
    Dysrhythmia - Adult


    Dysrhythmia (Adult Inpatient)

    Clinical Description

    • Care of the hospitalized patient experiencing an abnormal cardiac rhythm which may be either sinus or ectopic in origin and either regular or irregular.

    Key Information

    • Dysrhythmia may be the result of a disturbance in impulse formation, conduction or both.
    • There is an increased risk for abnormal rhythm during the first few days following initiation of a new antidysrhythmic medication.

    Clinical Goals

    By transition of care

    A. The patient will achieve the following goals:
    • Normalized Cardiac Rhythm

    B. Patient, family or significant other will teach back or demonstrate education topics and points:
    • Education: Overview
    • Education: Self Management
    • Education: When to Seek Medical Attention

    Correlate Health Status

    • Correlate health status to:

      • history, comorbidity
      • age, developmental level
      • sex, gender identity
      • baseline assessment data
      • physiologic status
      • response to medication and interventions
      • psychosocial status, social determinants of health
      • barriers to accessing care and services
      • health literacy
      • cultural and spiritual preferences
      • safety risks
      • family interaction
      • plan for transition of care



    • activity intolerance
    • anxiety
    • chest pain
    • crackles in lungs
    • dizziness
    • dyspnea on exertion
    • fatigue
    • heart sounds abnormal
    • level of consciousness altered
    • pallor
    • palpitations
    • pulse amplitude labile
    • pulse rate irregular
    • pulse strength decreased or absent
    • restlessness
    • seizure activity
    • shortness of breath
    • skin cool
    • syncope
    • urinary output decreased
    • weakness

    Vital Signs

    • heart rate increased or decreased
    • respiratory rate increased or decreased
    • blood pressure increased or decreased
    • SpO2 (peripheral oxygen saturation) decreased

    Laboratory Values

    • PaO2 (partial pressure of arterial oxygen) decreased
    • serum calcium abnormal
    • serum drug level elevated
    • serum magnesium abnormal
    • serum potassium abnormal

    Diagnostic Results

    • ECG (electrocardiogram) abnormal
    • electrophysiology study abnormal
    • exercise stress test abnormal

    Hemodynamic Values

    • cardiac index decreased
    • cardiac output decreased
    • stroke volume decreased

    Problem Intervention

    Monitor and Manage Cardiac Rhythm Effect

    • Monitor electrocardiogram closely for rate and rhythm changes; evaluate response to treatment.
    • Recognize elevated risk for VTE (venous thromboembolism); implement prophylaxis.
    • Anticipate administration of pharmacologic therapy to prevent or manage dysrhythmia, such as an antidysrhythmic agent, electrolyte replacement or binding agent.
    • If hypotensive, lower head of bed to enhance cerebral blood flow.
    • Provide oxygen therapy judiciously to avoid hyperoxemia; adjust to achieve oxygenation goal.
    • Promote comfort to prevent dysrhythmia triggered by increased sympathetic tone; consider pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies (e.g., calm environment, rest, stress-reduction).
    • Anticipate need for additional therapy, such as cardioversion or cardiac rhythm management device, to improve perfusion and hemodynamic stability.
    • Initiate emergency protocol if life-threatening rhythm disturbance occurs.
    • Acknowledge fear and anxiety; encourage questions; provide support and information.

    Associated Documentation

    • Dysrhythmia Management
    • Stabilization Measures
    • VTE Prevention/Management


    CPG-Specific Education Topics


    • description

    • signs/symptoms

    Self Management

    • activity

    • CPR education

    • fluid/food intake

    • inform healthcare team

    • provider follow-up

    • pulse monitoring

    When to Seek Medical Attention

    • unresolved/worsening symptoms

    General Education Topics

    General Education

    • admission, transition of care

    • orientation to care setting, routine

    • advance care planning

    • diagnostic tests/procedures

    • diet modification

    • opioid medication management

    • oral health

    • medication management

    • pain assessment process

    • safe medication disposal

    • tobacco use, smoke exposure

    • treatment plan

    Safety Education

    • call light use

    • equipment/home supplies

    • fall prevention

    • harm prevention

    • infection prevention

    • MDRO (multidrug-resistant organism) care

    • personal health information

    • resources for support


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    • Additional Information: Dysrhythmia-Adult Table. PDF. Download[]
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    • Kahn, S. R.; Diendere, G.; Morrison, D. R.; et al. Effectiveness of interventions for the implementation of thromboprophylaxis in hospitalised patients at risk of venous thromboembolism: an updated abridged Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open. 2019;9 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024444 [Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
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    • Lip, G. Y.; Banerjee, A.; Boriani, G.; en Chiang, C.; Fargo, R.; Freedman, B.; Patel, S.; et al. Antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation;CHEST guideline and expert panel report. Chest. 2018;154(5), 1121-1201. doi:10.1016/j.chest2018.07.040 [Clinical Practice Guidelines]
    • Liu, J.; Li, S. N.; et al. Conventional acupuncture for cardiac arrhythmia: a systematic review of randomized control trials. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2018;24(3), 218-226. doi:10.1007/s11655-017-2753-9 [Systematic Review]
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    • Maharaj, R.; Raffaele, I.; Wendon, J. Rapid response systems:  A systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care. 2015;19(1), 43115. doi:10.1186/s13054-015-0973-y [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
    • Marzlin, K. M.; Webner, C. Chronotropic incompetence. AACN Advanced Critical Care. 2019;30(3), 2940300. doi:10.4037/aacnacc2019182 [Systematic Review]
    • McIntyre, W. F.; Cheung, C. C.; Dingwall, O.; Hiebert, B. M.; Connolly, S. J.; Seifer, C. M.; Healey, J. S. Atrial fibrillation occurring transiently with stress during medical illness: A systematic review. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2016;32(10), S211. [Metasynthesis,Meta-analysis,Systematic Review]
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    • Sandau, K. E.; Funk, M.; Auerbach, A.; Barsness, G. W.; Blum, K.; Cvach, M.; Lampert, R.; May, J. L.; McDaniel, G. M.; Perez, M. V.; Sendelbach, S. Update to practice standards for electrocardiographic monitoring in hospital settings: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017;136(19), e273-e344. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000527 [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]
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    • Webner, C.; Marzlin, K. AACN practice alert: Accurate dysrhythmia monitoring in adults. Critical Care Nurse. 2016;36(6), e26. doi:10.4037/ccn201676 [Review Articles,Expert/Committee Opinion,Core Curriculum,Position Statements,Practice Bulletins]


    Clinical Practice Guidelines represent a consistent/standardized approach to the care of patients with specific diagnoses. Care should always be individualized by adding patient specific information to the Plan of Care.

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