
    Mohs Surgery

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    Procedure to Remove Skin Cancer (Mohs Surgery): What to Expect

    Procedure to Remove Skin Cancer (Mohs Surgery): What to Expect

    Skin cancer on a person's face, with a close-up view of the cancer growing in the skin layers.

    Mohs surgery is a procedure that's done to remove skin cancer. In this procedure, skin cells with cancer are cut away layer by layer. The goal is to remove all cancer tissue while keeping as much healthy tissue as possible. Mohs surgery reduces scarring and allows for a better physical appearance.

    Mohs surgery is often done on skin cancer in the face, scalp, ears, hands, and genitals. This procedure may be done if:
    • Your skin cancer has come back after another type of treatment was done.
    • The skin cancer is likely to return.
    • Cancer is in a large area of the skin.
    • The skin cancer area has edges that are not clearly defined.
    • The skin cancer is growing fast.

    Tell a health care provider about:

    • Any allergies you have.
    • All medicines you take. These include vitamins, herbs, eye drops, and creams.
    • Any problems you or family members have had with anesthesia.
    • Any bleeding problems you have.
    • Any surgeries you've had.
    • Any medical conditions you have.
    • Whether you're pregnant or may be pregnant.

    What are the risks?

    Your health care provider will talk with you about risks. These may include:
    • Infection.
    • Bleeding.
    • Allergies to medicines.
    • Damage to nearby structures, such as the nerves.

    What happens before?


    • Ask about changing or stopping:
      • Any medicines you take.
      • Any vitamins, herbs, or supplements you take.
    • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen unless you're told to.

    Surgery safety

    For your safety, you may:
    • Need to wash your skin with a soap that kills germs.
    • Get antibiotics.
    • Have your surgery site marked.
    • Have hair removed at the surgery site.

    What happens during the Mohs procedure?

    • You'll be given a medicine to numb the area (local anesthetic).
    • The surgeon will remove a layer of cancer tissue with a surgical knife.
    • The removed layer of tissue will be checked right away under a microscope. The surgeon will note the exact location of the cancer cells.
      • If cancer cells are found, another layer of tissue will be removed. This layer will be checked in the same way.
      • Layers of cancer tissue will be removed and checked, one by one, until no signs of cancer are seen.
    • Depending on the size and location of the surgical wound, it may be closed with stitches or left open to heal on its own. In some cases, a skin flap or skin graft may be needed.
    • A bandage will be put on the area of surgery.

    These steps may vary. Ask what you can expect.

    What happens after?

    • You may need to take an antibiotic to reduce the risk of infection.
    • Follow your health care team's instructions for treating pain.

    This information is not intended to replace advice given to you by your health care provider. Make sure you discuss any questions you have with your health care provider.

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