
    Genetic Counseling

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    Genetic Counseling: What to Know

    Genetic Counseling: What to Know

    Genetic counselors are experts in how congenital conditions run in families. A congenital condition is something a baby is born with, also called a birth condition. Genetic counseling helps you know how certain conditions may be passed from a parent to a child (inherited).

    These conditions can happen when genes or chromosomes are not normal. It's important to know about these genetic conditions and how they may affect you and your children.

    Genetic counseling can also help you know more about:
    • Your health conditions.
    • Health conditions that run in your family.
    • Health conditions that can be passed down to your children.

    Who should have genetic counseling?

    People who have children, are pregnant, or want to become pregnant

    Genetic counseling may help if:
    • You have a child with a genetic condition.
    • You've had two or more pregnancy losses or babies who died after birth.
    • You're 35 years of age or older.
    • You're at risk for having a child with a genetic condition.
    • You and your partner are first cousins or related to each other.
    • Your results on an ultrasound or prenatal test aren't normal.

    People who have genetic conditions or want to know about their risk

    Genetic counseling may help if:
    • You have a condition that's genetic or inherited.
    • You want to know more about your risk for inherited conditions. These can include:
      • Heart disease.
      • Cancer.
      • Blood problems.
      • Mental illness.
    • You want to understand the results of genetic testing.
    • You want to know if you have conditions that run in your family or ethnic group.

    What are the risks?

    Talk with your health care provider about the risks and benefits of genetic counseling. This will help you decide what's right for you and your family.

    How do I prepare for genetic counseling?

    • Find out if counseling and testing are covered by your health insurance plan.
    • Make sure that you have all recommended screenings or tests.
    • Bring your medical records.
    • Bring information about your family's medical history.
    • Write down questions that you may have.

    What happens during genetic counseling?

    A pregnant adult talking to a health care provider.

    Often, you'll see a genetic counselor before and after testing is done. A counselor will tell you how the tests are done and what the results mean.

    You may talk about:
    • Your family and personal medical history.
    • Conditions that might be inherited in your family.
    • Choices that you have for genetic testing.
    • The meaning of a test result and what the next steps are.

    Genetic counseling can help you know more about:
    • How to prevent or manage genetic conditions.
    • Your risk of getting certain conditions, like cancer.
    • The risk of your children having certain conditions.
    • Planning for your next steps. This may include seeing specialists.
    • Where to find more information, support, or care.
    • How to share the information with others in your family.

    Where to find more information

    To learn more, go to:
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at
      1. Click "Search" and type "genetic counseling."
      2. Find the link you need.
    • American Pregnancy Association at
      1. Click "Search" and type "genetic counseling."
      2. Find the link you need.
    • March of Dimes at
      1. Click "Search" and type "genetic counseling."
      2. Find the link you need.

    This information is not intended to replace advice given to you by your health care provider. Make sure you discuss any questions you have with your health care provider.

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