeutics, Inc.; 2013 Jun.57710 - Striverdi Respimat (olodaterol) package insert. Ridgefield, CT: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2024 Dec.57741 - Orbactiv (oritavancin) package insert. Lincolnshire, IL: Melinta Therapeutics, LLC; 2022 Jan.57803 - Cerdelga (eliglustat) capsules. Waterford, Ireland: Genzyme Ireland, Ltd.;2018 Sept.58000 - Tybost (cobicistat) package insert. Foster City, CA: Gilead Sciences, Inc; 2021 Sept.58167 - Harvoni (ledipasvir; sofosbuvir) tablet and oral pellets package insert. Foster City, CA: Gilead Sciences, Inc; 2024 Dec.58220 - Bachmakov I, Werner U, Endress B, et al. Characterization of beta-adrenoceptor antagonists as substrates and inhibitors of the drug transporter P-glycoprotein. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2006;20:273-82.58461 - Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) injection package insert. Cambridge, MA: Genzyme Corporation; 2024 May.58768 - Ibrance (palbociclib) capsules package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer Inc; 2025 Mar.59042 - Cresemba (isavuconazonium) package insert. Northbrook, IL: Astellas Pharma US, Inc; 2023 Dec.59438 - Trisenox (arsenic trioxide) injection package insert. Parsippany, NJ: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.; 2020 Oct.59891 - Orkambi (lumacaftor; ivacaftor) tablet package insert. Boston, MA: Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2024 Dec60092 - Rubin LG, Levin MJ, Ljungman P, et al. 2013 IDSA clinical practice guideline for vaccination of the immunocompromised host. Clin Infect Dis. 2014; 58: e44-100.60523 - Zepatier (elbasvir; grazoprevir) tablet package insert. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck, Inc; 2021 Dec.60738 - Cabometyx (Cabozantinib) tablets package insert. Alameda, CA: Exelixis, Inc.; 2023 Sept.60746 - Bevespi Aerosphere (glycopyrolate; formoterol fumarate) inhalation aerosol package insert. Wilmington, DE: AstaZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP; 2020 Nov.60760 - Dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection package insert. E. Windsor, NJ: Eugia US LLC; 2024 Feb.60852 - Netspot (gallium Ga 68 dotatate) injection package insert. Millburn, NJ: Advanced Accelerator Applications USA, Inc. 2023 Oct.60871 - Vaxchora (Cholera Vaccine, live, oral) package insert. Redwood City, CA: Emergent Travel Health Inc.; 2024 Jan.61087 - Leukine (sargramostim) injection package insert. Bridgewater, NJ: Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC; 2022 May.61310 - Oncaspar (pegaspargase) injection package insert. Boston, MA: Servier Pharmaceuticals LLC; 2022 Dec.61750 - Emflaza (deflazacort) tablets and oral suspension. Warren, NJ: PTC Therapeutics, Inc.; 2024 June.61816 - Kisqali (ribociclib) tablets package insert. East Hanover, NJ: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; 2024 Sept.61902 - Stimpel M, Proksch A, Wagner H, et al. Macrophage activation and induction of macrophage cytotoxicity by purified polysaccharide fractions from the plant Echinacea purpurea. Infect Immun 1984;46:845-961905 - Chavez ML, Jordan MA, Chavez PI. Evidence-based drug-herbal interactions. Life Sci 2006;78:2146-57.61937 - Millipred (prednisolone) oral tablet package insert. Research Triangle Park, NC: Zylera Pharmaceuticals, LLC; 2015 Nov.62028 - Baxdela (delafloxacin) package insert. Lincolnshire, IL: Melinta Therapeutics LLC; 2023 Dec.62131 - Vosevi (sofosbuvir; velpatasvir; voxilaprevir) tablet package insert. Foster City, CA: Gilead Sciences, Inc; 2019 Nov.62201 - Mavyret (glecaprevir; pibrentasvir) tablets package insert. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.; 2023 Oct.62264 - National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). Multiple Sclerosis: Management of Multiple Sclerosis in Primary and Secondary Care. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK); (NICE Clinical Guideline No 186). 2014 Oct. Accessed: August 25 2017. Available at: - Prevymis (letermovir) package insert. Rahway, NJ: Merck Sharp and Dohme, LLC.; 2025 Jan.62723 - Macrilen (macimorelin) package insert. