In these tough times, Elsevier offers pool of FREE resources for educators and students to bridge the remote teaching and learning gaps tailored to your today’s need. We will continue to add supporting resources that will become the access point for all of our free valuable learning content such as curated clinical cases, COVID-19 information, masterclasses, skills videos, wellbeing tips and advice and more over the coming months.
Students can:
Know where to focus study and feel more in control of learning
Access a vast, diversely rich content library to watch, read and interact with to suit multiple modes of learning
Measure progress through self-testing and retesting to increase active recall
Build confidence with course relevant guidance and feedback
Find what they need quickly with intuitive smart platforms and content that actively helps them learn.
Guided Learning: Anatomy
Follow our guided learning path, mapped specifically to your course and brought to life in stunning 3D detail with expert guidance using Complete Anatomy. Each course topic is broken down into competency modules for you to watch and learn from and linked to further reference content on ClinicalKey Student for deeper understanding.
Start learning now1/5
Student on a GP Placement, Mrs Davis arrives
In less than 20 minutes, you can complete a guided meditation to help you release stress by focusing on the present moment. Led by Elsevier’s Claudio Colaiacomo, who holds a Masters in Contemplative Neuroscience and is a certified mindfulness trainer, this video series can be accessed whenever and wherever convenient.
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