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Aeterna Zentaris GmbH; 2018 Jan.62731 - Fibryga (fibrinogen, human) package insert. Vienna, Austria: Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H.; 2024 Jul.62824 - Lutathera (lutetium Lu 177 dotatate) injection package insert. Millburn, NJ:Advanced Accelerator Applications USA, Inc.;2024 Nov.62853 - Amin M, Suksomboon N. Pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus: an update on drug-drug interactions. Drug Saf. 2014;37:903-919.63368 - Tibsovo (ivosidenib) tablet package insert. Cambridge, MA: Agios Pharmaceuticals; 2023 Oct.63456 - Diacomit (stiripentol) package insert. Beauvais, France: Biocodex; 2022 Jul.63571 - Copiktra (duvelisib) capsules package insert. Las Vegas, NV: Secura Bio, Inc.; 2024 July.63790 - Firdapse (amifampridine) tablets package insert. Coral Gables, FL: Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2024 Jun.64002 - Pyridostigmine Bromide oral solution package insert. East Windsor, NJ: Novitium Pharma LLC; 2019 Mar.64100 - Dengvaxia (dengue tetravalent vaccine, live) package insert. Swiftwater, PA: Sanofi Pasteur Inc.; 2023 August.64165 - Dexamethasone (Hexadrol) tablets package insert. Grand Bay, Mauritus: Aspen Global Inc.; 2024 June64568 - Inrebic (fedratinib) capsules package insert. Summit, NJ: Celgene Corporation; 2024 July.64576 - Xenleta (lefamulin) package insert. Dublin, Ireland: Nabriva Therapeutics US, Inc.; 2021 Mar.64721 - Ibrance (palbociclib) tablets package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer Inc; 2025 Mar64778 - Oxbryta (voxelotor) tablets package insert. South San Francisco, CA: Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.; 2023 Aug.65107 - Kroger A, Bahta L, Hunter P. General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization. Best Practices Guidance of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Accessed April 25, 2024. Available at - Tukysa (tucatinib) tablets package insert. Bothell, WA: Seattle Genetics, Inc.; 2023 Jan65562 - Levofloxacin tablets package insert. Piscataway, NJ: Camber Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2024 July.65576 - Uplizna (inebilizumab-edon) injection package insert. Gaithersburg, MD: Viela Bio, Inc.; 2020 Jun.65783 - Coats AL, Wanger J, Cockcroft DW, et al. ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests. Eur Respir J 2017;49(5):1601526.65850 - Kesimpta (ofatumumab) injection package insert. East Hanover, NJ: Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation; 2024 Apr.65878 - Sogroya (somapacitan) package insert. Plainsboro, NJ: Novo Nordisk Inc.; 2025 January.66080 - Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine: Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to Prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for 12 years and older. Purple cap and purple border. Retrieved November 22, 2022.66129 - Zokinvy (lonafarnib) capsules package insert. Palo Alto, CA: Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2020 Nov.66159 - Orladeyo (berotralstat) package insert. Durham, NC: BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2024 Oct.66338 - Caffeine, sodium benzoate injection package insert. Shirley, NY: American Regent, Inc; 2005 Nov.66527 - Ponvory (ponesimod) tablet package insert. Titusville, NJ: Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2024 Jun.67036 - Tavneos (avacopan) capsules package insert. Thousand Oaks, CA: ChemoCentryx, Inc.; 2024 Jun.67192 - Tarpeyo (budesonide) delayed release capsules package insert. Stockholm, Sweden: Calliditas Therapeutics AB; 2024 Jun.67585 - Voquezna Triple Pak (vonoprazan, amoxicillin, clarithromycin) and Voquezna Dual Pak (vonoprazan, amoxicillin) package insert. Buffalo Grove, IL: Phathom Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2024 Jul.68325 - Krazati (adagrasib) tablets package insert. San Diego, CA: Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.; 2024 June.68383 - Sunlenca (lenacapavir) package insert. Foster City, CA: Gilead Science, Inc.; 2024 Nov.69127 - Litfulo (ritlecitinib) package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer Inc.; 2023 Jun69144 - Ngenla (somatrogon) package insert. New York, NY: Pfizer Labs; 2023 June69917 - Ogsiveo (nirogacestat) tablets package insert. Stamford, CT: SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc.; 2023 Nov.71147 - Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Nocdurna NDA 022517 Multi-Disciplinary Review and Evaluation. 2018. Available at: - Kaminetsky J, et al. Efficacy and Safety of SER120 Nasal Spray in Patients with Nocturia: Pooled Analysis of 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Phase 3 Trials. J Urol. 2018 Sep;200(3):604-611.

      Monitoring Parameters

      • blood glucose
      • growth rate
      • pulmonary function tests (PFTs)
      • serum potassium

      US Drug Names

      • Breyna
      • Symbicort
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